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Reality vs Adventure

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Posts posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. I play at least one Assassin's Creed game everyday. I can't say the same for other titles in Ubisoft, but I haven't had any problems with them. They have gear for sale that is outrageous in price. But that same gear, at least one piece is available for free each week by completing quests. AC Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla have that. Ubisoft has skimpered a bit in Valhalla because you have to do even more quests to earn any free gear each week, and usually over a couple week period you will earn enough to get one piece of gear. I don't see other games offering free gear to earn while playing. Valhalla does take more time to earn that gear which for me takes away from immersion because I have to keep stopping and rush to do a quest in another part of the map I haven't even explored yet. It is optional though. So I say, thank you for offering stuff Ubisoft, and you have some cool stuff, but please make it more available to us so we can focus more on the awesome game. 

  2. Facebook has a chance to change their guidelines to make it a direct violation for inciting violence and starting harmful conspiracies. Facebook has failed to make those changes for whatever reason. That's what the debate was about in the 'Facebook court' whether a permanent ban was legit. Forget about the bigot. Worry about Facebook cowardice. There is a hell of a lot of cowardice going around. How do their hearts even pump blood when it's too afraid to beat? That must feel really shameful to have the cowardice hormone flowing through their veins. Every thought, every movement, every beat, every breath, the cowardice flows through them. They live with their shame every second. Beat, beat, beat. More cowardice flows through them. Another thought of shame, beat, pump, shame, cowardice, beat, pump, shame, cowardice. They look at themselves in the mirror and see skin covering a live system of cowardice. They know it too. They know they are shameful. Now they have to face their kids and lie to them to cover their shame and cowardice. And so they teach it to them. And the cycle of cowardice and a lifetime of shame continues. They think it makes it ok if more people live in shame like them. They think it helps them hide. But every thought, every second, the heart beats cowardice through them and they feel it. They know it. They hide it. Cowardice-that is a diseased state. They let it take over them. To make themselves feel better, they spread it like the plague. The Cowardice Virus. If you suffer symptoms, please seek medical advice. It could be life threatening. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

    I would laugh at them and let them die in whatever was happening while I was safe in my bunker. Hopefully though I would have an apocalypse-proof security camera so I could watch them and their children melt from the radiation or whatever else was happening. That would be funny as hell to watch.

    Damn! you would need a big screen for that. 😂

  4. I think subconsciously many of us actually do play games as some form of coping mechanism. It could get you away from your spouse, parents; aid in boredom, loneliness; and there is a broad spectrum of emotions we go through on a daily basis where who knows what nerve makes us want to sit down and play whichever game we decide to play. But it wouldn't be a healthy coping mechanism to play games every time your spouse wants you to do the dishes. lol. For me, it definitely fills a void that has been deprived of me such as venturing into cities and villages in beautiful open worlds and immerse in culture and exploration. Maybe I desire to live in another age in another culture. Actually, I do desire that. Well shit...

  5. He's pretty good. Some adults out there really do need songs and children stories, campfire scares, etc. to get the point across that pandemics are bad. But they do know that already right? wink wink. The deniers just want major cities to take its toll hoping that would lower liberal votes. That's all the crazies care about. That's the real hidden message of denying the virus. Stats show blacks and Hispanics have taken the brunt. So the deniers want more of that. They even protest people's rights to get vaccinated and even shut down a vaccination site. All the while they cry "you can't force me to wear a mask." But they try to force others to take off their masks and not get vaccination. And I mean by force where they literally beat and kill people for wearing masks. The devil has a boner. 

  6. It would be really expensive because I would only contract out of town workers to build it because there is no point having someone local know about it if a disaster happens. They would get their families and friends and pound on my door. "I know you gotta bunker mutha fucka, open up!!! Your wife stays, you leave." 

    bang bang

  7. I know there is a whole sleuth of games out there where you have your own personal vehicle. I want talk about some of your favorites. I bring this up because I have a big ass smile on my face playing Mad Max. Sometimes a vehicle can become an extended part of you. Maybe your personality, expression, taste, or even...companion? I am really enjoying the use of the vehicle in Mad Max and the fact that you can collect all kinds of other vehicles to use to drive whenever you want is awesome and I'm pleasantly surprised. In a way I am reminded of Days Gone as he rides a motorcycle in a post apocalyptic world. I think where Days Gone lacked was that you really can't ride around as much without needing more gas. Cool customizations for the bike and all, but the variations in bike style wasn't as broad. If I were to drive my bike around and tear things up as much as Mad Max, that would be pretty great. 

    Another game I recently got is the latest Batman Arkham Knight. I'm not really a fan, but I wanted to try the game since it has really good reviews. I just started and I think driving the Batmobile is fun and there is lots of cool action. The controls are a bit weird to me. 

    What other games do you know that you drive your personal vehicle and is always available, not just on a mission. Any things you like or dislike? Which vehicles will be a good match in a dual? Which ones look the coolest? Which ones would you make your extended self? For me, so far I have to say I'm sure I'll find it in Mad Max. If you haven't played it, it is highly recommended. 

  8. I believe that Palenstine should be it’s own country. I read up on a little of the history of the bad blood between the two, and each side has their own right to hate the other. But because Israel has its own country and standing military, and has inflicted the most civilian casualties against the Palestinians over the years, then that makes Israel the aggressor.

