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Everything posted by Alyxx

  1. lol, I guess I was lucky in that regard with my mom and dad both being fairly knowledgeable about computers...
  2. Violence doesn't really bother me that much.
  3. I'm a huge fan of the show. Not all of it is great and in general I prefer the older seasons but it's still fun to watch.
  4. Twin Peaks. Start with the first two seasons, then watch Fire Walk With Me and The Return.
  5. Probably not. I have far too much love for the first two movies to consider it on par with them.
  6. I use Spotify, have been for ages. It's a great thing to have, though I'm not a fan of the restrictions they put on the free version.
  7. Old classics but I don't mind newer songs either.
  8. It's really not my taste personally, but it kinda bothers me when radio stations censor stuff...
  9. Considering I've had actual interactions with a ghost, I don't believe in them. I know they exist. I feel believing is a weak term to use when you've gotten pretty convincing first-hand evidence.
  10. I completely think online jobs should be added to your resume, since they could still give you relevant skills when applying for a position somewhere.
  11. Alyxx

    Dream City

    Gothenburg. It's an amazing beautiful city. I'd love to live there some day.
  12. I think it will be challenging. We're definitely facing climate change which could have pretty big consequences for our wildlife and flora, so we'd have to not only adapt to that but also look into ways of preserving endangered species. I think as a whole we really need to focus on how we can adapt to the earth's changes.
  13. Not entirely dead but definitely less active.
  14. I've always felt foxes are my spirit animal. I certainly identify the most with them.
  15. I was born into a Christian family but around when I turned 16 I started losing faith because I didn't see the point of it so up until I was like... I think 21, I considered myself an atheist. I think it was around 2009-2010 or so when I started changing my perspective on the world. Suddenly I looked out at the world and felt this strong feeling that there was something out there, that it was simply impossible that we were put here by chance and that everything made too much sense to be random. I guess you could say I'm a bit creationist Christian in that sense, I definitely believe in intelligent design. So for me the faith has definitely come from myself and how I view the world though it's strictly my own personal view. How others choose to see it is their business.
  16. I can only give my own personal reason for my faith in all honesty. I know there are Christians out there who use God as an excuse to do pretty bad things, but I do not consider myself among them. For me believing in God helps me feel like we have a purpose in this world, that we were not put here by random chance. It helps me feel like we are part of something greater than us, and that all this hate that so-called religious people spread really doesn't matter. To me God is a force of good that lives in all of us, and we have our choice whether we want to be guided by God or not. It's not about reading the bible, going to church and focusing on how people love each other being wrong. It's about being good, plain and simple. And that's what believing in God is to me. Believing that there is something good in all of us, regardless of who we are, regardless of our colour, gender, sexual preference and so on. I never really try to force my faith on others, I want people to choose for themselves how they want to see the world. Because you cannot make someone believe in God, it has to come from within yourself. It's not something you're told, it's something you feel, something you just know. That's why it's a bit difficult for me to properly express why I believe in God. I just kinda do because I feel it so strongly. I've been told that I'm not a true Christian, but personally I don't really care how other people define Christianity. This is how I choose to define it because it makes my world a better place.
  17. I just treat people like individuals regardless of their colour or faith. Easier that way.
  18. I find flat earthers fascinating. I don't share their views but they sure are fascinating.
  19. I personally believe it was God, if anything because it makes no sense to me that something can just start existing from nothing. To me it makes more sense that something created it, especially when you look at how things are so dependent on each other to support life.
  20. As a trans female I personally only feel there are 2 genders, even if I am one and identify as the other. I don't really see myself as anything in between either, I see myself as a female. That being said I do believe people are free to develop their own identity and some people feel it's easier without a gender tied to it, thus why we get these genderfluid terms.
  21. Let's save Earth before we colonize another planet...
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