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Everything posted by DylanC

  1. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of realistic racing games. I like arcade racers like Super Mario Kart but can't get into games like Forza (I liked Gran Turismo on the PS2 but that's about my only positive experience with the genre). What genre are you NOT a big fan of these days?
  2. One of the best gameplay experiences on PSVR I played -- this is a good deal and a great Halloween buy! https://store.playstation.com/en-gb/product/EP9000-CUSA02350_00-RUSHOFBLOOD00001
  3. You really should. Mechanically, it's a little rough around the edges, but the writing and characters are SUPERB. Seriously one of my favourite games of all-time.
  4. Always love a good indie game. Any upcoming ones that look good coming to Switch soon?
  5. Weirdly enough, I’ve played Skyrim for hundreds and hundreds of hours and have never come across a follower (as far as I can remember). Seriously, installing Skyrim atm and will try and find those dogs. I do remember the fan from Oblivion. He was annoying af. Haha.
  6. Easy: Deadly Premonition. Bonkers af.
  7. No worries! Hope it helped! (oops, accidentally double posted🙄)
  8. I *think* it's only in the US, but I'm not entirely sure to be honest.
  9. Heavy Rain, The Last Of Us, Uncharted 2, Detroit: Become Human and God Of War are all visual powerhouses. Exclusives tend to have an extra sheen of graphical polish as the devs only need to focus on one SKU.
  10. Excellent price. https://www.cdkeys.com/xbox-live/games/minecraft-story-mode-complete-adventure-xbox-one?mw_aref=74dth566
  11. Another RPG I'm not familiar with tbh. The screenshot looks old-school but super cool. It looks like a roguelike which is a genre I really enjoy. Thanks for sharing!
  12. DylanC

    PUBG Mobile

    Not tried it. Didn't realise there was a mobile version tbh. Will try and check it out sometime.
  13. Hell of a deal. https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/metal-gear-rising-revengeance-pc-steam-cd-key?mw_aref=74dth566
  14. Yep, I learnt how to shove-it from Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater series. Like, seriously. BEA53721-E80B-41F7-BD9B-3DF70CBDE25D.mp4
  15. Not familiar with the .hack series. Will check it out.
  16. Yeah, I like em. Only played A Dark Room on iOS and a few old-school ones on Amstrad way back when. The Zork series should make a comeback on Switch or phones.
  17. Definitely less due to other time commitments like work, family and friends. Miss the ol’ days when I’d do marathon gaming sessions 😔
  18. I tend to go with the latest-ish Apple iPhone when I get a new phone. I'm just used to 'em. That said, when I do get a new phone, I make sure to use it for about 3 years before I upgrade to a new one.
  19. It's a difficult balance, for sure. I think The Last Of Us did it just right as it makes every bullet and shiv feel important. Dead Space 1 and the Silent Hill games also does resource management right. Giving too much ammo and resources to players often detracts from the horror experience and it tends to lean into a more action-focused experience, which is what happened to Dead Space 3.
  20. Cheap deal on PC here: https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/batman-arkham-knight-premium-edition-pc-cd-key-steam?mw_aref=74dth566
  21. Runs on XB1 thanks to BC. Good game! https://www.cdkeys.com/xbox-live/games/alan-wakes-american-nightmare-xbox-one?mw_aref=74dth566
  22. It may just be in the EU or something. Sorry about that!
  23. Look forward to it! I've listened to the first season, so it reminds me that I should go back and listen to the rest:)
  24. Yeah, The Parapod is a really good podcast! It's mostly non-fiction and based on real-life stories. It's made up of two guys with really good chemistry. One guy really believes in the paranormal and the other - his best friend - doesn't believe at all. It's a nice mixture of pragmatism, humour and the paranormal. Check out the first episode and I'm sure you'll know if it's for you or not after that! Listening to it around Halloween is timely, too:)
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