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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. I'm trying to imagine what they believe, and it just seems pretty scary to me to think like that. But this is what happens when people deny science. This is how religions are born. Next they will pray to the ice goddess to allow their carrots to grow. They will make an altar with buckets of ice and goat blood so that the ice wall can take their spirits.
  2. Republicans should call on their own red states to secede because that would be considered treason. Texas has already talked about seceding on multiple occasions. Don't fall for republican b.s. because they are actually the ones who should secede since they are no longer supportive of democracy and the values of this country and constitution. And if the government won't allow them to secede and they revolt, then that is a civil war declared by the republicans. If that is what republicans want, they should try and come to a compromise with democrats and make it work out. If that is impossible, then they have to declare war. So don't fall for their reverse psychology shit. If democrats secede, republicans will have the right to use the military. If republicans secede, democrats will have the right to use the military. But if both sides agree, then let the republicans form their own country without government resources. I actually do agree we should come to an agreement and form two countries, but it's the republicans who will be called something else like C.S.A. or the Confederate States of America while true Americans retain U.S.A. Confederates already have their own flag so they are already one step out the door. I just don't know how to divide the territories since blue states are all around the border areas and red states are more of in the middle region.
  3. In Evil Within 2, I play first person indoors and 3rd person outside and that is perfect for me. All games should utilize being able to switch between the two. 1st person indoors helps focus on immediacy; 3rd person outdoors helps view the surroundings. So for me immersion indoors is up close and personal and immersion outdoors is being able to see more of the surroundings.
  4. It's only done when you don't want to play it anymore. You could finish all side quests, areas of the map, DLC, community challenges, extras content and challenges, play a bit on hardest difficulty, get all weapons and gear; when you have complete satisfaction.
  5. He hit it out of the ball park with that! Funny video!
  6. I start hitting the dodge button, or block, or just pause it or put in photo mode till my neurons reconnect.
  7. He even climbed into the box like in MGS. 😆
  8. Now that Manchin has proven himself as anti-democratic agendas by blocking everything democrats propose, things are coming to light. Joe Manchin even has said, "never been a liberal in any way shape or form." Manchin has blocked the voting rights bill. He has blocked the infrastructure bill. And he is blocking climate change. It turns out he is banking $500,000 a year from his son's energy firm. He's on the chair that regulates energy and natural resources. He is lobbied by Exxon and other oil and gas corporations. He has stake in the coal industry. This guy is a republican running on a democratic ballot and I don't doubt republicans voted for him on the democratic ballot. So there you have it. The republican ACE that will block democrats in the 50/50 senate. This guy simply does not care. What a shame for democracy like all the others driving it to the ground. It's amazing how we keep seeing the brink of democracy being kept at one man's whim.
  9. No story? Fall back on environment and gameplay and characters. No characters? Fall back on environment and gameplay. No environment? Screw gameplay. You might as well have an all white background and have enemies jump out at you as the only purpose of the game.
  10. Honestly, I don't think anyone will be at my funeral because I'm the last of the Mohicans!
  11. Immersive sim is actually putting yourself there. Some sims can't be immersive like Plague Inc where you don't even have characters, just a map and data you can manipulate. But if you took Plague Inc and you actually physically see the disease kill people or watch the cycle of an animal infecting a human and watch how the human comes into contact with others and see them from infection to death; that would have immersion. Or maybe even have the virus as the protagonist where you see the progression of the disease and infect others as if you were a camera attached to the virus and you can fly up someone's nose and start destroying their bronchioles.
  12. I wouldn't want them taking all the fun in the action. If there are 10 enemies, they can have 3 and I take 7. Unless they take a 4th to save my life. If I'm in stealth, DO NOT start fighting! And at least actually hide when in stealth instead of squatting out in the open as if you aren't seen. You hear me AI?
  13. My storage is pretty much full and now any update for a game that pops up, I can't update anything without clearing space by deleting a game on my system. And I don't have a game to delete, so I can't update anything anymore and it says I can't use network features on a game till I update. What a crock of s**t. Should have just turned network off when I mentioned it, now I'm running through a loop that ends in a rabbit hole. Well, guess I can't update anything here on out till I finish a game. Consoles aren't meant to have multiple games on it.
  14. That's a good point; I didn't even know about the fusion process that actually creates many of the elements. But a supernova releases all those elements like carbon, which is the backbone of all molecules in organic life. Plus oxygen and hydrogen; but would still need the right conditions to create water and usable oxygen, that is if aliens require it.
  15. Supernovas is what I mean. Without that, there wouldn't be much elements that is needed to create life.
  16. We could all possibly share DNA of aliens. All it takes is some asteroid that had DNA of some other life on another planet and hit Earth. Under the right conditions, bacteria or a dead alien body shed cells with DNA; then evolution takes place over a billion years and you get multicellular organisms that all came from the aliens. All of our elements come from space and carbon being the backbone of all organic life, came from stardust. Other elements came from stardust. So we definitely are made up of stars and who knows where the DNA came from. We could be a parasitic mutation of alien life. But, for sure there is alien life out there. There are other suns. Oxygen is abundant everywhere, just not in usable form. All it takes is a dead star and you got what you need for life somewhere else. And wherever that is, doesn’t mean they need a sun, atmosphere, water, and oxygen. That’s what we need here, but physics and chemistry does not evolve around man’s understanding of it.
