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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. There are 2 main games to play which are 8 ball and 9 ball. The 8 ball game one player has to knock in all solid color balls in the pocket and the other player has to knock in all striped balls in the pocket and then knock in the 8 ball very last to win. In 9 ball you have to shoot the balls in order from 1-ball to 9-ball and you win once you pocket the 9 ball. This video shows some good shots, but notice sometimes the shot is a safety shot, where they try not to leave the other player with a clear shot on their turn. That's why the crowd cheers when they shoot the ball, but doesn't fall into a pocket.
  2. Anyone a fan of shooting pool? Ever watch tournaments? Once I turned 18 I spent a lot of time in the pool halls. I love the game and used to have a Mali cue stick. My preferred tables were always the bigger ones in billiards over the smaller bar sized that usually uses quarters. And my preferred game was good ol fashioned 8 ball. I miss it. Anyone else like to shoot pool? What is your preferred game and table size? Thinking back on those days, how I miss it.
  3. Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido has a remarkable history. I'll have to post more info later about him. But we all know of Bruce Lee. So, the match up??? VS
  4. I remember years ago I used to play Age of Empires a lot. I loved the battle simulation. What are some of your favorite military sims? Ace Combat I thought was fun. Are there any good naval sims? I would love to have a sea battle with battleships and aircraft carriers. Would be fun to actually nuke some cities. Are games that real yet? 🤗
  5. Aikido is the martial art of using one's own force against them, while other martial arts actually fight with force. In Aikido, they don't punch or kick but instead use the person's momentum to throw them, pin them, or break their arm/wrist when they swing. Which art would you prefer fighting with? Is force more effective than defense? Back in the day I practiced Aikido for a short period and I highly respect the martial art. There are two completely different mind sets when fighting if you are in Aikido vs any other martial art. Defense vs offense.
  6. Central bankers are careless when it comes to printing money compared to the actual amount of gold in banks. If everyone cashed out their dollars at the same time, there would not be enough gold to claim. So the value of paper currency is almost nothing, and they keep printing it and printing it. The value of paper currency would be a lot stronger if every dollar had gold to match it. But what would be some problems with the gold standard? And which is worse, not having enough gold to back the paper currency or decreasing the print to match the gold?
  7. The infrastructure bill that just passed includes this monitoring system in new cars! But still, how many people are buying new cars? So this won't have much of affect anytime soon as most people are driving used vehicles. But at least something was done. Not sure how it's gonna work yet. But even if they wear masks, there is also technology to detect the blood alcohol through skin in the ignition starter. But then again, gloves can prevent that. So unless a probe is jammed up their asses, people will probably still get away with drunk driving. But at least one thing may have a fail safe, which is the vehicle being able to detect abnormal driving behavior compared to the usual driving behavior stored in the car's artificial intelligence. But I still see there being issues if maybe you are tired while driving, will the vehicle contact police? So maybe this is all gonna be an annoyance. What I would do is have your driver's license barcoded and scanned as you purchase the alcohol, then scan it every time you start up the vehicle. If you've bought more than a set limit, then you can't drive for 24 hours. I don't give a damn about the crying snowflakes. Stay the hell off the road if you bought a bunch of alcohol. Simple as that.
  8. I love the horrific takes on fairy tales that we all hold so dearly. All those happy endings...full of blood!!! Did you know that fairy tales are all based on real life horror? NOT! Or, maybe so...I love how those cherished tales are told in a dark, sinister way. What are some games that you know of which has the scary take on classic fairy tales? Alice: Madness Returns and The Wolf Among Us are a couple I can think of. Some really good comics are the Grimm Fairy Tales by Zenescope. There are literally hundreds of comics that span it all, and told in a horrifying way. Here is a free look at the Three Little Pigs by Zenescope. https://comiconlinefree.net/grimm-fairy-tales/issue-15/full
  9. Exactly, that HD remaster is the best they can actually do to the series and it actually decreased the graphic quality due to the parameters of the original game. There is no possible way to enhance the original games. It's broken, so to speak.
