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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. This is a tough one as there are so many games that I would love to see as a mashup but it's whether or not it would work even if I would love it to work. Something like Fall Guys but with popular gaming characters such as Sonic, Mario, Luigi and such would be amazing to see. Not sure how well that would work though or even if they would allow it if I am honest.
  2. Shortie


    Yeah, it's one of those games where you either enjoy it or you don't. Those kind of games I do enjoy myself, it's something to sit and chill out to and relax so perfect for unwinding after a busy day. I don't see as many now mentioning it at all but it could be because it went to a mobile game, I am not sure if it is still on Facebook so I will have to check that one. In some cases with mobile games they can be connected to Facebook and linked that way so you can send things to your friends but I haven't checked that in Farmville 2 on mobile yet.
  3. Wowzers! It's every gamers dream to have a collection like this for sure! I would personally love to be able to have a collection like this but my pocket would unfortunately cry if I tried. Can only imagine how much it would be worth if and when the market changes. That is sure dedication!
  4. Being that Microsoft have said that they would open up the games to all platforms and they would not be Xbox exclusives I see no reason why this deal with Activision should be a problem at all unless they go back on their word and make the games exclusive before or after the deal has gone through. People will make it a problem though as anyone does with anything which only leads to a waste of time for many.
  5. Oh my that is a lot to get through. I thought I was bad with all what I have on my Switch that I haven't played yet. I have Nintendo Online at the moment which gets used a lot by my kids who play Just Dance online and also play things like Nintendo Switch Sports online so it does get used quite a lot. It's not a bad price at all for a year either and well worth it for how much they use. I always say though, are you even a gamer if you don't have a huge backlog? LOL
  6. For me it would definitely have to be the Xbox 360 Blade Dashboard. It was so new at the time when they released it and it was so clean as well and basic. The way the dashboard is now on the Xbox One and the Xbox Series, as much as it is good I just feel there is way too much going on now with all the advertisements and such as I do miss the basic look of what the Xbox 360 blade dashboard gave. I have often said if we could ever have the option to go back to the bladed dashboard I would in a heartbeat. Obviously, I understand why the dashboard is the way it is now on Xbox but something clean would be so much better.
  7. For me it really depends on what it looks like under the water on the game you are playing. If you can see the bottom when you are swimming in a game that doesn't tend to affect me at all and I can get on with that fine with no issue but when it comes to say swimming in water where the bottom just seems never ending, for me that kicks in a fear I never thought I had with video games. It is pretty much the same fear I have about water in real life to be honest, I am fine if you can see the bottom and you can even reach the bottom with your feet but if the bottom seems to go on and on and is pretty deep, I get frightened and tend to move away from the situation.
  8. For me it really depends on the game and how you would find your way around the map for new quests. For example if it were a game where the character I was playing had special senses as a way to find things around the map without a marker or an area marked I would use that. In most games that I play though, I find that it's usually a marker that you can place or the area is highlighted where you need to be with a mark like directing you to the location. This is something I prefer if I am honest in video games and find helps me more when needing to find an area.
  9. That is understandable. It can become quite repetitive with what the game is and how much there is on there to do and for some people, too much of the same thing can get too much and often results in burn out so I can see exactly where you are coming from 🙂
  10. They do have a Battle Royale Pacman game which I believe is free if you have Nintendo Switch online. You play Pacman normally but go up against others on who lasts the longest. It's a lot of fun for sure and well worth it if you already own Nintendo Online and you get it as part of that. I haven't played it in a while but I have heard that it's still very popular.
  11. So I just realized that this game is actually on Game Pass and I noticed it as it was advertised on my home when I turned my Xbox on. I honestly thought it would be a game I would have to purchase to be honest but I am glad that it is on game pass as it means I can now play it myself instead of just watching others play it. Actually excited to play it as from what I have seen from it so far, it looks like a lot of fun! Love that we get so many awesome games on Game Pass if I am honest.
  12. That's about the same time my son started playing if I am honest, he did tire of it quite a few times but does keep coming back to the game when new things come out. He is enjoying this new Chapter and Season at the moment and has been playing quite a bit. Have you considered trying it again or is it just not something that takes your fancy at all now?
