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Family sedan

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Everything posted by Family sedan

  1. Well i mean in terms of jobs that didn't go as planned.
  2. No, I have it, I really ought to try it.
  3. My mom was nothing like that. I remember she wouldn't let me get the first Boston album because she thought the guitar spaceship on the cover was weird. I guess she just didn't get the science genius of Tom Sholz.
  4. I have a Need For Speed that I never play, I forget which one and it was my brother's before he moved to a different part of Virginia.
  5. Oh, I'm not sick right now, I was talking about three weeks ago.
  6. I know, I thought shelf stocking jobs would be easy, well they're not.
  7. Parents could probably do more, but here in the U.S. parents are pretty overworked.
  8. I wish I could make a career out of playing Gran Turismo.
  9. If a bad game had ten metal songs on it I might play it.
  10. I'll play GT6 or NBA Live '03 when sick. I consider them to be my comfort food games.
  11. And I like the point about why make it stricter if some parents will ignore the rating system anyway?
  12. The world has already lost enough freedom, why do we need to make anything stricter?
  13. My gaming year has been made up of PlayStation Monopoly, NBA Live '03 and '98, old Gran Turismo games and Twisted Metal 2 off the top of my head. I tried playing Andretti Racing, but it was too cartoonish compared to GT games.
  14. My friends don't live nearby, so a game has to have a single player feature, or I won't buy it.
  15. I think Gran Turismo 3 hasn't aged that badly, considering it came out 20 years ago. I think the graphics have for the most part held up.
  16. There definitely will be early adopters, I'm usually not one of them though.
  17. Or, maybe there are some bad games that are good in small doses.
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