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Everything posted by DylanC

  1. Easy one for me, personally: The Last Of Us. I still show non-gamers the opening to that game to show how far our medium has come. Such an emotional opening and I still tear up when I play it. How about you? What do you think is the best opening in a video game?
  2. Pretty cheap right here. Supposed to be a good game, too. https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/Shadow-of-The-Tomb-Raider-Ps4-and/16023727148
  3. Been playing a lot of Super Mario Party and got me thinking about motion controls. They work well in SMP and a few of the games in 1-2-Switch I kinda fun. What do you think about motion controls?
  4. I feel you, yeah. It's tough to narrow it down to one, but still, I do find it fun talking about the top-notch games of the last few years 😛 Can totally see The Witcher 3 and Horizon Zero Dawn being great candidates; I played both and super enjoyed both.
  5. Aye, Cyberpunk 2077 is shaping up to be something very special, for sure. Can't wait for that one!
  6. What’s been your favourite game of the generation so far? Personally, it’s an easy win for me: Bloodborne. How about you?
  7. Honestly, I think that’s what’s going to happen which is fine. I’m interested in how Sony will iterate on PSVR. I just don’t know if VR will still be popular next gen? And perhaps Sony may be spreading themselves too thin? They only have a finite amount of first-party devs and, frankly, I’d like them to *ideally* be working on games I’m more likely to play. I’m still on the fence whether I’ll buy VR again, personally.
  8. I bought a PSVR at launch and enjoyed my time with it. That said, I traded it in when I was broke, but I don't really miss it tbh. It's cool tech, but there just didn't seem to be a compelling piece of software to keep me coming back for more. Sales-wise PSVR doesn't seem to be doing super well and, frankly, I feel that Sony should perhaps re-focus on its strongest hand: home consoles. What do you think? Would you like Sony to make a PS VR 2 or would you prefer the Japanese giant to simply focus on its consoles?
  9. I know, right? The Thing is one of my favourite movies, so that's a big plus for Dead Space! I also love John Carpenter. Man, a Dead Space movie directed by John Carpenter would be a dream come true!
  10. Cheaper than a pint of milk! https://www.365games.co.uk/xbox-360-games/kameo-elements-of-power-xbox-360-and-xbox-one-game-download-code-digital-download?awc=5778_1539020787_c00ca0ddde7db65a43dfd164c0308824&utm_source=affiliate_window&utm_medium=affiliate
  11. Rumors are circulating about a new Switch coming out next year. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/gaming/news/new-nintendo-switch-console-reportedly-planned-2019/ What would you like to see in a new revision of the Nintendo Switch? Personally, I'd like Ninty to use an improved X2 Nvidia graphics card (essentially a newer version than the one that's already in the Switch). I'd also love to see improved battery life and a slightly higher definition display.
  12. Oh, and Cyberpunk 2077. Don't want to forget that one. That game looks freaking bodacious!
  13. Supposed to be a good RTS https://www.gamivo.com/product/halo-wars-2-pc-xbox-one-eu
  14. Ah, Kill Confirmed is fun, agreed. TDM is a go-to mode for me, too. I never could get into Uplink, but it feels a bit like basketball and I'm rubbish at basketball, haha.
  15. Do it! They're fantastic survival horror/action games. Awesome and taut atmosphere, decent story and slick production values! I'm sure you'll have fun with them and they're pretty cheap nowadays. Start with the first one!
  16. Sweet! I do love a bit of Borderlands action. I played most of my game-time in Borderlands 2 on PS Vita. Runs surprisingly well for such a beast of a game running on a handheld from 2012. I love the shooting/loot gameplay loop - very addictive!
  17. Aye, Wii Sports Resort is a ton of fun. I'm probably one of the only people in the world who's never owned a Smash Bros game so will make sure to pick up the new one on Switch when it drops. Funnily enough, I reviewed Super Mario Party for WGTC recently and really enjoyed it!
  18. I've got a bit of a sweet tooth, so anything with "sugar" in the title is a win for me! 😄
  19. Not heard of Action 52 but looked it up and it looks pretty dope from screenshots in a retro throwback kinda way. I trust your judgement, though!
  20. The old Spider-Man games have a pretty dedicated cult following. Basically, Spider-Man has been in more good video games than, say, Super Man. Pretty sure Super Man is widely regarded as one of the worst video games ever! I've only played the older Spider-Man games cursorily over friends' houses and the like. Really digging the new one, though!
  21. Yes! Arkham trilogy is awesome (particularly the first one, which is my personal fave of the series). Infamous 1 and 2 are brilliant - love the electricity powers! Not played Prototype, but may try and check it out!
  22. Not played a Saints Row game yet tbh 😞 However, a Saints Row port was announced to be coming to Switch, right? Will definitely check it out once it hits Switch 🙂
  23. Nice! I loved Duke Nukem 3D back in the day but never had the chance to play its precursor. Thanks for commenting!
  24. I’ve played FO 2, FO 3, New Vegas and FO 4. My fave is New Vegas as it has the best/funniest writing and some nice quality of life improvements over 3. I love ’em all, though! Really hope NV or 3 gets ported to Switch 🤞🏼
  25. I’m pretty interested in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. It’s reviewed well and I like its focus on RPG mechanics. I don’t usually like AC games. I’m also tempted to pick up Black Ops 4 but I’ll need to fork out for some PS Plus, too. 😔
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