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Everything posted by mont86

  1. No I don't troll.. Very unfamiliar with game trolling, but have seen a lot of trolls on message boards..
  2. Shortie asked about flat earthers.. What are your thoughts on colonizing Mars ?? Branson and Musk seem to have parted ways when it comes to space travel. Now they are competing against each and a number of different countries are looking toward Mars as the next livable plant.
  3. Another 24 hours down...
  4. 48 oz a day. I drink more soda then water.
  5. US. I noticed how diversified this place is, nice.
  6. I know it's become popular to blame someone else for your problems.
  7. Have some light snow coming down now.. , Winter solstice was yesterday.. Days are getting longer.
  8. I think so. but so many swallow what's spoon feed to them.
  9. Well , If I question the government or the news, people say , I spose you think the earth is flat too..
  10. This question never took off.. Good question, there's good arguments to both sides. And examples to both sides.
  11. The Holidays are upon us.. What's everyone doing this weekend???? I'm working through next week on the midnight to 8 shift..
  12. That's some info.. I did stop by the local gamespot. And they were very helpful..
  13. Thanks.. I'm super new to this.. I Feel like a blind man in a mine field . Ther are a couple game shops in town, just googled and gonna stop by to ask some questions.
  14. I have it once a month , maybe, would love to have more often, I don't need it.. Love the meat lovers.. 20 years ago One of the big two had a large chunk pizza with.. i.e. large chucks of veggies and steak.. Loved it order one a week atleast.. After six months I called for delivery and they said we don't make those anymore.. I said that's my favorite.. Pizza guy said your the only one.. lol
  15. Where do you look and buy equipment.. Do you do a lot of research or just buy what you want? How often do you upgrade game boxes? I just bought off of ebay and looking for games between amazon and ebay..
  16. North Dakota.. Been teens to 30s since oct. I guess that's humor also, beings it's Dec.. hahaha
  17. I work with high pressure steam providing heating and cooling.. Food service, bathing.. I do pretty much all shift work..
  18. I hope not because I just joined..
  19. Maybe this should be in gaming , not sure.. But I haven't played it very long, but recently the language setting changes to anything but English. Anyone notice this?
  20. It's hard to imagine what is coming next.. Considering hard copy, like magazines and news papers are that far outdated . And beepers were the in thing 20 years ago.. Wow.. Now everything can be tracked.
  21. Diet Pepsi and Diet Dew.. And I drink way to much pop. Speaking of Root Beer.. Root Beer floats is worth mention..,
  22. people call me a flat earther because I tend to believe in some conspiracy theories .. lol
  23. I never have been arrested , Haven't been much of a trouble maker to date.
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