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    StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel in Games where the main quest line is the least interesting to you?   
    I get like that with RDR2 more often than I would like.  Sometimes I’m enjoying the storyline, but a lot of the time I’m working on stranger missions, or things for camp, or something for myself and leaving the storyline for later. For example, the first two things I go for once we get out of the mountains and into chapter 2 (not a spoiler it’s required quickly) is the white Arabian, and the Legend Of The East satchel. Best horse in the game, and best satchel. Neither is particularly easy to get, but more than worth it. Catching, breaking, and taming a wild horse never is.
  2. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Kane99 in Do you think they should take a break from open world games?   
    I'm kind of played out when it comes to open world games. For me, I'm just tired of all of these open world games, that don't usually change anything up. With cyberpunk 2077 coming out in just two days, it got me thinking, why not more linear games anymore these days? I could be happy with open world games, it's just that none of them seem to change the formula enough to make it interesting. And that's why I like to go for linear games, because they're right to the point, don't require you to drive to a location before starting a mission, and there's no annoying filler content that takes ages to get through. Sometimes I like a linear storyline, and I'm good. Hell, the majority of open world games, are too open, and when you finish them, they feel empty because there's nothing to do. So imo, it's sometimes kind of pointless to have a massive world, and nothing to really do in it when you beat the game. 
    I feel this way about most of the Assassin Creed games, mainly because I finish the game, all the side quests, etc, and all that are left are boring collectibles. Or sometimes I even collect all of those, but then what. idk, maybe I'm just ranting for the sake of ranting lol. 
    Anyway, would you like to see some more linear games coming out? 
  3. Like
    StaceyPowers got a reaction from killamch89 in Should Video Games Be More Integrated Into Education   
    MUDs for 1-teaching typing, and 2-teaching second languages, and 3-teaching teamwork and leadership skills.
  4. Like
    StaceyPowers got a reaction from Empire in What do you look for in an MMO?   
    THIS. Thank you. I could not have said this better!
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    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Games with High Risk   
    I'm a bit of a masochist so I love extremely challenging games. Just like in most multiplayer games I won't pick fights with weaker opponents unless I have no choice but to fight them.
  6. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in What do you look for in an MMO?   
    I agree. It's probably why most of the players in Monster Hunter World tend to be extremely friendly because the boss fights are extremely challenging and requires a lot of teamwork.
  7. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Games with High Risk   
    They also have a mod like that for Skyrim. I have so many dead characters right now...R.I.P Hector the Dragon King. They even give you a Eulogy for the dead character in the form of a note.
  8. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Games with High Risk   
    That's a valid point actually. In most games nowadays, the consequences of failure are absolutely non-existent. If I were to put a game on this list, it has to be Dark Souls. The checkpoints are few and even if you pause the game, the game itself continues so if you were getting murdered and thing you could take a break, the pause button won't save you.
  9. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel in Games with High Risk   
    A lot of games have a "hardcore" option that if you die once it's all over. You go all the way back to square one. You might be one step from winning and beating the game, but are killed by a surprise attack. Well you are now at the beginning of a new file.
  10. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Do PS5 scalpers have any legitimate defense for their actions?   
    There's no real defense of their practices because every one else is also being affected by Covid. I think most retailers need to start implementing captcha (the difficult ones) among other strategies to limit the scalper's business and make it time-consuming and ineffective. Then again, most retailers only care about the money they receive so...
  11. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel in Would you buy a scalped console?   
    No fucking way. I value honesty, and despise greed, and would never support some piece of shit like that. If some scalper tried to sell me one, I would knock their worthless ass to the ground then squat down and piss on their face.
    After that I would just raid their pockets and take their console. Yes, I would rob them.
  12. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Would you buy a scalped console?   
    No way! I'd just wait for a couple of months until the supply catches up to the demand and purchase it for the original market price. Consoles aren't an essential item so I can do without it for a few months.
  13. Haha
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Favorite Daedric Monster/s in the Elder Scrolls Universe   
    I feel like this is leading somewhere else...(cough*hentai*cough)😹
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    StaceyPowers reacted to Shagger in Favorite Daedric Monster/s in the Elder Scrolls Universe   
    The Seekers in Hermaeus Mora's realm of Apocrypha as seen in the Dragonborn expansion of Skyrim are pretty interesting. There's a sence of intelligence, yet primal viciousness about them. 
  15. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Favorite Daedric Monster/s in the Elder Scrolls Universe   
    In the the Elder Scrolls universe, there are several types of Daedric monsters that roam the planes of Oblivion for each respective Daedric Prince. These monsters of varying strengths are introduced during different eras in the lore. My personal favorite is the Daedric Titan (they're also referred to as a "Titan") from ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). They were originally created by Molag Bal as an imitation to dragons and were partially constructed from Dragon Bones. Needless, to say they're absolute tanks and they have essence-stealing fire breath and although they're not quite as strong as Dragons, they are a formidable force nonetheless. Just to add, various Daedric Princes have their own version of this monster. Dagon's version is said to be the strongest known variants. I'd like to hear your opinion on your favorite Daedric monster or monsters.
