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The Retro Station from Capcom announced

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This is some interesting news. Capcom has revealed a new retro style console called "The Retro Station", the console will have 10 games in total. 

From the CogConnected article: You can also read it all here - Cog Connected



The console will feature 10 games from the Mega Man and Street Fighter franchises. Mega Man fans can look forward to Mega Man: The Power Battle, Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, Mega Man X, Mega Man Soccer and Rockman & Forte. All of which will be available in English, with the exception of Rockman & Forte which will be the original, untranslated Super Famicom version.

Street Fighter fans can look forward to Street Fighter II, Street Fighter II’: Champion Edition, Super Street Fighter II, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, and Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo. 


It's currently expected to release first in Japan for ¥21,780 which is about $210 USD or $270 CAD. I can't see it costing that much here in the states, maybe $100 or so, but I could be wrong. What do you guys think? Is this something you'd be down to buying? If you live in Japan, I think you can buy it from here - http://www.retrostationarcade.com/en/buy.html

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I'm not overly familiar with Capcom and their arcade sticks, so perhaps someone here could tell me if Mega-Man would work well with one? And would it work well enough to justify spending $270? I personally can't see it myself, especially when the stick is attached to that dinky TV. It looks so uncomfortable to have on one's lap or on a desk, but perhaps my inexperience with such things is what makes me so indifferent or against it.

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