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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. What pet from a video game would you want to have IRL?
  2. Lately I have run several times across the idea that one of the reasons video games are appealing/soothing is because we know the rules, and we know that if we work within them, we will succeed. RL doesn’t seem to work that way. There are no guarantees. There are definitely rules though. What do you feel some of them are?
  3. Do you have a set-in-stone opinion about video games that is so strong you don’t think anyone will ever change your mind?
  4. Say you were in charge of running a video game developer. How would you handle project work flow, crunch time, and similar issues?
  5. Is there anything you want to change about how you game? I.e. gaming more or less, playing a wider variety of games, etc.?
  6. Did you ever hit a difficulty wall in a game where you were just like “Nope, I can’t do it, I give up”?
  7. What do you feel is the most innovative game you ever played?
  8. What are some of your biggest complaints about your favorite games? For example, it drives me crazy the Forsworn still attack in Skyrim after you side with them.
  9. I feel the light bar on my new controller is obnoxiously bright even on “dim.” It creates glare and distraction, and worse, it is blue light at night. It looks cool, but on a practical level, it is a hassle. How do you feel about light bars?
  10. Neither? I like learning, and knowing everything and being good at everything would suck a lot of that joy out of life. Plus, the unique ways we learn are part of what makes us into individuals. If I have to choose, I will go with being good at everything, as then I would be good at making bank, and then I'd have $$$$ to help people. Plus, I don't think knowing everything is possible being as some things are subjective. And actually, if one did have to truly know the subjective experience of all organisms (not just as theory, but experientially) ... it would be a hellish nightmare.
  11. Uncomfortable gaming moment: The other day, a friend was struggling to learn a game. It got me wanting to figure it out, so I started playing. They said, “Great, now you’re going to make me look like an idiot.” I managed to stay calm and just play the game, but I was fleetingly tempted to try at a different time so as not to provoke their anger. Do you ever feel pressured to tone down your performance or avoid a game when someone else is flipping out about how they just played?
  12. Sometimes I watch someone gaming who thinks they are doing terrible, and they are actually doing fine or even well. Other times, I run into just the opposite. Do you think most players overestimate or underestimate how they perform in games?
  13. I was enjoying @Steerminator's thread here, which made me draw a link to gaming frustration and self-esteem issues. It made me curious how gaming and self-esteem relate for everyone here. Does gaming improve your self-esteem? Decrease it? Neither? Both in different contexts?
  14. I found the No Man’s Sky tutorial confusing since it only gave me the very next step at a time to do tasks, and I kept trying to jump ahead, because I didn’t realize it was telling me what I needed. Do you prefer more or fewer steps listed at a time in a tutorial?
  15. I am amazed at the quality difference in audio and visuals between PS3 and PS4 versions of Dragon Age Inquisition. What other games dramatically improved between generations?
  16. The first time you play a new game, do you put it on the “normal/default” difficulty setting, or something else?
  17. I cannot stand games that make enemies difficult by making them bullet sponges. Killing them is just boring/tedious. Does this drive others crazy too?
  18. I love how about half of the Citadel/Shore Leave DLC in Mass Effect 3 is just hanging out/messing around, and has no "plot" or mission. It has a very slice of life quality. Does anyone know of other games/DLCs that do well with this?
  19. I got annoyed with the name I put on my first user account on PS5, so I tried to make a new user with the name I wanted, and delete the first one. Later, I discovered the PS5 deleted the new user and put back the old one. Does anyone know why this happened, or how to change the name on an existing user account?
  20. Is there a game type that just intimidates the hell out of you? For me, it is side-scrollers.
  21. For some reason, I remember looking up the PS5's dimensions and concluding it would not be much larger than my PS3, but my info must have been wrong. This console is HUGE. I had to struggle to find a spot for it.
  22. Which games have the most confusing or unhelpful tutorials when starting out? Or lack tutorials altogether?
  23. On the off chance that anyone is wondering, I can confirm now that yes, it is possible to transfer Dragon Age Inquisition progress directly from PS3 to a PS4 copy of the game running on PS5. Not only that, but it is shockingly easy.
  24. I started messing around with No Man’s Sky for the first time a few days ago. So far, I’m finding it pretty un-intuitive. Does anyone have any tips?
  25. If anyone here has had a PS5 for a while, any recommendations for a new user? I already shut off “Rest Mode.”
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