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Everything posted by DylanC

  1. FTL, Pony Island, Undertale and Aliens Vs Predator are all games I love playing on PC.
  2. Pretty sure PC is the *most* popular gaming machine globally, especially when you take into account developing countries and huge countries like China.
  3. I never clean my PC tbh. Maybe I should. I didn't realise it was a thing.
  4. I have an Alienware one. Probably cost a bit more than building your own, though.
  5. Usually Steam or Humble Bundle.
  6. Alien: Isolation and Dishonoured are great stealth titles. Definitely highly recommended!
  7. Fortnite's cosmetic micro-transactions are quite well done imho.
  8. Pretty sure I read somewhere recently that Sony have ceded the whole handheld market to Nintendo. I think Ninty are in a good spot atm with the Switch gaining significant momentum and some big support coming from major third parties like Bethesda. Hopefully, Ninty still have a few unannounced games up their sleeve going into 2019.
  9. I've got a Switch and a PS4, though surprisingly I do a lot of my gaming on my PS3, as the online MP is free. I'm fairly up-to-date games-wise, but I do like to go back and play the classics much of the time.
  10. It received pretty great reviews and this is the cheapest I've seen it yet. http://www.simplygames.com/p/yakuza-6-the-song-of-life---art-book-edition-ps4
  11. If you've got a 4K TV go for a PS4 Pro, if not (and you don't see yourself getting one anytime soon) go for a PS4.
  12. Sony aren't holding A Playstation Experience conference this year. I'm a little saddened by this. Guessing they're gearing up for PS5, right? https://uk.ign.com/articles/2018/09/28/psx-2018-is-not-happening-playstation-exec-confirms
  13. Pretty good deal. Comes with Blade Runner: 2049 blu ray which is a decent movie, as well. https://www.shopto.net/video-games/ps4/PS4DE70-detroit-become-human
  14. I was around 4-5 years old, I think. First game I played was called Monty On The Run on the Amstrad CPC 464.
  15. Cheap as a cup of coffee! https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/assassin-s-creed-iv-4-black-flag-pc-cd-key-uplay?mw_aref=74dth566
  16. I quite liked the death matches and heists. Only played it for a bit, though.
  17. Neverwinter is pretty fun, especially considering it's F2P.
  18. That's a really great price. Will see if it's playable on Vita and may pick this one up. Thanks!
  19. Great game and a great deal if you've not played it yet: https://www.base.com/Games/The-Witcher-3-Wild-Hunt-Game-of-the-Year-Edition-Xbox-One/W3GOTYX1/product.htm?awc=2694_1538210951_16c664f2fe2ab4c253d7de0385bb864d
  20. Supposedly a really awesome game and a few players' game of the year for last year. Pretty cheap price for PS4 version here: https://www.base.com/Games/Nier-Automata-Standard-Edition-PS4/NASEPS4/product.htm?awc=2694_1538210721_2a3d690a9471edfdd1beb42e58b5f682
  21. Also, I think Fortnite is a little overrated. But that's probably because I see it *everywhere* and I've only played it for a couple of hours. I can understand why folks dig it, though.
  22. Super Mario Party comes out next week and I'm pretty stoked for that. Any other games like that which are MP and Party-focused? i.e. can they be played with more than one person? Some of the games on 1-2-Switch were fun (but a little shallow). But games like that are what I'm looking for (games I can play with friends/family). Any recommendations?
  23. IIRC, I used to get that message occasionally way back when I played it when the game first came out. Sometimes the servers would be down, basically. Could still play the game, though.
  24. If I'm playing a naughty run, I quite enjoy sneaking up on random people and putting grenades in their pockets. Not the best way to enamour yourself with the locals, mind you.
  25. Oh, man, Super Mario Bros was such a treat on NES. Absolutely loved it -- great choice!
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