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Everything posted by Alyxx

  1. To be fair I don't think anyone can...
  2. Probably the mechanical gaming keyboard my brother got for me this year, god bless him
  3. Hey I'm not gonna deny a fact...
  4. Alyxx


    Usually just lag or rubberbanding. Bad teammates and trolls are just fun.
  5. 1. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles 2. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker 3. Gaiares 4. Truxton 5. Alisia Dragoon 6. The Lion King 7. Zero Tolerance 8. Castlevania: The New Generation 9. Megaman: The Wily Wars 10. Dragon's Fury
  6. I'm still in a male body but I've started using makeup more and I've switched my legal gender to female and changed my name. I also plan on using more feminine clothing.
  7. I don't do dares. Brussel sprouts are amazing yeah ❤️
  8. Yeah the original gets even more intricate.
  9. Soulja Boy is a fucking douche lol Making money off stuff you didn't make yourself is just unethical no matter how you frame it XD
  10. Yeah Mankind Divided fell short on the story I agree. But it's still a lot of fun to play. I just felt more invested in Human Revolution.
  11. Yes. Broccoli. I'm a broccoli addict. If I wasn't allergic, probably a fox. I'm not interested in football. Lara Croft.
  12. Welcome, Monty! ❤️
  13. Getting ready for christmas and playing games. Broccoli. Goes with everything. Usually any type of innards like liver... And foie gras just cause it involves animal abuse to make.
  14. Yeah, sorry, I've never played it. Just heard it was a RPG. but I stand corrected!
  15. I think Fallout 4 is great personally. I've played the hell out of it. If I wasn't playing DUSK and Far Cry 5 I'd be playing that. Usually my go-to game with friends nowadays. I'm not really addicted to it, but I do have fun with it when I play it.
  16. No idea what you mean by "sabotaging" since they did nothing that altered the game in any radical way other than a slight graphical downgrade. The game still looks gorgeous to me. Gonna have to disagree with you there. I'm a huge fan of Watch_Dogs and I never felt disappointed by it. I guess it depends on what you expected from it.
  17. Been playing the franchise since Fallout 2 so... long time fan. I think Fallout 4 is a great game. But it's not a good Fallout game. Fallout 76 I absolutely love but it's definitely not Fallout either lol. But I will admit the idea of a survival game in the Fallout universe makes a lot of sense to me. I've played Human Revolution to death! Platinumed both the original release and the director's cut. I still play it now and then just because I love it so much.
  18. Alyxx

    Last Game Played

    Sure OT: DUSK Sounds like a great evening!
  19. I'm riding the hype train so hard I'm hanging off the front screaming "COME AT MEEEEE, BROOOOO!!!!" Yeah, I am so ready for it... Dude speak for yourself, I LOVE Watch_Dogs.
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