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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. I have been trying a few new mobile games just recently to help pass the time or to just take my mind off things a little and to chill a little when I have a spare few minutes. One thing I noticed on at least one of the mobile games I downloaded to try was just how many ads they have in such a short space of time. I understand that they need to pay for their games somehow, especially if their game is quite new and they need the funds to help keep it running, but I feel that in most cases having them say every 1 - 2 minutes is a little overkill and can be off putting to people playing the game, especially when in most cases you have to wait nearly a minute before you can close the ad. What are your thoughts on ads on mobile games? Do you feel they can sometimes be a little over kill?
  2. I was having a look at mobile games in the Google Play Store yesterday and I found a few scratch card mobile games available which got me curious as to how many people use them and if anyone here has ever played a scratch card game on their phone. I myself have never tried any scratch card games on my phone, only seen them. Have you ever used any scratch card games on your phone or is that something you would avoid?
  3. Cloud Gaming has been something that has been around for over a year now and since it's release, the stability of cloud gaming has got better for many with very little disconnection issues than there used to be when they first launched it. I myself only tend to now use cloud gaming if I want to play a game that is available on cloud gaming using my phone or I will also use the cloud gaming service on my Xbox to be able to play games without installing them which I think is a very cool feature. How often do you use cloud gaming and what are your thoughts about it now?
  4. If you do not have a controller at hand to be able to use when you are playing mobile games such as Call of Duty mobile or Apex Legends mobile you can always use the touchscreen controls that are available on the game. These can be a little more difficult to use if you are not used to it and does take quite a bit of practice to get used to. I have seen many people playing both these games using the in game controls and it is quite amazing to see them do so well using those controls. How well do you play Call of Duty mobile or Apex Legends mobile without a controller and with the in game controls?
  5. As many of you will know, with things like Cloud Gaming from Xbox you now have the ability to connect a bluetooth wireless controller to your phone and play games on the go on your phone with a controller. There are many attachments out there so you can easily have your phone and your controller so that you are able to play like any other handheld. What attachment do you use to play games on your phone? Is there another one you are looking at getting in the future or are you happy with the one you have now? I at the moment have a basic attachment from Venom for my mobile phone and my controller. It works but it's not the greatest and I would love to be able to get the Razer Kishi though as I like the look of that and that is something that looks better in terms of turning it into a handheld than using your controller say from your Xbox.
  6. Halo Infinite didn't exactly have the greatest launch when it was launched in 2021 but after some hiccups they did manage to fix things and get things to have they wanted them to be. I remember when they released Halo Infinite Multiplayer a little early, I jumped on it for launch and I was plagued with connection issues and also being kicked out of games. I haven't played it too much since a few weeks after the launch but I have heard that they have made so many improvements to it since then. Have you played Halo Infinite since the somewhat failed launch? Is it a lot better now or does it still have it's issues?
  7. Right now mobile gaming is as popular than ever with games like Call of Duty and even Apex Legends making it to mobile which has become quite popular since they were released on mobile. With games like this on mobile is there a possibility that gaming on mobile will only get even more better over time? Technology is always changing and always getting better, how long do you think it will be before we see better quality gaming on mobile?
  8. I have so many games I could add to this list if I am honest but from the top of my head right now I would have to say Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Alex The Kidd Yoshi's Island Sonic the Hedgehog Super Mario World Kirby's Dreamland Animal Crossing New Horizons Tetris PacMan Fortnite Apex Legends There are so many more but they are the ones I can think of right now off the top of my head.
  9. Saw was one game I remember playing way back that I played but after a while I couldn't continue playing it just because it did scare me. I am quite easily scared so games and even movies like that scare me quite quickly. Another was when I was a kid and my brothers had Resident Evil, I used to watch them play and they used to let me play as well but I would get too scared during me playing that I would pass it back to them. It's weird as I now don't get scared when it comes to Resident Evil.
  10. I feel unionization will help gaming a lot to be honest. I can only imagine how much abuse game developers go through over games as I have only ever seen what they have allowed to be released to the public in terms of situations regarding the gaming industry and abuse. I know with Cyberpunk, that could have been such a smoother release and a lot better for them if they waited a little longer but they were pressured and that was wrong. More does need to be done to protect them and prevent incidents like that happening. It's not fair on the developers when they give in to demand and then get abuse because the release wasn't finished.
  11. Not going to lie I would like to see jetpacks comes back once again, I did enjoy Black Ops 3 a lot with the mechanics they used and how new and different it was. What they did with Black Ops 3 worked and it made it a fun game. Yes you still had campers as you will in ever Call of Duty game but to be honest, it also meant more people were running around the map as well due to the jetpacks.
