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Everything posted by Clasher

  1. Anyone could be immersed, but this usually varies with their game preferences we can't all be immersed into a certain video game. we could all be Interested in a particular video game but how much we are immersed in it would differ
  2. My PlayStation 2 memories are also Worth remembering I could remember that members of my extended family usually had a reunion at my home so my cousin's would always be around and we would just go to my room and play FIFA competitions or racing Games with multiplayer modes . It's been a long time since I saw most of them so I cherish every single moment I shared with them.
  3. My parents didn't play video games but they never stopped from playing because they were aware about how much of a good time I had with my Consoles. My older siblings did play with me and even my uncles too, video game was just a normal thing in my house.
  4. Back then we didn't have a proper game store where you could go to pick out your choices of physical copies of video games so we had to go out of town to get them which could usually be stressful at times. Digital copies did save us some of those stress, but a good merit for physical copies was that you could swap them or exchange them for a another game you want to play when you are Maybe tired of this one or you are done with it.
  5. MMO'S usually contains thousands of online user's and I understand that they could be a pain in the butt for anyone who is just starting out the game for the first Time. Passive mode is supposed to be an essential addition for all MMO'S or online modes with a lot of users in Them.
  6. That's good I really don't like watching offensive contents or someone trying hard to demerit something and so uses a lot of swear words to do so. Which is one of the reasons I don't subscribe to a lot YouTube channels, I just search for a particular content get what I want out of it and then I'm out.
  7. I don't think a single video could be sane Price as a console that sounds unruly , in a case like that then the console might have double or even tripled in price due to inflation and everything else not just video games is going to be affected in that kind of bizarre situation.
  8. I have never had to quit a game like totally because of a boss, I see them as a challenge and defeating them in the end makes the game a lot more interesting to proceed with.
  9. Some bosses are so difficult they make you sick when I first encountered the nameless king in dark souls 3 a tall armoured man wielding an electrified spear. His attacks are so unpredictable and so difficult to avoid at the same time. It was so frustrating I had to let it be for a day and then return the next day to fight it again though I eventually defeated that boss.
  10. I thought you were only interested in the VR headset, but if it comes with all Those things you mentioned it should be above $3000 to $3500. Just give us an update here when you receive a mail from them.
  11. One of the more reasons why before you are allowed to upload a content on YouTube you are asked to specify if it is appropriate for kids viewing so they wouldn't let your contents be available to people under that age bracket. There is even a new feature on YouTube called YouTube for kids which would make you more relaxed as to what contents they are been exposed to.
  12. I think games right now is usually priced between $30 to $70 only a few goes below or above this price mark. I don't mind paying full price for remakes of video games if I am really interested in it though.
  13. I had to gift mine away at some point but up untill the time when I did that and got my PlayStation 2, that console was my most priced treasure. Lol How I got it and who I got it from is among the reasons why the memories are always so special to me.
  14. $5000 is a big deal for me as well, but I am not sure it would be as expensive as that. Maybe between $1500 to $2500 is a good price for it.
  15. Is GTA and RDR classified as an MMO? Well , I could relate with what you are stating and there is some form of viability and that would certainly allow people get used to the game to an extent playing in passive mode before switching to other modes.
  16. What's the value of time if it is not Invested in the things that brings you true happiness. Time is only a quantity of measurement and doesn't define outcome or results , you might spend your whole day reading and some one who just spends a few minutes doing something achieves Better results. It goes far beyond an activity but something you are genuinely interested in and not everyone is even inclined to playing videogames as much as not everyone is inclined towards making scientific research, we can't all function the same way or else we seize to become human but a preprogrammed entity.
  17. It is way more easier to be responsible and be in control in video games than in reality. And that is why it is such a good break from the cares of life and why many people are so fascinated by it.
  18. That's exciting, I have been longing for a persona 5 on Xbox for some time now. I would look out for the Yakuza 6 on gamepass I sincerely hope it's available.
  19. I am more immersed in violent games than I am for any other game which is why I am of the opinion that your character traits in the real world doesn't determine how immersed you are in a certain kind of game.
  20. I would love to see that too, most especially the fact that the tomb raider playthrough was satisfying to watch in a movie like kind of way, it's an hour long.
  21. Though no one really bothers about how much I play video games but I am always quick to shut them up when they try to talk down on how much I enjoy playing videogames.
  22. I find this a bit hilarious because you seem to be really interested in a video game but then the price always deter you from getting them eventually. I think these video game developers should work more on making their prices a bit market friendly I think that way they would be able to sell more though they are still people who don't mind about the price at all.
  23. Passive mode would mean you would just be moving around without any much action, because I believe MMO's were made to be able to fight game characters that are controlled by real people. I know it would take some time to adapt but when you do it's quite fun. I haven't heard much about Rust but I would certainly give it a proper research.
  24. I Know this is just wishful thinking but these are some PS4 exclusive I would have loved to see on Xbox Persona 5 Yakuza 6 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End GT Sport
  25. I just tell them to do what they enjoy and since I Don't complain they shouldn't be bothered about mine. Atleast I don't complain when they waste their entire day watching porn or some other stuffs .
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