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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. Do you ever put off finishing a quest for a “temporary” follower to try and use them as a “permanent” one? For example, I did this with Barbas in Skyrim once to keep him around as a tank. And now I’m doing it with Mazoga in Oblivion since I like her personality and the game feels less lonely with a follower.
  2. Is it important to you to reach 100% completion on a game?
  3. What is some pain in the arse thing you do in the name of staying in character? Like, in Skyrim, I will NOT kill any Forsworn, ever. I have to run really fast to get through the whole Alduin’s Wall quest. It’s so annoying.
  4. Who are some video game characters who have unique and interesting outlooks/philosophies/perceptions of life? The first that comes to mind for me is Legion in Mass Effect 2.
  5. What is a tedious thing that bores or annoys you that you just can’t help doing anyway as a completionist? For me, it’s exploring every square inch of every Oblivion gate I enter in Oblivion.
  6. Just started Mass Effect 3. What are the best points during a playthrough for each of the DLCs?
  7. Which of the three Mass Effect soundtracks is your favorite? I notice a lot of debate on this topic.
  8. Are there any games where initially you disliked the aesthetics, but later they grew on you? For me, Mass Effect is in this category.
  9. Has anyone noticed how many games there are where sex and pain sound almost interchangeable? A lot of the enemy vocals in response to being shot in Mass Effect 2 are particularly funny in this respect. If I were a kid playing it, I’d worry my parents would overhear it and think it was porn. The game I think is absolutely best at NOT doing this is TLOU. All the sounds of pain in that game are unmistakably sounds of pain.
  10. What are some games you have played where you are not the main character of the game?
  11. Have you ever made any video game decisions you thought were right/ethical when you made them, but you later re-evaluated? For me, I’d say this sums up all my time MUDing as a teen.
  12. Have you ever gotten so used to playing a video game character that you accidentally respond to their name IRL? I nearly did this the other day when someone called out to a “Shepard.”
  13. What custom/invented-by-you game character have you logged the most hours with? Mine is still a character I played in a MUD as a teenager.
  14. The other day, I realized I have probably logged more hours playing Shepard in Mass Effect than I have any other video game character pre-set/written for a game (as opposed to invented by me). Which pre-set video game character have you played longest?
  15. Does anyone else find closing Oblivion gates to be the most tedious activity ever? They are aesthetically nice, but they just feel so generic to me, and over-stay their welcome a bit.
  16. My main advice is to save up some of your perk points to distribute later until you know what approach you are taking with your skills.
  17. It is one of the most distinctive-looking caves in the whole game. Almost all the Skyrim caves look fairly alike to me. This one is more like a little outdoor dungeon that is simply accessed through a cave. It has this almost idyllic sanctuary-like ambiance to it, which is fitting as one of the last Blades took refuge there. I wish I could have a house there. I saw someone modded that, but PS3 doesn't allow mods.
  18. @killamch89 I found my mystery cave at last! It is Bloated Man's Grotto:
  19. With PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles still really hard to get, has anyone here had any luck in obtaining one? If so, what unit did you get, and where/how/when did you buy it?
  20. I really liked the character origin stories that gave Dragon Age: Origins its name. A lot of people praised it for being innovative, so it kind of surprises me we haven’t really seen it show up in many other games (or any? Not sure). Does anyone else find this surprising?
  21. Have you ever put dozens of hours into a game only to quit it? What made you quit?
  22. Considering Obsidian has changed over the years since Fallout New Vegas, do you think the current studio would make as good a Fallout game today?
  23. Do you have a strong preference for games from Japan or from the western world? Why or why not?
  24. Today I learned there was originally going to be a Gore Verbinski BioShock move in 2011. I actually am kind of relieved there wasn’t; he doesn’t seem like the right fit to me. Do you think it would have been good?
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