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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. I agree, if I am paying around $60 - $70 for a game as you stated, I don't also want to be greeted with a battle pass that I have to pay for as well. If I pay that price for a game, I would expect the battle pass to be included because of course, they are already making money just by selling the game and then charging for a battle pass just seems like greed. If the game is free, it makes sense to offer a battle pass and charge for a premium battle pass, otherwise, how else would the company make any kind of money?
  2. I agree. When you think about it, Epic Games and Fortnite really did pave the way for free games but also the ability to provide a free game and still make money from the game as well. Even with Fall Guys, when Mediatonic were the only ones working on it, it at first wasn't exactly free to play as you needed to either have PS Plus or purchase it through Steam. Epic Games came in and started working with Mediatonic and just like that we ended up with another free game on every console that many people play even now.
  3. It sure does. You know when I have read through this thread again, it got me thinking. Fortnite has been a game that we have seen built pretty much from the ground up, we have watched them add things to the game, watched the game get better in terms of graphics and game play and a lot of the time, Epic Games have always asked us for feedback or to report issues when we find them. This in a sense has meant that without even realizing, many of us who have played Fortnite have in actual fact been testers for a game that was live and in development. Seeing where Fortnite is now compared to where it was 5 years ago is just amazing.
  4. WWE games were so good I feel until 2K took over. Once 2K took over and started developing the games that is when we started getting games that had a lot of issues, a lot of bugs and just became less fun to play. My kids often go back to the older SD vs RAW games and can play them for hours compared to only a little while say on the latest WWE game WWE 2K23.
  5. Ah yes, those games that can be addictive but can also become less interesting the more you have to repeat certain things. That happened to me in Candy Crush when I was playing that. It became so repetitive and when I got to a level that seemed to take forever to complete I kind of got tired of trying to do the same thing over and over and ended up just giving up with it but before that, it did become really addictive.
  6. I also heard myself it was scheduled to run for 10 years and with the updates they are making and the fact people are still playing the game even now, it can definitely last that long if not longer. The fact it has lasted 8 years and it is still popular is an amazing achievement. I guess as long as they listen to their fans and what they want to see in the game, the game could run for a very long time to come. It all comes down to the developers in the end.
  7. The UMP was also my go to gun when rushing people. I am more of a run and gun player in COD so having a good that is perfect for that kind of game play like the UMP was always my favorite. I often ended up not getting half the camos for guns in Call of Duty games when they released that due to me getting so used to using the same gun as I did well with it that I would use it all the time and would hate to change out.
  8. Yeah I notice that a lot of games that are pay to win are usually mobile games and it's usually that you have to spend a ton of money on the game to get the best kinds of items to even stand a chance or spend years playing to get enough to pick these items up. No one is going to spend years playing a game in hopes they can get something in the game that they need and if you don't have the funds you are going to just leave the game. It is definitely why I feel a lot of mobile games fail when they offer pay to win.
  9. When you mention zombie movies I thought of The Walking Dead. Obviously we do have some Walking Dead games that are more multi choice and going through the game and even though The Walking Dead isn't a movie. I would love to see a The Walking Dead game where you have to survive much like they do in the show, that would be awesome to play through I feel.
  10. It's well worth a try as a free game for sure. I have known people who have played and tried Overwatch and couldn't fully get into it, they played Paladins and found that they could play Paladins and had a lot of fun with it. It definitely is a game that you either enjoy or you don't much like with Overwatch.
  11. Oh how did I forget about Firing range? I love that map on Black Ops and I know they have redone that map a few times for newer games as well. I believe it is also on COD Mobile but I could be wrong. Nuketown is another I loved as well but I feel they overdid that map and I just got burned out on it. I remember getting 72 kills on that Nuketown once but I was on someone elses account and no matter how much I tried on my own account, I could never hit or beat that many kills.
  12. For me it would definitely have to be Yoshi's Island, Kirbys Dreamland, Mario Kart and even Crash Bandicoot. I can go back to these games as many times as I would like and never tire of them at all and each time it's like playing the game for the first time again. I also notice when I go back to games as well, how much I missed out on others play throughs and that leads to finding new things and a new experience as well.
  13. From what I understand the game is still quite popular but it seems that the lack of updates or changes to the game are what is worrying players at the moment. I guess with EA and their track record of just letting games die off, that is what has got people worried in regards to Apex Legends. I myself love Apex Legends especially the arena mode but one thing I have always said and continue to say, I can never understand why they never brought back solo. Many people solo queue into duo's so there must be some interest in having solo back on the game I would have thought.