  17. That is true; the story wasn't even about that at all. It worked out beautifully in such an intense and dramatic game. Anyone would respect this series if they had any quality taste and were mature enough to not hate something they assume is meant to shove down their throat. The show is going to get a lot more publicity, so I wonder if they even keep any romance, but I imagine they will.
  18. I think audio logs are good so you can listen in to turmoil that may have occurred, which to me is better than just mentioning something. I'm not too big on reading lore because, well, I didn't put in a game to read; I have books for that. You can get some pretty detailed things in reading though, so it is necessary. I prefer cut scenes. When you come across an artifact or tomb or cave of a monster and a cut scene kicks in to summarize it in a camp fire story sort of way. Or a character describing something, and the scene around him gets dark and eery to pull you in. Or maybe you find something and touch it and get a visual. Or even if some voice appears out of nowhere, a narrative describing a being you are about to encounter. That is what games need more of. They have the ability, the freedom, creativity, so why don't we see more of that. Bring it! Don't hold back. You know that quest where you run around and do something stupid? Well, erase it and add a good cut scene.
  19. It's been a while since I've seen that. Would be interesting to watch with the commentary and Romero is known for portraying his zombie films in having messages of real life conflicts. I definitely won't stop playing this game, it is fast becoming something I greatly underestimated. And it's sad to think about all those who may not have understood the satire, and simply took the game as fuel to criticize that's how city folk are, just a bunch of street thugs.
  20. Eventually I would like to post some videos and links to what I mean by all the satire in the game but don't want to spoil too much. For now I will start this as a discussion because I'm kind of intrigued by the all the satire in the game. This may actually be a game completely based on satire. What do you think? I wasn't sure what to believe about this game with comments about racism and the stereotypes of certain characters being villainized due to their skin color or culture. And yes, there is stereotypes galore in the game. That is the whole point I am concluding. There are commercials on the in-game radio, tv, conversations, and the whole setting that has satirical politics to the extreme, cultural stereotypes etc. So the racism and the demonization of people is exactly what the message is supposed to give in it's comedic irony. For example, the characters I've come across so far are complete cliches like black gangsters, Italian big timer, Asian street racers, Mexican gang, etc etc. I don't think it's something to take at heart level and be offended by it and criticize it which I think many have done including myself. In a sense, the game is pretty brilliant or am I looking too far into simple truth? I'm not even close to finishing the game so please no spoilers. But so far GTA 5 seems to be satire of the real world. I'm interested to know what all your thoughts are on this.
  21. Woah, that's a very political accusation there. So do you really think that there is a conspiracy to turn women into Islam skin phobes fully covered head to toe? And covering them up is discrimination and uncovering them isn't? Why is desexualizing a character a political decision, and sexualizing the character isn’t? In RE3 remake and MK11 I don’t see any clear political motivation in those quotes for their decisions; they simply exercised their creative freedom. In the case of MK11 though, I think that is a good example of what you have been saying, but I think you put too much emphasis on woke as their motive and making it seem all political. Why is having a change of heart on what sexy is, or strong is, or what real is for women, a political wokeness? Part of creativity is trying to get some kind of message across; and that could be an emphasis on character w/o sexual distraction which could cheapen the dramatic approach of a story. Imagine Ellie in a thong the whole time in TLOU 2. It would take away from the believability of everything. And what if a game started off with sexiness which at the time helped sell; then as the game progressed years later, the developers decided to get more serious about the story and characters and dressed them up more 'believable?' Is that woke or political? That creative freedom gets caught in the crossfire of activism and opposition. But that was their own decision to want something different in MK11. They actually became hypocritical doing it. This is very shallow on their part and is also what I coin the term ‘out of touch syndrome.’ And this syndrome is what I think you get angry about, which is not always political or woke, but they try to make a change for something they believe to be a better style and hurt themselves in the process, offend fans, offend culturally sensitive groups, just downright offend the whole spectrum.
  22. That's a good point, but not sure who is admitting what--the developers? Advocates? First, I would say that being an advocate to lose the clothes as I read in comments on different sites over the MK11 issue is kind of piggish. The clothing status is something I probably never would have thought of if I were to play the game. Sure, I don’t mind skin at all, but I’m not gonna advocate showing it or not showing it. There are ratings for all that. But I agree that to cover up the ladies and not the men for a ‘reality’ based fight is hypocrisy at full capacity. Almost as if it is a f**k you statement from the developers or directors or whoever if they were criticized of the females showing too much skin over the years. And when they beg them to lose the clothes, the developers will probably be glad to abide. Who knows what happened there. But this is a fault of the developers and not political influence. I mean, even if there were some feminist advocates (political OR religious), then it was still up to the devs to express their stupidity in covering females and not males for reality based fights as their hypocritical reasoning. Nobody held their hand and forced them into stupid.
  23. I couldn't have said that better. People want to cry political foul if the standard bearer of beauty gets a 'reality' makeover which to them may not be the standard of beauty, but could be to other gamers. It must be hard to suit everyone’s needs as a developer. But if someone wants something different, a lot of times they are automatically categorized as political and that in itself demeans and further oppresses whatever they desire.
  24. That's a good example. When characters don't have uniqueness then how are we supposed to remember who did what? Villains almost always have a uniqueness so that you remember them. Same should be for any character. I believe that unique doesn't have to look real or be idealized and it could be both. Ideal and real are inseparable if done right. It doesn't have to be either/or.
  25. They need to represent me more in games: a macho macho man. I eat spinach and get cannon arms, but little chicken legs.
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