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Everything posted by DylanC

  1. Cheapest I could find at the moment. https://www.thegamecollection.net/shenmue-i-ii-xbox-one/?tduid=efd0247dabb71bded3ee5862353da237
  2. Aye, I take my time with games, for the most part. If it's an RPG, I like wandering around and just getting lost in the world. If it's a linear shooter, I tend to stand and gawk at the views or check every corner for items. I tend to take pleasure in just being immersed in another world.
  3. Yeah, I loved Shadow of Mordor as well. Was really put off by all the micro transaction shenanigans WB focused on for the sequel so never got around to playing Shadow Of War. May pick it up in a sale down the line. The Nemesis system was awesome.
  4. I've finished Demon's Souls a couple of times and, aye, it's a difficult game. I think Dark Souls is slightly more accessible, but it's still super challenging. FTL on hard mode is pretty damn tough, as well. Only finished FTL on hard mode once tbh.
  5. AMAZING HORROR GAME! https://www.amazon.com/Evil-Within-2-PlayStation-4/dp/B071WPL1L8/ref=as_li_ss_tl?th=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=jkfty-20&linkId=396508578b44c79b7c27cc6d0c055e33&language=en_US
  6. I think it’s a game that makes you work for progress/success again much like the old days. Games just don’t do that so much these days. The risk/reward gameplay loop is intoxicatingly addictive and I love the overall world of Lordran. It’s not for everyone, though.
  7. Hey there MegaphoneStallone! Welcome to the VGR forums! 🙂
  8. Generally, I think MS consoles sell better in the States, so their deals in UK/Europe are more competitive/aggressive. Bit of a bummer for you US-based folks, though. I’m sure a good deal is around the corner for you guys!
  9. Nice! That’s a solid and comprehensive list. That said, I’m a big StarFox fan so I’d love to see StarFox 64 somwhere in there, too!
  10. Very good point. Games are getting bigger and bigger (I think Red Dead Redemption is something like 105GB alone). A 2TB HDD would be an ample starting point.
  11. Yep, I think upping the RAM is going to be key, as well.
  12. Rumors are the next gen will be a little more expensive than PS4/XB1. What specs do you expect to see? I imagine there’ll be at least 16gb of gddr5 RAM, a beasty AMD GPU and a decent CPU. 4K blu ray and 60 fps/1080p will finally be standard, too. What you guys reckon?
  13. Hey there fantanoice! Welcome to the VGR forums, dude! 🙂
  14. Easily Aliens Colonial Marines. Gearbox literally had an open goal with that IP and they bloody scuppered it. What a wasted opportunity. Abysmal game.
  15. A Night To Remember is quite a memorable one. I’ve got a soft spot for that one.
  16. Hell of a deal if you’re after a new Xbox One X (only 11 left at time of writing) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07JDQ9ZFW?tag=22
  17. https://www.vgr.com/nintendo-64-trademark-is-now-approved-could-a-nintendo-64-classic-be-coming-soon/ I’d actually be pretty interested in one as I never owned one. What N64 games would you like to see on it?
  18. DylanC

    Hey there.

    Hey! Welcome to the VGR forums, dude!
  19. That’s a tough one. Either Faster Than Light, Skyrim, Dark Souls or Silent Hill 2. All of them offer value but in different ways. I mean Silent Hill 2 is like revisiting the Mona Lisa of games every once in a while.
  20. It's one of the more interesting new features to the Elder Scrolls series. I liked them, and I agree, as the medium evolves, more complex procedurally generated quests will definitely be used in future RPG titles. I particularly like how they're borderline indistinguishable from other quests (except for looking closely in the menus). They feel organic and not forced which is a great achievement.
  21. Great game which has awesome couch co-op: https://groceries.asda.com/search/Overcooked! 2
  22. Buses and coaches while traveling is my fave spot playing the ol’ Switch outside the house.
  23. Deadly Premonition has the best ending ever. Fact. Also, The Last of Us is pretty damn good, as well.
  24. Aye, first Modern Warfare definitely springs to mind, no doubt. I'd also wanna throw Bioshock into the mix. That was another tremendous narrative-focused FPS that helped breathe new life into the genre.
  25. Pretty decent little indie game. Has a cool art-style. http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Bulb-Boy-1242588.html?awc=12777_1539620245_ee0a48c6a8e3b5c1d34ae4adf498fa29&affil=awin&utm_source=AWIN&utm_medium=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.digidip.net%2F&utm_campaign=0b009g8s0bn7&utm _content=Discount+Code
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