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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. It would be cool to see one, I dont expect much on the narrative side of the movie but it will be cool if they had a bunch of action sequences
  2. I've seen it and the change was worth it, the previous sonic was really fucking ugly
  3. Anybody here planning on Pre-ordering the Last of Us 2? My concerns about the game itself is that if by preordering or buying the deluxe edition if it will grant us access to any future DLC ? (Dont know if the game will have any DLC like the first)
  4. Really close of finishing Bioshock 2, the thing I noticed about this sequel is that the story doesnt evolve as quickly as the first, but then again we already know almost everything about Rapture.
  5. American Horror story is cool, not all episodes are great but most are good
  6. We do the same, we normally take short weekend trips, 2 days at the most.
  7. Started Bioshock 2 during the weekend, its actually pretty good except for a few things regarding the mapping in the controllers. They switched the instant cure button for a melee button, so I'm constantly dying because of that xD, also they swapped the buttons for curing or harvesting the little sisters and I have been really closed to making a mistake because of that.
  8. It looks awesome , is it like Final fantasy or some turn based RPG?
  9. Thats what I expect as well, I havent played Infinite but I am aware of the multiverse and I would rather play another Bioshock game based on that premise. I wouldn't mind if they make an MMO based on Bioshock as long as they give us another good single player Bioshock game.
  10. Probably for a while they will still support physical backwards compatibility but as soon as digital downloads start to gain more terrain the backwards compatibility feature will be a thing of the past. Still there is a long way for that to happen.
  11. Yeah there is no other way to bluff in RDR aside from what you are already doing.
  12. Sonic - 7/10 I went to see it this past weekend, its not bad, I mean its not the greatest movie in the world and it does have some lame jokes here and there, but overall is a good movie. Sonic has its moments but most of his funny scenes are lame. Jim Carrey was awesome as Dr Eggman he was hilarious in every scene, he really embraced his mad scientist character , actually now that I think about it the movie is only good because of Jim Carrey xD.
  13. I have a few but the one I remember the most is when I defeated Virgil in DMC3, I was like 12 or 13 and playing in a difficult mode. Proudest day of my life, it took me several days to defeat the bastard.
  14. I'm going to watch Sonic this weekend, I'm not expecting anything good but since I ranted about the whole design thing I feel like I own it to the movie to at least go and see it.
  15. Just finished Bioshock 1, I'm thinking about getting the chain tattoos with the "A Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys" quote, now I just need permission from my fiancee xD
  16. Thats one weird game xD I dont know if its a 2d or 3d platform
  17. Really , is it bad?? I havent seen it but since it won an oscar I though it was going to be good ?
  18. Well yeah, its not the same Batman as the one from 1989, it has never been since the Burton Trilogy.
  19. I have to say the bat costume looks cool
  20. Yep, this kind of prototypes are expected to be sold for over a 1000 dollars, when you can get a brand new switch with plenty of games for half of that price. Still I like the idea of a portable console that can run PC games.
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