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Everything posted by mont86

  1. That being said I could do a better job of recycling.
  2. Jerlene do u live in what region of the country ? I'm central part of the US.. I'm pretty disappointed in our politicians in the last 20 years.. I grew up farming..
  3. I consider myself independent in the sense I feel the right and left have their own agenda. And Thats to make a career of politics
  4. I'm more spiritual I guess then religious.. I do feel some people need to believe in God just to believe in something.
  5. Exactly and actually there is judgements pending on who has rights on Mars.. I see spacex is previewing a new rocket for space.. They r calling it a spaceship.
  6. I meant if I only had grape to drink.. Never have been a big grape flavor fan.
  7. Mt dew.. or Diet dew which I drink.. Can't imagine much grape for me.. Lifetime would be 2 bottles.
  8. Working today , have next two days off …
  9. I have been playing a lot.. Getting better.. Sorry if I missed it, what's your favorite game or games ?
  10. I hope so, but like the saying goes , the road to hell is paved with good intentions.. I truly don't see many or I should say enough people recycling .
  11. How hot does it get where u live ?
  12. Hard to pick , a lot of great people... I know it's a cop out.. lol
  13. mont86


    I've never tried that before.. a24 hours maybe.. Now never more then 8 hours..
  14. I would ad it to my resume. As long it was relevant to the work I was applying for, or showed my work history...
  15. I've tried that , but didn't seem to make much difference.. the driving did..
  16. I know a ot of people that only use smart fones.. But in each app the look of the sites are different and I feel more comfortable with a pc especially ordering online .. Easier for me to type as well...
  17. Plus I was thinking about all the wasted plastic...
  18. Congratulations on 10000
  19. Do you use fone or PC or tablet ? Normally I use PC but do for a upgrade ,now using a tablet.. sometimes smartphone... All look different to my eye...
  20. I have looked into it with out much luck i'm afraid .
  21. Yeah have been burned a couple times where it takes the skin. Happens before you know it. The equipment we use can bite as well..
  22. I second that .. Happy New Year
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