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Everything posted by DylanC

  1. Thanks for the heads up. Will check it out sometime. 😂 Dark Souls is still as hard as a diamond gobstopper but thankfully my Switch is still in one piece thanks, lol.
  2. I’m sooo tempted to pull the trigger on this. https://www.base.com/Games/Persona-5-PS4/PERS5PS4/product.htm?1=1&awc=2694_1541845307_88b36ce5905234fd182c6a7120ea1660
  3. For all our US-based folks, I thought this here article would be handy: https://nintendoeverything.com/walmart-black-friday-2018-deals/
  4. Man, that’s a comprehensive list - all those games look dope as hell! Somehow, I completely forgot about Cyberpunk 2077. Exciting times!
  5. Damn good deal here! https://www.base.com/buy/product/yakuza-0-playstation-hits-ps4/dgc-yak0pshitps4.htm?1=1&awc=2694_1541703772_706cc97927ce72374268a25d2306fcd0
  6. There are still a few notable games left to release this year. Personally, my most anticipated game is Fallout 76. What's yours?
  7. Cheapest I've seen it yet. https://www.argos.co.uk/product/7594313?utm_campaign=11553376&cmpid=COJUN&cjsurferid=851804671023003609%3AR4_WqSPSB5YA&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_content=Pepper+Deals+LTD&utm_source=CJ&cjevent=317251c9e38811e881cc00d10a18050d&catalogId=10001&storeId=10151&_%24ja=tsid%3A11674|prd%3A1546795&utm_term=1453124&referredURL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.argos.co.uk%2Fproduct%2F7594313&referrer=COJUN&krypto=NgK2hh1T4GgoGjSv7z0aKI9ZuyDjdc5MiXxGl1VZwyBwMT4uTWg4UZhd3AAybO5FM1PYr6bGSRsl %2BfSAb%2BAbyFRu35D6aZjBRP7jSRmu9Sk%3D
  8. Cheapest I've seen it. https://www.base.com/fsearch.htm?search=Shenmue+I+&II=&1=1&awc=2694_1541698083_89b7a15e35c6650de21851f24fdce463
  9. I really enjoyed it. If you're into Dark Souls, there's a lot of fun to be had! It's got some rough edges, but it's still a decent Souls-like.
  10. Pretty underrated game, too: https://www.gamivo.com/product/lords-of-the-fallen-digital-deluxe-edition
  11. I’m really tempted to pick one up: https://www.theverge.com/2018/11/7/18072260/ps4-pro-cuh-7200-noise-fan-power-draw-heat-thermals
  12. As Katri mentioned, you do get a bit of a boost if you're using a 1080P display, but it's not really worth it. Frankly, I'd say it's only worth upgrading if you're getting/or you've got a 4K TV.
  13. What are the best guns in Black Ops 4? I'm liking the Cordite and Spitfire, personally. What are your faves?
  14. I'm down, but are you all down for this? https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2018/nov/07/breaking-bad-movie-in-the-works-vince-gilligan
  15. Big fan of Nolan North (Nathan Drake). He just completely owns that character. He's also done voice acting for a ton of other games, including Destiny.
  16. I tried to play the Mega Man Collection recently and, man, those games were hard as balls. My muscle memory for those games are completely shot! Great games, though.
  17. I've played a ton of great PS4 games this year. From Spider-Man to God Of War to Detroit: Become Human, it's been a pretty stacked year for PS4 exclusives. I think my favourite is God Of War overall, though I loved Detroit Become Human and Spider-Man as well. What's your fave PS4 exclusive of the year so far?
  18. Good deal for any retro gaming enthusiasts out there! https://www.shopto.net/gadgets/GAC64-the-c64-mini
  19. This is pretty nuts: https://n4g.com/news/2216544/new-boss-found-in-bloodborne
  20. Nice deal. https://store.playstation.com/en-gb/product/EP9000-CUSA01021_00-HRZ000000000DLC1
  21. Ah, I'm glad someone out there enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever 😉 Aye, the bosses in Megaman are a good shout-out. It's cool how defeating each boss gifts players with a unique weapon.
  22. Diablo is one of those series I really want to check out. I still haven't played one yet. That new Diablo title just released on Switch so I will try and check it out there!
  23. Aye, the bosses in Duke Nukem Forever were pretty cool. I remember the actual game being really disappointing overall, though. I loved the bosses in Duke Nukem 3D, too.
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