    That is America’s greatest ally in the Middle East, and it is part of our democratic responsibility to try and make agreements between Israel and Palestine. We can’t cower and fear political fallout for calling out the humanitarian crisis. From what I have seen over the years as an American ally, Israel is taking advantage of our politics to embolden their cause. They are swinging their little dicks because they know we will back them. But I as an American don’t back what they are doing to Palestine and stirring Iran’s hornets nest. As the stronger, it is our responsibility to put them in check. If Israel wants to go against their strongest ally and turn rogue then that is on them. Let the political plate tectonics shift around the world. Let us allies form strong bonds and uphold democratic ideologies. Let the rogue drift together and form the axis. Then we fight the inevitable ww3. 

    As far as IGN, I don’t know how much they are worth, but being afraid of boycotts or something by deleting their post on helping Palestinian civilians doesn’t seem justifiable. So that means that someone higher up the chain probably supports Israeli behavior at IGN. I am a little divided there though, because although IGN took a direct stance at first to help Palestinian civilians and later changed to include both Palestinian and Israeli civilians, I think they should have taken an equal stance in the first place. BUT… I’m divided on that because the bigger issue should be focused on the Palestinians since they are the ones in need of the most aid. And I should say congrats for IGN getting involved to help. But how are they going to help both sides now? Are they gonna have separate funds for each side? Is it gonna be a competition now to see which side Americans care more about by how much donations each side gets? This is fucked up. Israel is a whiny little bitch that likes to start fights knowing their boyfriend will kick ass.  

  9. Since playing AC Valhalla where you are a viking exploring new land to conquer, It really is an interesting feeling looking at the environment and thinking it will all be mine. I usually don't think that way and am not wired that way, but in this case it is intriguing playing a wild and free character set on claiming it all. And there aren't any consequences like there are in other games where you can get a little feral sometimes. So it is an interesting balancing act to claim it all and then come across a vulnerable village where I mean no harm.

    But to break away from my own norm the way I'm wired and allow myself to fall into the viking role has been really immersive. And there are these river raids in the game where the whole point is to kill and loot. To be that character, to relive a past sort of way in a kind of historical sense is actually fun. Interestingly, the plot of the game itself is reliving the memory of a person in that time period. 


  10. If you know how to draw there is a tattoo contest for AC Valhalla. From now till June 7 you can have your work for all to see in a game! #ACTattooContest. There is a new Modern Day gear pack too. It comes with a bayonet. I think that would throw off the whole setting. But this is Assassin's Creed where the protagonist is actually a sort of genetic memory. There are cool glitches throughout the game to emphasize or remind what the whole series is about, living the life of an ancient assassin to find clues to stop the past and present day templars who are evil. I'm really liking all these cool additions to the game that you find as you explore.  

    Assassin's Creed® Valhalla_20210403220031.jpg

  11. New games should be available across every system. I know they are publishers and all, but let us play it on any machine we want. There should be some kind of agreement where they own rights and get a percent of the pay to play it on another system. Because there are a lot of computer games not available for console and some games I want to play on Nintendo Switch. And other consoles should make available to play on PC and Switch. I think that would actually increase the competition of the console and PC and motivate them to focus on their consoles to have the best graphics, memory, functions, etc; PC probably leads in those areas. And being able to MOD games like PC would be pretty cool. All games should have a VR mode so that it could boost the VR market which is greatly lacking and the said suggestions would break up Oculus/Facebook crapola and would actually prevent the drifting of gaming towards subscription. 

  12. What next, Amazon buys off Monsanto and controls all the seeds? From grocery to games; bigger isn't better, only more dangerous. There are laws against monopolies. Amazon will eventually breach it. They would if they could buy off all competitors. Own all games; own all services in entertainment; let's provide electricity too. Need water? We run the pipes now. What taxes? We are the government now. You play what we make now, government approved. Breathe...

    OK OK, maybe it's not that bad. I just have something against a corporation that subtly threatens employees' votes on whether or not to join a labor union, with a bias not to. And the threat of layoffs lingering in the air while you vote, then a bribe to increase pay. And I just read that Amazon hires some people just so they can fire them. 'Hire to fire'; The reasons aren't clear to me, but they do it to meet a turnover quota. And don't get me started why Amazon doesn't pay taxes. So as a consumer, it is a responsibility and a good practice to not support company behavior that does those things. In the gaming world, they aren’t here for fair play. They move to control it all through subscription.

  13. The remaster looks to be available July 16 2021. I can't wait! I've been wanting to get it, and glad I didn't because I had no idea there was a remaster in the works. There is some added stuff too. Bloober Team also made Layers of Fear. This is a must have for me. I just stumbled across it.  

  14. 1 hour ago, killamch89 said:

    To be fair, alcohol is never promoted as bad by the media - it always tends to be swept under the rug. Anytime someone brings it up, they're quickly shot down and in my experience, I'd argue that alcohol is even more dangerous that drugs like Marijuana yet no one ever says anything. Marijuana will make you think on a higher level, alcohol dulls your thinking and reasoning yet one the more destructive one is always promoted.

    I agree. Homer even has drinking buddies and they have a lot of bar scenes. That is one of the reasons why Simpson's is successful, because not only did it capture the young audience, but also entertained the adults. And for adults to watch a cartoon, you need adult things. To think outside the box for a little: imagine The Simpsons with a weed growing plant while Homer and his buddies toked up. Would it still have the appeal that is funny to adults and children alike? Do they think children will be influenced to smoke, but never in a million years be tempted to drink alcohol? I'm lost on the irony. 

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