  12. It's not too often I play games solo if I am honest but I do on the odd occasion play them solo. Fortnite is one, I don't mind from time to time playing some solo games myself as I feel I can better focus on the game at hand, work on how I am going to play without issue. Minecraft is another, this one I love to just hang out in creative if I am honest and just have fun building stuff and chilling out
  13. For me it would definitely have to be Mario Sonic Call of Duty Need for Speed Forza Gears of War Those are just to name a few off the top of my head now, I know there are a lot more though but my memory can be like at fish at times.
  14. I know Fortnite tried the whole split screen thing for their online multiplayer and as much as it was a godo idea, it was awful to use for something like an online game. I do think that because of how big online gaming is now and because of how accessible the internet is now as well, split screen is definitely something that we will now see less and less of until it just phases out.
  15. I don't mind watching full videos of games on YouTube if it's a game I am playing myself and I watch the video for help or inspiration on the game so that I do not miss out on things. Most of the time though I spend time looking through walk through of games or just small play through of games to watch when I have the time.
  16. I feel that social media has definitely had not only a positive affect on gaming but also a negative affect. Positive in terms of that we can now connect with other gamers all over the world, share our thoughts and even make new friends but also that it has made is possible for content creators to make their streaming and content creation a full time job. In terms of negative, I feel that the gaming social media whilst a lot of the time is pretty solid and polite, you do get some bad apples who take it too far and give gamers a bad name.
  17. With the success of the Switch and the Steam Deck it is pretty much inevitable now that we will probably see more companies coming out with their own versions of these consoles that can also be handhelds. I have said it for the longest time and even now I would still love to see it and that is for Xbox to jump on the handheld. Something like a console that is also a handheld I feel would be amazing and very popular from Xbox.
  18. Very much so a charging station for sure. I have a charging dock myself that I got with my controller a few months ago and if I am honest, it was the best thing I got as I haven't had any issues with my battery dying on me as I always keep it on the dock when I am not using it. Also, thumb grips as well are something else I would recommend. I have been using my thumb grips now since around May 2020 and now when I use a controller without thumb grips, I find it so uncomfortable and can never understand how I used to play without.
  19. I think heading towards a future of no physical media or discs would be a blow to be honest. So many people still prefer to pick up physical games even now and taking the ability away from them to do that would affect them badly. I feel what Xbox has done with their consoles, one with a disc tray and one without is a better option going forward as it gives the consumer the chance to choose which one they would prefer and still be able to go either physical or digital.
  20. I don't know what Fortnite did to their game but I noticed that the game seems a lot brighter now than it ever was before and even though I turn down the brightness in the game settings I always find it doesn't really make any difference at all. Because of this I tend to get headaches when playing and it can be quite frustrating as I do enjoy the game.
  21. I haven't played a video game in well over a week as I have been so busy with work but the last game I played was Fortnite after the Winterfest update left. I played a few games after the update and then had to get back to work as I was a little swamped after Christmas and New Year.
  22. Working as a game tester was something I had a strong interest in if I am honest but never knew where to start. I don't think it's as big a thing now as it was a while back though or at least I don't seem to see it as much as I used to now so it's something I kind of pushed to the back of my mind. It would be quite cool to be part of the testing of new video games though and be helping developers with bugs and such.
  23. Not going to lie if we ever saw a remake of Simpsons Hit and Run on Playstation and for some reason it didn't come to Xbox (even though I feel that would be very rare) this would be a game I would jump on Playstation for. I played Hit and Run so much and have been wanting a remake or remaster for the longest time so no matter what console that may come out on, I would be sure to jump on it. Still surprised that we haven't seen a remaster yet being that so many are crying out for it.
  24. So this past Christmas, my youngest son took an interest in UNO and wanted me to get him the UNO cards as a Christmas gift. I managed to get these for him and even though he understands much of the rules for UNO, he does struggle on some things and I felt that if he was able to play UNO on say Xbox or Nintendo Switch he may learn in a little better than him being told as he has a tendency to seem to be listening but doesn't really take it in and he seems to learn better when playing. I myself have UNO on my Xbox as I bought it a few years ago when it was on offer and even though I enjoy it and have played it a few times, it's kinda just sat there. I also noticed that UNO is on offer on the Nintendo Switch as well which would be perfect for my son as he could play it on the go if he wanted to. Have you ever played UNO on console? Do you find it easier to learn on the console than say playing with the cards?
  25. We have spent so much time playing video games over the course of 2022 with many playing on more than one console/platform. With each different game we can sometimes find it better to play on a specific platform per game, for example I prefer to play shooters on my Xbox but I love to play games such as House Flipper, Powerwash Simulator and such on my PC if I can. What platform did you find you spent most of your time on in 2022? I myself found that I spent most of my game play time on Xbox over anywhere else and that was because I was playing a lot of Fortnite and Apex throughout 2022.
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