  14. I know what you mean, I am the same if I had the knowledge I would definitely give it a go for sure. I remember my brother telling me what software he used to make his game with his friends when he was in college but I for the life of me can not remember what it was called, I would have to ask him again when I next see him but he is on a busy schedule. I have a few ideas that I would love to make into a video game but without the knowledge they simply stay as ideas for the moment.
  15. Yeah, I feel it really is a game that you can play only when you are in the mood to if I am honest, at least that is how I see it nowadays, it's a game I can not force myself to play but can only play if the interest is there. Playing with friends does add to the fun though for sure!
  16. Forsakes was a great DLC for sure and it definitely did save Destiny 2 as you say. I remember it was when Forsaken was released that I went back to the game after a while and became hooked again but the same happened again once The Witch Queen was released as well, it brought me back to the game after taking a break from it. I know there is a new DLC coming out soon as well so I am excited to see that as well.
  17. Shortie

    The Wii U

    Yes, I did own a Wii U before the Switch was launched but to be honest, even though we owned one, it didn't get used as much as we thought it would and after a while of it not being use, we ended up selling it. I am so glad that the Nintendo Switch is a lot more powerful and enjoyable to be honest and we tend to play the Nintendo Switch way more than we ever did the Wii U.
  18. Rocket League is a game I just could not get into when it was first released. I would struggle with the movement in the game and would eventually give up with it as I struggled so much I stopped having fun with it. It wasn't until someone told me I could turn on ball cam and it made it so much easier that I started having so much more fun with the game and I will now every so often jump on Rocket League as a change up of a game to play. Do you play Rocket League and did you know about the ball cam? Did you know about it straight away? I sure didn't but I am very thankful someone told me about it as it changed how I feel about the game.
  19. Many video games come with in game items that you can purchase and even though many don't help you out in the game at all and are merely just in game items, there are some games that you can purchase that do end up granting you an advantage in a game and because it is a paid in game item, it can make it unfair for those who are unable to purchase the item in question. What game do you think is the worst for pay to win?
  20. Destiny 2 went free to play a few years ago now but even though it went free to play, we still have to pay for things like DLC to be able to play certain parts of the base game. We have had quite a few DLC releases over the years before it went free to play and after it went free to play. Which DLC from Destiny 2 has been your favorite? For me I would definitely have to say The Witch Queen. I do still need to go back and finish off The Witch Queen campaign but from what I played before I stopped playing due to a hectic schedule I absolutely loved it.
  21. Ever since games like Fortnite started doing battle passes in their games, more and more games have followed in suit and now have a battle pass on their games. Rainbow Six Siege added a battle pass, Warzone added a battle pass and I believe you get battle passes now on the multiplayer sections on Call of Duty games as well, Apex Legends has a battle pass, Overwatch now has a battle pass and there are many other games that have also chosen to bring battle passes to their games. Do you feel that with how gaming and games are now, battle passes are just going to become the norm now for games?
  22. If I remember rightly Rainbow Six Siege was released in 2015 and it has been quite a popular title ever since it's release. My son has recently started playing it again on Xbox and I was quite surprised to see how popular it still is even after nearly 8 years since it's release. They do also seem to be updating the game still as well which I think is amazing. I remember I played Rainbow Six Siege back when it was released and then again a few years later but I haven't had the urge to play it again since. How long do you feel Rainbow Six Siege has left? Do you think with the updates still coming through like they are they may last quite a few more years?
  23. Dead by Daylight is a game that seems to be super popular and despite me trying it and playing it a little, I just could never get behind the hype of the game and I have not gone back to it since because I couldn't get interested in it enough. It really is a game you either love or just don't. Do you enjoy playing Dead by Daylight? What keeps you playing if you do enjoy it?
  24. As gamers we play many games and some of them can be fun to play but not addictive and you will also find a game that you play and it becomes too addictive. I myself used to play The Sims but I had to stop playing as I would get addicted to the game and would spend so many hours on the game without realizing and that would bug me especially if I had things that I needed to do and they ended up not getting done because I got addicted. Has there ever been a game you have stopped playing because it became too addictive? What game was it and have you risked going back to it at any point or just left it alone?
  25. GTA V will be 10 years old this year and that is quite a long time for a video game to still be quite busy and popular. Rockstar have definitely ensured that they released updates to keep the game fresh and enjoyable for their players and I feel that shows with how popular online is on this game. My eldest son started playing GTA V over Christmas again and he has been having a lot of fun with it and is quite surprised himself how much fun he is having even now the game is almost 10 years old. Do you still play GTA V now? What keeps you playing if you do still play?
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