  13. It's always a shame to see games like this go down and be completely unplayable because the servers have shut down, especially if you really enjoy the game and it was just the decision of the developer to shut it off. I feel though that the more dedicated players of these games will always find a way to make their own private servers and keep them going somehow. It may take some years but you may notice something pop up.
  14. I have been playing a game called Fly Race on Roblox that has a Christmas even, it's actually quite chill and something I can periodically play whilst I am working as well which is nice. Been playing it with my kids since last night and it's been a lot of fun!
  15. No matter how many times I have tried to use Sigma myself I always struggle with it, can't seem to get the hang of him. I know within time if I use him enough I will be able to grasp it but I usually give up and go back to who I am used to lol. My youngest son, he is 13 and he plays Sigma and I often sit and think to myself "how does he do that" and even though he tries to explain to me I still struggle.
  16. Considering Smokey stated it was a game on GAME PASS and there is only one on game pass I'd say that's self explanatory. I haven't played the game myself or seen the movies but it's not the first time I've played a game and not seen the movies. Might check this out see what it's like over the Christmas period.
  17. I have always seen portable consoles that are made by fans for games such as DreamCast but I can't think of any off hand that are official if I am honest. I would love to see a portable Xbox if I am honest but I don't see that happening any time soon or at least I haven't seen any fans make one at the moment. I guess with them having the cloud gaming being able to game on phones and tablets is one way of it being handheld but it would be awesome to have something that is actually portable and like the Xbox controller.
  18. The last game I played was some Roblox last night for a little while. I always like to jump on Roblox myself around this time of year to join in on the Christmas updates that come onto games I enjoy playing. Snowman Simulator is a good one to play when it comes to this time of year, super festive.
  19. I have had Animal Crossing New Horizons since May 2020 and I have managed to have some time to experience the Halloween Event and some of the Christmas event but I have never had the chance to experience the New Year event. I am going to have to see if I can get on it this year to see their New Year event.
  20. I wouldn't say that I hate any system to be honest but there is a console that I would say is the one I prefer the least and that is PlayStation. It was a case that Crash Bandicoot would only be playable on PlayStation until they released the game on all platforms. Back before it was available on the likes of Xbox as well as PlayStation I would often wish it was on Xbox because I never fully liked the PlayStation controllers compared to the Xbox controllers. I always found the Xbox controllers to be more comfortable and would much prefer to play games on there.
  21. I read about this earlier myself and I will admit, being that I am a big player of Fortnite I have never noticed anything different myself when it came to my account or buttons being any darker so it may seem that it was kid accounts that may have been targeted. If that is the case then they do deserve to be sued as that is one of the worst things you could do in a game. We can only hope that this will be what puts a stop to them every doing something like this again. Unfortunately targeting kids on video games as been a problem for a long while and it may continue for some time to come.
  22. I myself have tried in the past to miss seasons since I started playing but my mind always kicks in that I will miss out on so much and I end up going back and playing the seasons anyway just so that I get the skins, in game items and so much more. I wouldn't say that Fortnite has become addictive for me but I do like to say I participated in each season since I started playing.
  23. That looks amazing and so well made! I love the Xbox button lights around it if that is what they are (that is what they look like from my view) and the detail on Spyro is just amazing! I love collectibles like this that are made and there is so much attention to detail on them. These are the kind of collectibles that I would keep in a glass cabinet to keep them safe.
  24. This is one of the games I honestly didn't see being turned into a movie, I will be honest. So many want to see a Metal Gear Solid movie over a death stranding movie as many have stated in this thread so it would seem weird they take this route. One can only hope that we maybe get a Metal Gear Solid movie at a later date.
  25. Oh it sure is way more fun to get some exercise in, I feel that is why I like the concept of the game. I always get it for Christmas each year for my kids as a gift and they enjoy it every year and throughout the year with the updates. During the winter months they don't tend to get out as much as they would during the other times of the year due to the weather so this is a great way to get them up and moving and it's fun for them as well.
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