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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. Treasure Planet - very underrated movie
  2. Samsung 24 in Smart TV , HD yes but no 4k. 100 dollars on black Friday on Walmart.
  3. OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!! thats nasty....
  4. Whats the best Nintendo Exclusive game on your opinion ? And I'm not talking about a franchise overall, I mean a specific game that rest at the top. My choice Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. It may sound cheesy but its a game that I have enjoyed many times.
  5. Thats good to hear, I was worried I had to depend on the Playstation subscription to really enjoy the game. Is not that I hate multiplayer its more like I'm broke xD
  6. kingpotato


    Does anyone remember breath of fire ? I think it was the very first RPG game that I played
  7. Sorry I wasnt following the joke I though we where just making comments about the 3ds
  8. Yeah I also have my 2DS and I only have 2 games left, I got rid of the other ones I had since I got bored of just playing RPGS on it.
  9. Yeah I already went through the learning curve with the Monster Hunter 4 3DS so it shouldn't be a problem. Now my question for you is, is it worth it as a single player only ? Like many monster hunter games they are made with multiplayer in mind, but the difference is that I will have to pay a monthly Playstation subscription and I really dont want to do that. Thank you
  10. South Park Stick of Truth
  11. There are many movies out there that are so bad they are good. For example I'm a huge fan of the Scary Movie series including a Super Hero Movie ,those movies are bad but they always made me laugh. Whats are your favorite best worst movies ?
  12. Have any of you guys played Monster Hunter World and would you recommend it ? I played it on my 2DS and I enjoy it, but when I played it the first time on a Wii I got bored so fast, the game is based on grinding so grinding while sitting in the same spot for hours was very tiresome. But Monster Hunter World looks very nice and tempting but I'm not sure if its worth it, I intend to play single player only.
  13. Best ones I've played : -Star Wars battlefront 2 (ps2) -Metroid prime (GC) -Halo
  14. Agro from Shadow of the colossus , Chop GTA V and Epona from Ocarina
  15. Hell yeah, I dont really need another home console I just need to play FPS on the go. (ps vita no longer an option)
  16. Na I think it did had to do with the political issues, but who knows, as stated Microsoft can do whatever they like with the game.
  17. Has anyone played any of the recent popular indie games like Shovel night, Hollow knight or Celeste ?
  18. What Popular games you haven't played ? I'm actually very behind, I do own many games but there are still many that I've I have never played My personal list: Zelda BOTW Spider man ps4- (I actually own the game but the damn disc was defective and I havent purchased it again) Read Dead Redemption 2 Last of Us Soul games (Dark souls, bloodborne Sekiro etc.) Uncharted series Yakuza series Wolfstein series Far cry 5 Tomb raider series, I only played the first one Fallout 4 Metal gear Solid series, I only played MGS 2 and I didnt even finished it. LA noire Witcher 3 Bayoneta 1 or 2 Bioshock trilogy (I have played the first Bioshock but never actually finished the game) Batman Arkham Asylum and Knight, I only own Arkham city. COD modern warfare 2, I played many cod games but this is one I have never played. I think I'm still missing a bounch of games on this list. Which ones do you recommend ?
  19. Noways we have videogames based of almost any theme, from TV shows, Movies, comics, books or even daily life. What Videogames based on Pop culture you would like to play ? For example I would like to play a game based on Game of thrones that plays similar to Skyrim or the Witcher 3 where decisions matter in the game or a horror game base on IT (the clown) that plays similar to Resident evil 7.
  20. Sam here with GTA series , first game that actually blew my mind.
  21. I also try to get a little bit of everything, the first time I played skyrim I focused on Single handed skill for the first 50 levels at that time it was becoming repetitive. Now I just try to upgrade a little bit of everything except crafting.
  22. I actually like to purchase from Gamestop , I will normally get a good deal on used Xbox 360 games, in the past few months they had this promotion of buy two get the third game free as long as the third one is under 10 dollars, as well with just one extra dollar I can get a year warranty for all 3 games. Last Friday they had 4 used games for 20 dollars promotion for any type of platform, I had already spent a lot of money that day so I wasnt able to get anything but I'm planning to go back this weekend for the Last of us and Uncharted 4.
  23. "War. War never Changes” (Fallout) “I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee " Skyrim Okay this last one its more like a conversation but still hilarious Trevor hitting on Franklin's Aunt, giving her some cash: "Here why dont you go get yourself something nice?" "This is just 7 dollars!!" "I said something nice, not something expensive"
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