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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. If you were forced to pick just one system to game on for the rest of your life, which system would you go with?
  2. https://www.cbs46.com/news/update-felony-charges-dismissed-against-cobb-co-student-with-autism/article_a2e31d54-f3db-11eb-bfda-cb69437d727c.html?block_id=1095903 Okay, it looks like here this kid has a pattern of out-of-context quotes, and that the faculty and parents had a plan in place where staff are supposed to ask him if he is quoting a movie/game or not, and they didn't do that, and just filed the charges (which have now been dropped).
  3. Not that I'm aware of. I think it is most likely he was saying something general about fire bottles, and a teacher or supervisor assumed it was in reference to the school and teachers.
  4. If you were forced to choose, would you rather be automatically amazing at every game or automatically terrible? I figure the obvious answer is “amazing,” but I can also imagine this being a rather boring fate.
  5. Is there a character or faction in a game you initially disliked, and then later ended up supporting? For example, for me, the Forsworn fell into the category in Skyrim.
  6. What is the most complete and accurate reproduction of a real-world city in a video game?
  7. Is there a game you’ve played with controls that were so counterintuitive to you that you just never adapted to them?
  8. If an enraged gamer keeps pushing the wrong buttons and blaming the game, what is the best way to try to break it to them that they are making a mistake?
  9. On the DualSense controller, you have to tap lightly sometimes to use the light bar and/or PS button. If you tap too hard, nothing happens. Is this new, or was the DualShock 4 like this too?
  10. For those wondering, the easiest way to explain echolalia is ... do you ever walk around singing lyrics to your favorite song without really thinking about it? That, but not necessarily singing or a song. That's what the kid was doing. Just repeating lines that were stuck in his head from the game. There was no "intent" or "threat" in them. He just liked how they sounded/felt to say. This is the equivalent of charging a kid with a felony for singing a song with violent lyrics.
  11. What’s the most obscure thing you ever bought or collected related to a video game? I just bought a 1950s label from a Jo Jo Melons fruit cart featuring the clown that the BioShock team borrowed for their design of the “Circus of Values” vending machines. It will go on my wall of BioShock related art.
  12. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/8/7/2044351/-Outrage-As-Cobb-County-Georgia-Grade-Schooler-Charged-With-What-Amounts-To-Felony-Autism Summary: Autistic kid repeats lines from RDR at school, gets charged with felony. Ridiculous. I am autistic, and like that kid, I do echolalia (repeating lines from things as a stim). Not sure if the school is ignorant about echolalia, prejudiced toward autistic persons, or hates video games.
  13. I always play some iteration of myself in an RPG. I’ve heard some people who say likewise, and others who try to invent characters who are not like them. I think though that if one pours one’s creative energy into something, what one creates doesn’t come from nowhere—it is still some reflection of personality or life experiences or interests. Thoughts on this?
  14. Did a second playthrough of a game ever radically change your perception of the game events, a character, a decision, etc.?
  15. Did you ever miss out on a big event in an MMO, and wish you could have a chance to be there?
  16. I initially found No Man’s Sky stressful, but find it increasingly relaxing as I get used to the crafting system and mechanics. What are some games you initially found stressful that later you found relaxing?
  17. What is a video game character that is very popular that you can’t stand? Cicero in Skyrim qualifies for me. His voice just grates.
  18. What is the funniest thing you ever read in a game? For me, this is a contender: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Tragic_Accident!_Baenlin_Dead!
  19. What was your biggest regret in terms of DLC purchases? Doesn’t necessarily have to have been the biggest expense—just the lowest value.
  20. SPOILER for BioShock follows ........ …….. ……. …….. ……. So, why did Jack maim his vocal cords? It’s not like stitched himself into his Big Daddy suit. Could he not have just recorded a Big Daddy and brought an AccuVox into the suit with him?
  21. Have you ever bought an original game at full price, and then wound up buying the remaster later at full pirce?
  22. If you own a digital-only console, what has annoyed you most about it so far? For me, it is waiting around for sales for digital games and not being able to buy used discs.
  23. I was having a bad day the other day and felt immediately a bit better when I started playing ES: Oblivion. What games make you feel better on bad days?
  24. Which buttons on your controller do you most frequently mix up? Like, I mix up L1/L2, R1/R2, sometimes L1/R1, and L2/R2.
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