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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. What POVs are your favorites and least favorites in games? My favorite is first person, and my least favorite is isometric. I feel directionally challenged with isometric games.
  2. I seem to have a lot of trouble getting texts for 2-step verification for my PlayStation account. They are slow to arrive in general, and last time I tried, nothing showed up at all. Does anyone else struggle to get these texts?
  3. If you had a chance to grab a PS5 or Xbox Series X bundle that included $100-200 in games you aren’t interested in, would you at this point?
  4. In that case I'd say you play similarly to me. Though I don't punish myself if I do something wrong in a game; mostly I just feel bad and/or consider how not to do it again.
  5. My phrasing in this thread was probably poor. I should amend that I avoid playing what is evil by my personal ethical standards, not an external or absolute measure. More like how you would not, I think, derive any value from killing rats in video games. You have an ethical line, even if it isn't "don't kill humans."
  6. Is there anything that is a complete deal-breaker for you with respect to trying a game? For me, third person was originally, but I can’t think of one at present.
  7. Have you had a major change in opinion on any gaming-related topic over time? I’d say going from a complete hatred of third person to a tolerant dislike has been a big change for me. Also, I used to think people who sunk hundreds of hours into games had no real lives. Now I am one of those people, and understand that for some of us, gaming is the best way for us to have experiences that are unavailable to us IRL.
  8. Were there any specific video games that were banned in your household growing up? If so, did you find ways to play those games anyway? My parents banned all RPGs of any nature, whether video games, tabletop, or LARP. I played MUDs though, and they never knew.
  9. Is there a trend from gaming that was big in the past but hasn’t been for a long time that you would like to see come back?
  10. What video games do you feel have anti-climactic endings/outcomes, and why? Like, I hear a lot of people say Dragon Age Inquisition was anti-climactic. I'd say the end mission felt rushed/short/abrupt, but not exactly anti-climactic.
  11. Is turn-based combat in video games something you like or dislike?
  12. Has your preference for gaming platforms changed over the years? I used to be a strictly PC gamer, but now I really don’t like gaming on PC.
  13. Is esports betting something you have tried?
  14. Do you feel video game actors make enough money? Too much? The right amount?
  15. It is usually easier for me to recognize actors by their voices than faces, but in video games I am often shocked how long I can listen to an actor I know from TV and not recognize them in the game. Are you also often startled by whom you didn’t recognize?
  16. What is the worst string of bad luck you have had while gaming?
  17. @killamch89 and I were talking about how we save every few minutes. In fact, I save so often that it is almost unconscious at this point, and I am sometimes not sure if I just saved or not. Can anyone else relate?
  18. Is there any video game ending where you would not change the fundamental events in a major way, but would appreciate a small modification? Like in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea, I wouldn’t change the outcomes, but I wish Elizabeth had opened a tear at the end to glimpse a better life through it just so we could have some sense of resolution/a positive outcome somewhere.
  19. What is the first game you remember becoming good at—or at least okay at? I’m not awesome at any games, but the first game where I was even mildly competent was Quake III Arena.
  20. Are there games you tend to play when you don’t feel well? I usually go with whatever open world game I am playing, as it is low pressure and I can save and quit anytime.
  21. I do this too if the character is established by the developer. But that isn't out of line with my ethics, as a fundamental respect for "you do you" is pretty central for me. And it seems pretty rare to find a game where I absolutely cannot empathize with the protagonist.
  22. This looks interesting. Since it is you recommending it, I will definitely give it a try.
  23. I like taking my time, but I always feel pressure to hurry up and play all the games i haven't yet.
  24. Same! Hah, I thought my frequent saves were just an OCD thing. But then again, considering how much Skyrim we both play, maybe Bethesda has trained us to save often with its frequent bugs.
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