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Do kids tend to play terrible video games?

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Do kids tend to play terrible video games? I saw an article from Cnet here written by a father who's son wanted terrible games for Christmas. On the list was, Among Us (not too bad, as he even states that) and the rest were Roblox (lol) and some mobile game called Zooba. He then goes on to mention Goat Simulator, which I'm all too familiar with. In fact, my nephew was addicted to it for the longest time lol. He was also into Roblox and Among us. But, he's gradually getting into better games these days. 😄

I agree with him this writer though. Kids these days have really bad taste in video games, and like he said in the article, it could be because of popular kids youtubers who showcase these types of games. Hell, it's probably why the majority of these games are selling to this day. If no one was doing videos on Roblox, I bet no one would really be playing it. Or it wouldn't be at the level it currently is. 

As a kid, I played what I had, which was the good stuff. But kids these days, are more interested in flashy nonsense. 


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I suppose it depends on the child. I had crap taste but being an only child was spoilt so my lack of enjoyment with some games was mitigated by the amount I could play, whereas a mate of mine had really good taste and thoroughly researched games (ironically out of the two of us, I became a games reviewer) before purchase.

I hate to do a Reddit but tAsTe Is SuBjEcTiVe, and everyone has their own wants. There's absolutely nothing wrong with someone wanting to play Roblox, Zooba or Goat Simulator, especially when those games are either free or as cheap as chips. I'm highly geared toward 'Eurojank' which many would attribute to me having poor taste, whereas I attribute poor taste to, say, so-called AAA titles.

If one wants to discuss and argue the influence streamers and YouTubers have on no small amount of young viewers and their purchasing habits, that's one thing, but that journalist being snotty about their child's tastes and snobbery about the good old days isn't going to bear fruitful discussion. I'd take Zooba over Hugo any day of the week.

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I think one of the reasons that kids these days have terrible taste in games is the lack of options. Everything is a damn simulator. You name it, there's almost a 100% guarantee that it has a simulator game. I saw House Cleaning Simulator for fucks sake! Who the hell is actually going to want to play that???

Sure there are good games and bad ones, as per our discussions here. But the bullshit that is all over the shelves is enough to make someone sick. A lot of parents won't get their kids the games we play because they'll see that little T or M in the corner. So that narrows down the choices significantly.

If your choices are only simulators then you might as well sell the platform and go back to tiddlywinks.

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