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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2019 in Posts

  1. I played it at a friend's house a couple of months back and I've been too scared to try it again lol.
    2 points
  2. As gamers, we have a whole year ahead of use for video gaming with lots of new releases awaiting us. At nearly 2 months in to the new year, what are some of your favourites so far and which computer game are you most looking forward too? Resident Evil 2 for me. One of the most realistic survival horror video games I've ever player along with the sudden jump scares, I can't fault this game. Awaiting for the next version to be released in the upcoming years.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Yep, it’s pretty damn scary - particularly in VR. I enjoyed it a lot, though. Very well made and memorable.
    1 point
  5. SpaceExplorer

    Indie titles

    I love indie games. They can be really good, almost AAA quality good!
    1 point
  6. iddy1994

    Indie titles

    I understand what you mean. Some of the titles I've seen have been so weird but so fun
    1 point
  7. killamch89

    Community Chat #1

    I have been dealing with my apartment being flooded after some heavy rains. After shoving my gaming laptop in some rice for almost 3 days, it is working again. There doesn't seem to be any long term damage to most of my stuff so I am grateful.
    1 point
  8. Just finished Resident Evil 7 last night, Damn that was the most scariest game I've ever played. (I dont play horror games that much)
    1 point
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