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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. The only big games that came out or coming out this year are Far Cry 6 RE 8 Hitman 3 COD Vanguard Battlefield 2042
  2. I notice the characters in GTA 5 get bullet holes too and I'm like wtf, they don't even feel it. A bullet hole in the back with blood coming from it, they should be on their knees if not face down. It does give a little disconnect, but not completely break my immersion.
  3. You should be able to compare past and present pics side by side and see a huge improvement in graphics. All the DLC should be included or else they are schmucks. Definition of schmuck: those who did not include DLC in remasters. Performance should be up to par; no bugs; every extra you can think of. And send a coupon for the next game in the series. Add art work and themes. And send a thank you letter for the support over the years.
  4. I bet the fans are excited that it was just announced that a remaster of GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas will be released on Dec 7 2021. I think 2022 for the ps5. The prices are likely to start out pretty high. But for those that played the series back in the day, this is probably going to be pretty nostalgic. Hope they did some good improvements. I'm definitely considering getting it when the price goes down. There is talk it may start at $70. So we will see how long the price holds up.
  5. I've gone through that and keep on deleting a game, only to have to delete another. Soon I'll only be down to 10 games and no more space. I'm not deleting any more games just because of updates. Updates can kiss a hairy dogs ass
  6. Those all seem like minor issues. I don't have ac in my vehicle and I live in hell's inferno. Those rats keep chewing it up. Have them look at it real good when you take it in. The investment in that vehicle is worth it.
  7. Interesting take on free will vs having choices. I don't think you really have free will if choices are limited. With that said, no game has full free will in the story; the only way you have full free will is if there was no story and just an open world to do as you will.
  8. I found the article difficult to read, but to sum things up I think it means that a player is led to believe they have free will, but instead the story forces you down a certain path. And they say that leads to emersion which is the opposite of immersion. I haven’t really thought about it, but it’s common and very strange when they do that. I’m not sure if it really breaks immersion for me, but it does give a sense of wasted effort and confusion that can lead to detachment. Even more so if it happens early on in the game. But at least if it happens early, you know not to waste effort unless you wanted to and that can bring you back into the game instead of the slap in the face towards the end.
  9. Why are the far right against vaccines? is it all due to rampant conspiracies within their circle of hate? Or is it a side act to just go against everything the left does? Does the far right only want chaos so that the virus gets out of control and death on a massive scale? Are they vaccinated themselves while promoting not to get vaccinated like far right media is doing? Are they trying to create turmoil and then when their leaders get power they become obedient and give in to vaccinations so that their leader can claim they are the savior? Will that push the left into anti-vaccinations? Is this all the far right has to complain about? In a pandemic, we see extreme politics at play virtually making protecting health of yourself and others a political act. In Italy the left is calling for the ban of fascist groups for the recent anti vaccine riot. And a place like Italy should have the right to since Italy’s role in WW2. Should every country have that ban? Canada has banned proud boys declaring them terrorists. Yet, the USA has a political party that is pandering and has quickly cantered to them. So basically, the world is in a pandemic, while the far right has the intention to exacerbate it. Is this terrorism? If you are rioting for the reason to stop health measures during a pandemic, is that also terrorism? They are literally putting the lives of the entire world at risk. They are the reason why there could be new variants develop of the virus. Then what? Go through the whole vaccine thing again when they have to change the formula? And have these same fascist groups try to block it? Then we go through this continuous cycle of a politicized pandemic?
  10. Overwhelming? More like awe struck. But that is the reason I'm playing TLOU 2 a second time. The first time I was amazed by the environment, and the second time I am story oriented and more ballsy action.
  11. Eyeballs aren't meant to wiggle all over the place; There are rumors that if you game too much, in real life your eyes wiggle when talking to someone and freaks them out. lol Ok that's not true. But eye muscles need a break too or the arteries will get inflamed and pop. Ok that might not be true either. Our eye muscles need rest from all the exercising.
  12. I think this goes with the eye strain topic because searching rooms will give me a bit of eye strain. Sometimes If I move around too much in close quarters, I'll focus on the character while the camera moves. That actually helps, but only a little. It's best to not move with your thoughts, meaning don't look right and left even if your brain wants to. Just look one way and stop for a second so the camera isn't all over the place like a brain is.
  13. Nothing like your government banning effeminate males because they think exposing it to young males makes them not able to protect the country. I would expect they do the same for movies? Seeing something effeminate doesn't drop a person's testosterone levels. lol
  14. The only way is to ride fast and straight. If you turn you get disoriented. 1st person on a horse is for when you want the chaotic approach.
  15. Director's cut in GTA 5 and just tore things up Replayed encounters in TLOU 2 and tore things up The gameplay in these two games is amazing. I am living in the great heights of gaming!
  16. You made it to heaven and became a God. But Heaven isn't anything what you thought it would be because it is on the verge of extinction due to rampant wars. Wars among alien heavens, different hells, and infighting. What type of human would you recruit from Earth to fight your Heaven Wars? I choose lucky people, so that they can bring luck to Heaven regardless if they are good or bad natured, because the previous system of only choosing good has failed.
  17. I don't know any that do. It would be nice to know if there are any.
  18. Exactly; there is already a need of belonging for people that join cults which is exploited. I think there are mental health issues that make people more susceptible to it.
  19. Of course it is and you are right. But associating L.A. with gangs is not anything unique. The scenery is unique to that area, but gangs can be anywhere. There is a certain feel to the scenery that they really got spot on in the game.
  20. What's the difference? People are about to snap in either place and either take psyche meds or skipped their dose. You are looked at as a terrorist at an airport; females are frisked with special attention; the person next to you will try to stab you and hijack the plane if you ask them to wear a mask. The airport is not sane in any way. Then you get on the plane and they calmly explain how to use a float device and oxygen masks in case of a crash. A very sane place to be if I say so. NOT!!!
  21. I think at times my mindset just isn't ready to play some games. Some of it has to do with gaming experience, where a game I tried before was overwhelming, but when I come back to it I find the gameplay easier than when I originally started because I've learned a little 'gaming experience.' GTA 5 is a great example where I first played it, I just couldn't get into it because I felt overwhelmed, lack of direction, and satire I just didn't realize. But now the gameplay doesn't seem difficult, the story flows, and I just pick up on things a lot faster than before. And this is fast becoming one of my favorites.
  22. I go on long journeys around the map taking my time along the way. Not really reaching a destination. I have a sense of direction where to go, but wherever I end up. Or sometimes I will just put a marker way out in the map and just take different routes to get there. I always get new experiences doing that. But I keep in mind to try not to end up somewhere that the story may bring me so as to not jump any gun.
  23. I'm getting some strong feelings not quite out of body, but deep entrenched while playing GTA 5 whenever I'm driving and listening to music and the scenery just looks so damn real!!! And I've been to California a bunch of times and lived out west USA so the scenery looks very familiar to me and a bit nostalgic. They did an excellent job. Even the stoplights are realistic. If only the vehicle had blinkers when you turn.
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