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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. It's due to them pissing all over themselves in the trees.
  2. Someone begging off my plate is something that pisses me off to no end. Once I have fixed my plate and gone to eat, DO NOT EVER ASK ME IF YOU CAN HAVE SOME. I can't fucking stand that kind of bullshit. If you want some ask BEFORE IT'S ON MY MOTHER FUCKING PLATE.
  3. A cabin way off in the deep woods would be perfect for me. If I was rich, I would buy a bit of land that was heavily wooded, and have one built. You would probably never see my fat ass again, as I would spend almost all of my time there. It would honestly be my permanent home, and I would never want to leave due to just how peaceful it would be.
  4. We all know damn well that they'll try to use some kind of bullshit linguistic tactic with fancy semantics to both confuse and deflect the ones wanting an explanation, while not explaining a damn thing. They think they're slick enough to plant the seed without the ground knowing. Well here's hoping they start having their meetings in a forest made up of nothing but Manchineel trees.
  5. I'm curious then, what's your native tongue?
  6. And how many times did the episode suck so bad that the intro was the best part? Too many to count.
  7. I've owned several forums, and still own a couple, and they're all dead. People have quit posting and after a year or so I deleted all inactive content and accounts that hadn't been logged into. So mine are blank except for my account.
  8. What are you, a ninja turtle? I could easily go without it. What I couldn't go without is biscuits and gravy.
  9. Fuck social media. I don't use it anyway, so obviously I can definitely do without it. It's nothing but an internet-wide virus anyway. So many people are so obsessed with their numbers that it's sickening. Check this out:
  10. If I could, I would spend every moment of every day and night outside.
  11. Not a whole lot to be honest. I'll list them below as I think of them. 1.) Honesty 2.) Trustworthy 3.) Intelligent 4.) Someone I'm attracted to physically 5.) Someone who doesn't attempt to "change/fix" me 6.) Open Minded 7.) Democrat 8.) Animal Lover 9.) Not prejudice unless they have a DAMN GOOD REASON 10.) Willing to put up with me and all my baggage (I have a lot) Hopefully they would be a gamer, but it's not a deal breaker for me. But those are the only things I can think of at the moment. Odd how it's a list of 10, but it is what it is.
  12. I sleep on my side, so if I went without pillows, or something to hold my head up, my neck would be craning downward, and everything would be completely out of alignment. Also, I have slept without pillows before. I did it for years, because I just didn't have anything to hold my head up. The back and neck pain I had was so severe that I couldn't walk, and was barely able to even sit up. Whether it's pillows, a wood log, or your pitbull, you need something to hold your head up and maintain that alignment.
  13. It looks like it's a jacked up "2012" drawn by a crackhead graffiti vandal. Someone was high as hell when they came up with this. It took me several minutes to figure out just what the hell I was looking at, and be able to read it.
  14. Not housebreaking their dogs, and not cleaning up the dogs shit off the floor.
  15. This should restore everyone's faith in humanity. (note the sarcasm)
  16. I assume disability counts as salary, so that's my choice because that would mean I would get $3,000 every month. Seeing as how much money that is, I would never have to worry about money again, and could easily save up for things I need within a year, like a new disability van. So $36,000 per year? VERY comfortable cash flow.
  17. I'd choose the panda as well. For several reasons, not least of all being that koalas tend to have chlamydia.
  18. Unfortunately, I'm a spender. I have horrible money management habits. I'm also an emotional shopper. When I'm extremely depressed or torn up about something, I tend to shop online and buy shit I don't need, or in the long run, don't even want. Hell this month, I bought a new .380 that I honestly didn't need. I bought it because it was cheap, and because it's laser sighted. It makes it easier to ask a republiKKKlan if he wants it in his left nut or his right nut when he decides to start shit. And since I'm volunteering at the Democratic booth at the county fair this weekend, I need something easy to hide, but easy to use. I just know some Qanon bastard is going to try to start shit.
  19. I started crying watching this video. There is nothing ore beautiful on this earth than nonhuman life.
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