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Do you agree with Christopher Judge about new COD campaign being too short?

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The voice actor for Kratos, Christopher Judge made a joke that some people didn't find too funny, that joke was making fun of the recent call of duty campaign being too short. Judges joke was simply, "My speech was actually longer." 

The dev team behind Modern Warfare 3 weren't too pleased about what he said, and when I watched the game awards, I noticed the camera zoomed in on someone from the team not looking too happy about it. They did complain after the fact on twitter, but later deleted the tweet. 

I haven't played the recent COD, but I am aware fans weren't happy with the short and kinda mundane campaign. Now, I know the campaign is usually an afterthought when it comes to the COD multiplayer, as most people go for that. But there are COD fans who are devoted to the campaign side and hate when a campaign doesn't live up to much. But they have made really good campaigns in the past. 

Back to what Judge said, do you think he was right in saying what he said? Should he have not said it at all? Or are people blowing it way out of proportion?


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It's difficult to say whether Christopher Judge was right or wrong in making that joke. Ultimately, it's a matter of personal opinion. However, it's understandable that the Modern Warfare 3 team may not have appreciated the comment, especially if they put a lot of effort into the campaign. Whether or not people are blowing it out of proportion depends on individual perspectives.

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A lot of things was wrong with the new COD Modern Warfare 3 and not just the duration of the campaign. The developers were definitely going to nag about what Christopher Judge said because he gave a voice to what so many were finding hard to express themselves. 

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Honestly, this is the first COD that I've not had any interest in checking out at all and I was right not to pay it any mind. All I've been hearing from COD fans is how terrible this game is - even some of their fanboys have had enough.

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2 hours ago, killamch89 said:

Honestly, this is the first COD that I've not had any interest in checking out at all and I was right not to pay it any mind. All I've been hearing from COD fans is how terrible this game is - even some of their fanboys have had enough.

Microsoft really need to do something drastic with the next game they are going to produce on the COD franchise. They need to rip apart the production team and have most of them replaced with those who know what to do, otherwise the COD franchise will be killed off sooner than we know it. 

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On 2/15/2024 at 5:12 PM, Heatman said:

Microsoft really need to do something drastic with the next game they are going to produce on the COD franchise. They need to rip apart the production team and have most of them replaced with those who know what to do, otherwise the COD franchise will be killed off sooner than we know it. 

I do agree that changes need to be made behind the scenes because releasing the same generic crap every year isn't doing the series any favors. Even their most loyal fanboys are starting to despise COD.

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15 hours ago, killamch89 said:

I do agree that changes need to be made behind the scenes because releasing the same generic crap every year isn't doing the series any favors. Even their most loyal fanboys are starting to despise COD.

Exactly! It was the same thing which had happened to EA with the trash they were dumping on FIFA players. I know so many people who stopped playing FIFA as a result of this. The same thing it most likely going to happen to COD if care isn't taken. 

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On 2/20/2024 at 5:14 AM, Heatman said:

Exactly! It was the same thing which had happened to EA with the trash they were dumping on FIFA players. I know so many people who stopped playing FIFA as a result of this. The same thing it most likely going to happen to COD if care isn't taken. 

To be fair, I'm one of those people who've stopped playing Fifa years ago because it's more or less the same game from 2016 but refined a bit every year. The worst part is when they try to reintroduce features from previous games as "revolutionary".

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2 hours ago, killamch89 said:

To be fair, I'm one of those people who've stopped playing Fifa years ago because it's more or less the same game from 2016 but refined a bit every year. The worst part is when they try to reintroduce features from previous games as "revolutionary".

It's the same copy of old game in a refined manner but with the same old bugs and even new one's as well. EA really did their FIFA games dirty. The same thing have been going on with COD for a while now. 

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