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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. As to what I understand its only as far back as the PS4, and even some titles may not work correctly due to some code difference that I wasnt able to understand.
  2. -A quiet place -Blair witch project -IT (2017) the original one seemed cheesy to me, the remake did scared the shit out of me -the descent Those are first that came to my mind right now
  3. No problems yet over here but school has been suspended in my town and also most public events have been cancelled.
  4. Its a cop in NY, his daughter and wife got murdered so he has to uncover the misery behind it. There is only a few cutscenes most of the game unfolds like a comic book, its more like noir type story. But this type of art only applies to the first and second game, the third one is still pretty good but is more like a standard action movie. And it also has some cool matrix slow motion moves.
  5. Well I know what I'm going to do this weekend xD I'm still not going to buy another AC game any time soon.
  6. That takes me back I used to have this game on my PS2, I never played the first but as to what I understand the second one has more content. Not to confuse them with the most recent battlefront games from EA.
  7. I dont think is your internet. This was posted 7 hours ago and its seems that is still happening Nintendo’s Switch Online service is currently experiencing an outage https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/17/21183155/nintendo-switch-network-down-eshop-online-gaming
  8. I agree with you I wouldn't like to see Castlevania on a single console, I think that would hurt the franchise in someways. But unfortunately Konami is not willing to do anything with these franchises except putting them on mobile games and gambling machines. There is so much I would like to see of Castlevania like a new 2D scrolling game or a Dark soul type gameplay, but none of those ideas can happen with Konami. So thats why I support the idea of Sony purchasing the franchise even if it means getting the game on a single console. Still I know the feeling, I think most of us know castlevania from the NES.
  9. I actually support the idea only because Konami is not interested in making anything else other than mobile games, If we want to see another Silent hill , MGS or Castlevenia game we need for Konami to sell these franchises. Unless our prayers are heard and Konami starts making good AAA games again.
  10. This rumor comes from 4chan so this has to be taken with a grain of salt, still it would be cool if Sony purchased these franchises. Konami already made it clear that they are no longer interested in making AAA games,
  11. 😱blasphemy..just kidding. Ah no thats just an online version of the elder scrolls, Skyrim is the elder scrolls five.
  12. But Ellie is gay 😆 Have you played the Last of Us game ?
  13. I watched half of frozen 2 during the weekend, I felt asleep halfway through it but my niece still likes it so it must be good.
  14. True PC is a better option for gaming, but I just cant afford it xD, I have been looking into it and a good gaming laptop will cost me around 1000 dollars, maybe less if its a PC (I'm no expert so dont judge me 😆) For me a console is a better option, nowadays a good gaming console will cost 300 dollars or less and it will already come with one or a few games, and a console at launch will cost around 400-500 dollars, half the price of a good gaming PC, if I had the money to spare I would definitely invest in a PC, Sadly I'm an adult and I have to pay bills. The Retro-compatibility feature is a selling point for me because I already own many games on PS4 and I dont want to invest on them again, and still I might not get a ps5 until the elder scrolls 6 comes out
  15. adjective. without interest, vigor, or determination; listless; lethargic: a lackadaisical attempt.
  16. I've only played MGS 3 on PS2 but I never had the chance to finish it.
  17. No 😞 I'm not really into viewing or streaming gameplay
  18. I'm not really good, the only racing game that I keep playing occasionally is Mario Kart, I do own Burnout paradise but the open world always felt barebones.
  19. You can even play Skyrim on Amazon's Alexa 😆
  20. Started the Witcher 3 once again on Death March
  21. I'm just going to pray for the series to turn out good xD
  22. I was playing COD BO3 online, I was the lucky one who did the last kill and the guy I killed called me a fucking camping jew, now that was confusing considering I killed him with a sick parkour move and shotgun to the chest.
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