  10. I think the most appropriate wording to use is 'lore.' Because lore doesn't mean something is real or not. The lore itself is what I'm interested in and that's why I posted this because I want to learn more about it and see if there is a relation between the Greeks and Norse.
  11. In the U.S. vaccines have been mandatory for every kid in school. And most babies get vaccinated. I mean, there are more than a handful of different vaccinations that are mandatory and have been for several decades, which almost everybody has gotten. Most of them are combined in one shot, which they have to receive twice. Or else you won't be able to go to school. So 'pure blood' is redundant. And being against a vaccine mandate makes you a complete hypocrite if you give your children the other required vaccines such as the MMR and tetanus and whatever else. So just laugh at the idiocy. Cause they really are idiots. And the way I see it, if states pass laws to not require vaccinations in a pandemic, then the courts also have to get rid of ALL vaccine mandates. And if they do that, then kids in schools will have outbreaks of measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, polio, etc.
  12. I wish I can change the title then and say religion, but I don't think I can. Out of respect what you believe I won't call it myth. Although I see a point that people shouldn't call an ancient religion myth and not christianity myth which is also ancient-2000 years old. So a fair point.
  13. What are some similarities/differences that you know of between these two mythologies. I think they may have more in common than we are aware. I don't know much about the two, but is interesting to me and would like to learn more. Are the Greeks and Norse related genetically? I mean, we all share some of the same DNA in origin, but are they closely related? And in that sense developed similar mythologies?
  14. From games to fairy tales to the Forgotten Realms to comics to cartoons-what is the rarest species you can think of? I would have to say it's between a unicorn, dragon, or leprechaun. I'm going for unicorn.
  15. Where do they come from? Do they reproduce? Are they created by magic? What's with hoarding treasures? What are the types you know of? Are they demonized, or are they just peaceful entities that love to sleep on gems. Do they really transform into different beings? What do you like/dislike about dragons? Would you want to try and slay one or ride one?
  16. Let's say a portal opened and magic came to life in this world. You could go to school to learn the art or try to learn by yourself through books and internet. What affect would that have on this world? Would anything change at all? Cause a lot of the technology we have today would be considered magic in the past. So is magic just a futuristic discovery yet to be found by today's standards? Is it any worse than nukes? Would society get even more fat and lazy if they can conjure what they want without moving? Would it put businesses out of work? Would humanity become even more sinister? Would governments try to control it?
  17. Excellent reply! But then again humanity is marred with free will and all its flaws, yet still pray to the creator.
  18. Holy smokes! Another major update for Valhalla. The game is at 125gb and another 20gb update 5.0? Let's get to 200gb then, shall we?
  19. I also don't like country music. Something about most of the songs is flat boring and has no originality or even any creativity to the lyrics. They say the same damn thing over and over in most songs. Garth Brooks was the only country singer I thought had a couple good hits. Most R&B makes me want to puke. But I have heard a few really good songs. Church choir is another barf bag.
  20. Nothing like beautiful cities, with all of man's hard work and civilization, to be demolished!!! All of life's confinements; routines; sick twisted convergence of humans, making paper money, laboring serpents to greed and fake green paper; I want to see it all crushed. Demolished. What are some games where you can destroy things??? Mercenaries and Rampage on ps2 are some examples. Any modern games like that?
  21. Prisons always make for an interesting setting in entertainment because it has a lot of fear factor and a struggle to break out or reclaim innocence. The Suffering was a great horror game that takes place in prison. I haven't played Saints Row, but it's got some prison missions. Dying Light has a really good prison mission, the Harran Prison, which is very difficult to get through. Load up on ammo!!! What are some others?
  22. What games do you know of that have dinosaurs in them? The only one I know of is Jurassic Park. I remember playing it on the Sega and I also played the Jurassic World roller coaster in Oculus, which is fun as hell. What are some others? I think it may be time to have a game for the more modern systems.
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