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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. You are all sinners in the eyes of Talos
  2. Yeah I dont really like sports games as well , I'm already bad in sports in real life and I dont really like them.
  3. I think it will be good for the gaming world, but maybe it will just be for free to play games due to the "Console wars" .
  4. Que onda wey, greetings from the best place on earth, Tijuana
  5. I will be honest with you, I have never played any Metroid or Bayonetta game, I'm not saying they are bad, but since I havent played any game of either franchise I'm not really hyped for the release.
  6. I thinks its a good game, I never really finished it, but it was fun and its holds up as a great classic Sega game.
  7. I will disagree with the Last of us, I do hope we get a trilogy , but i have my doubts about anything after that. Its like that Batman quote, "You either die a hero or you live enough to see yourself become the villain"
  8. I also played Bully on my Wii earlier this year, I got it at a flea market for 2 dollars, I honestly never played this game before and I have to say it wasnt as good as everyone says, The graphics where bad in comparison with today's consoles , I hated the motion controls on the game, the game was meant to be played with a PS2, I only played it until the 5th chapter , it wasn't that fun but I think is because I'm playing it to late.
  9. I think Evil Superman from Injustice: Gods Among Us, he killed the Joker for killing his family , I dont feel completely sympathetic towards the character but I can understand the motive and why he became "evil"
  10. Any survival game, Resident evil , Fallout, The last of us or Dont starve I think this last one is the worst to live in, but a great game.
  11. I will normally spend about 1-2 hours , it depends on the game, I will rarely spend more than 3 hours because sadly I'm an adult now and I have responsibilities
  12. There are rumors that microsoft will bring a Digital only Xbox One on 2019
  13. kingpotato


    The best console ever, the current Playstation store needs more PS2 games on its library
  14. I hope that they include Backward compatibility like the Xbox one
  15. I agree, I'm not going to spend that much money just to be able to rearrange buttons
  16. I think I will say Skyrim, I fall in love with that game, no matter how many times I played it I could never got tired of it
  17. I think it will be the Assassins creed Franchise, I have to admit I was pretty into these games when I was a teenager and the last release I played was Black flag which I think is the best , but looking back every other game was almost the same and the story was pretty bad as well
  18. I just recently got Monster hunter 3 Ultimate on my 3ds and I have to say it was very disappointing , I was expecting better a game. The game is good, and its very complete, its perfect combination between RPG and action/adventure, but its not that good as everybody says. I think what disappointed me the most was the combat, I think I was expecting more like a beat'em up style. Still I have only played around 5-6 hours at the most Does it get good as you progress more or what do you guys think of this franchise ?
  19. Skyrim for me, if it had more DLCs, I know its a huge game on its own, Dragon born was the only good DLC , But I would have definitively had paid more for this game.
  20. At first I though that this was an American site, but after being here for a while I notice that there is people from all over the world. I'm from Mexico 🙂
  21. I dont own a Switch , I'm thinking of getting one, but I'm waiting for more AAA games to be released on it, Zelda and Mario games are not enough at the moment for me. Dont get me wrong I'm not expecting Call of duty on it , but some more quality variety will be nice.
  22. I have an xbox 360, Nintendo 2DS XL, modded Wii, and I recently got a PS4 on black friday I love th modded Wii the most since I can play multiple emulators on it, such as NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, GBA, N64 and GC games. I also have my Xbox 360 in abandonment, its not that I dont like it but I havent buy any games for it in over a year and I'm pretty much done with it, still I dont want to sell it .
  23. This is true , I can speak from my own experience that playing videogames can reduce the pain I had several surgeries as a kid and on all of them the recovery was painful, but playing videogames did help me out a lot to forget about the pain, I remember I used to play Smash brothers, Mario Kart,Wario world and Spongebob Battle for bikini bottom on my GC and for moments I was so immerse in the game that I totally forgot about the pain.
  24. Puzzles in games for me are like a default feature, Zelda games for example are not that hard, the true power of Zelda games are the Puzzles, I remember the Ice blocks puzzle from Twilight princess , I spent about an hour on that puzzle alone, At the end it was something very obvious and stupid, but it was fun and I felt accomplished since I didnt had to resort to the internet for help.
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