  16. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Empire in Is No Man’s Sky a relaxing game?   
    If you play the game at your own pace and just take your time and learn then it can be relaxing. Just last year they added even more content, including total overhauls of base building, NPCs, amongst others. It’s so easy to just sit in your ship, land on planets, and just go for a good old explore. If you enable creative mode, you needn’t worry about crafting fuel or harvesting materials if it proves too stressful.
  17. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Is No Man’s Sky a relaxing game?   
    It's hard to say really because majority of the game is just exploring and discovering new worlds and the creatures in it. What is their definition of relaxation in a game? Because No Man's Sky is a pretty laid-back game if I'm being honest(one of the main reasons I haven't attempted to play it. I mean, not killing things is boring).
  18. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in What do you look for in an MMO?   
    As a long time MMO fan, my criteria for a proper MMO are as follows:
    Nearly limitless character customization options so that the characters can be literally what you envisioned. The graphics has to be pretty good - Yes, if I'm going to be spending a significant amount of time playing a game, it needs to look polished. Active fanbase - nobody wants to play a dead MMO where you interact with another player once or twice a day. You can pull all kinds of pranks online (as I used to do with my old pals in Age of Wushu. We were fiercely hunted because of our antics).  Somewhat friendly players (they don't have to be super friendly. Just don't be douchebags). Also, I like when the other players aren't easily offended by the slightest thing. I mean, nobody likes a snowflake. Microtransactions kept to a minimum. (This goes without saying.)  
  19. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Empire in What do you look for in an MMO?   
    I'm not gonna get into a huge list because there will be a ton of those. The next thing that will make me interested in another MMO is risk. They need to recreate the old days of Ultima Online and DAOC where you weren't just going through prefabricated situations like cattle for the exact same items and doing everything the same in this safe little bubble. These unforgiving worlds foster tight communities because they have to and that makes things so much more deep and every moment in the game feel that much more significant. Without risk, there are only shallow rewards. MMO's and many online games in general have kind of lost that and I believe it's because they want to cater to everyone including Little Jimmy 12 Year old who will cry and quit because he had to pay for a mistake or couldn't handle a cut-throat world.
    If you think about it, WoWs gameplay is nothing unique or different, since Vanilla it has evolved but it's nothing that special, mainly just hotkey clicking.
    However the community it's built is better than any other mmo, I knew people who played it, was in a good guild etc. It's also the reason so many mmos are failing now, they forget that the most important thing about an mmo is in the title, Massive Multiplayer Online whether it's a shooter, racer or RPG, the MMO portion never changes.
  20. Haha
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Most awkward/embarrassing gaming moment?   
    My embarrassing moment would have to be playing the original Gran Turismo as a kid and winning a very tight race, I decided to show off by doing a donut at the finishing line. The only thing is, I didn't actually cross the line and my brother ended up winning. Needless to say, I felt like the biggest goofball that day.
  21. Like
    StaceyPowers got a reaction from killamch89 in Most awkward/embarrassing gaming moment?   
    What is the most awkward or embarrassing moment of any kind you experienced while playing any game?
    I would say pretty much anytime I played a BioWare game and there was a sex scene and anyone else was ever present in the room for any reason would probably be the worst for me.
    Following that, I would say some silly moments where I got super nervous while playing against a friend in Quake III Arena and kept dancing around her in circles and missing at point blank range were the most embarrassing.
  22. Like
    StaceyPowers got a reaction from Family sedan in Most awkward/embarrassing gaming moment?   
    What is the most awkward or embarrassing moment of any kind you experienced while playing any game?
    I would say pretty much anytime I played a BioWare game and there was a sex scene and anyone else was ever present in the room for any reason would probably be the worst for me.
    Following that, I would say some silly moments where I got super nervous while playing against a friend in Quake III Arena and kept dancing around her in circles and missing at point blank range were the most embarrassing.
  23. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel in Most awkward/embarrassing gaming moment?   
    When a game pisses you off so bad that you start acting like a 2 year old, despite being damn near 40.
  24. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Empire in Most awkward/embarrassing gaming moment?   
    You failed at something simple, like a simple mission in GTA like a race and you are the highest level the the others LOL
  25. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Family sedan in Most awkward/embarrassing gaming moment?   
    I get embarrassed if I crash in Rome in GT6.  I love the city street course and have logged more miles there than I can count, so any mishap there is a bit embarrassing.
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