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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. For those who are currently following up with the ongoing Euro 2024 tournament, which manager do you think is the worst when it comes to being poor tactically and with his subs so far with the group matches almost completed? There are many of them I can think of but let me hear the input of others. 

  2. The only place the use of VAR is horrible is in the English Premier League and it's because the English FA does not want to improve on how they make use of the TECHNOLOGY. It is not the technology that is a problem but the people who are making use of it which are the most inconsistent referees in the history of the sports. 

  3. In my opinion, I believe that any kind of slap sports should be banned. It doesn't matter whether the slap is being carried on the face or on the buttocks like most ladies do, it is a very disgusting sports as far as I'm concerned that shouldn't be allowed to the viewed by the general public. 

  4. On 6/17/2024 at 2:32 AM, killamch89 said:

    I knew this was going to happen. Once I saw Man United dragging their feet with sacking Ten Hag, I knew he was staying.

    Exactly! I would actually say that it is him winning the FA Cup against Manchester City that was the deal breaker for them in having him sacked because I know that if he had lost that final, they would have sacked him immediately after the match or the next morning. 

  5. On 6/17/2024 at 2:50 AM, killamch89 said:

    That's the more human element of him and it's not being able to kill, he chooses not to. Batman literally bodied the entire Justice League once. He knows everyone's weakness and has counter measures in place to deal with any hero that oversteps their authority.

    Yeah, that's true. Although, I'm going to limit Batman's strength to only in Gotham and above few average heros because someone like Darkseid will rip him into two. 

  6. On 6/3/2024 at 10:49 AM, Knight Plug said:

    I posted on JoyFreak about gaming recently, even though I don't visit the forum very often these days. But it looks like Shagger was right. Bots are everywhere, but the guy running it doesn't remove the crap.

    It's even hard to tell if users on there are real.


    I'm actually familiar with that forum owner and from the things I know about him, he is someone who is nonchalant about the things he's doing. He's no longer paying much attention to his community and that is why things are very messy on that platform right now. 

  7. On 6/3/2024 at 10:52 AM, Knight Plug said:

    There hasn't been any games to waste money on. I've had to focus on my horror films instead, since I have nothing new to keep me occupied. 😆

    I am also a very big fan of horror movies because they are quite thrilling to watch if you understand what I mean. Which horror movies have been the best you have seen this year? I'm looking for recommendations of what next to watch. 

  8. On 6/17/2024 at 3:45 PM, Shortie said:

    I have tried many different virtual pet games on my phone but none of them have ever been able to keep me interested enough to want to continue playing them. There was one that I started to play a few weeks ago called My Tamagotchi Forever, many had said it was similar to Tamagotchi's that we used to have when we were younger but I found it to be so much more different to what I remember. 

    There are so many virtual pets site games that I can recommend for you if you are willing to dabble into checking some of them out. The ones that I have been playing which I really enjoy are ; Neopets and Marapets. They are great games you can check out. 

  9. On 6/17/2024 at 9:27 PM, Cpvr said:

    No, not all, gaming hasn’t affected my social life. It has affected some people drastically though. 

    If you actually ask me what have affected people's social life today, I wouldn't say it is gaming but the use of smartphone. A lot of people tend to be over addicted to the use of their smartphone that socializing with people in an interpersonal relationship is always very difficult for them. 

  10. On 6/11/2024 at 1:05 AM, Ravenfreak said:

    Windows 10 has been around for a long time now, so it makes sense that Windows will stop supporting it next year. I'm sure my work will continue to use Windows 10 until we possibly can't anymore. I know one of my department leads already has Windows 11 installed on his laptop, and from what I can tell all of the programs we use still work on his laptop. So maybe IT will upgrade soon who knows?

    I believe that with time, everyone will eventually move up to upgrading to Windows 11 because once the support is no longer made available to Windows 10, there wouldn't be any need for you to make use of it because it is going to be giving you a lot of issues when you're trying to work with it. 

  11. On 5/25/2024 at 6:23 PM, Debashis said:

    Currently actually. I have been off social media since more than a month or two. I don't feel the urge to go back either. Life is much better without social media, honestly.

    This is a truth I can equally attest to because a lot of things have been messed up when it comes to the use of social media. Human communication and interaction have been limited so much by the use of social media that people can hardly interact with each other in person. 

  12. On 4/30/2024 at 8:15 AM, Kennysplash said:

    I won’t really say it has killed it, but it has surely reduced their revenue. There are many people like me though that always desire that cinema experience. Nothing can substitute it, so it will always be in business. 

    The box office is still making millions of dollars in their business. Dune: Part Two sold $626 million after five weeks of release and Kung Fu Panda 4 sold $347 million after four weeks of release. 

  13. On 6/18/2024 at 11:12 PM, Knight Plug said:

    The Kardashians, huh? Who cares about them? 🤓

    Fortune, all the way. 🤑

    Exactly! Someone can actually be famous but the person is poor but when you are living in fortune, there's nothing that you cannot be able to have access to and be able to afford whenever you want which gives you a very comfortable life. 

  14. On 5/23/2024 at 5:50 PM, Bilita said:

    Aww and I love mangoes!  Never heard of an allergic reaction to one though, hope yo'ure okay!  

    My job sucks, we're in a slow zone right now so not a lot going on, hopefully it will pick back up tomorrow.  

    I love mangoes too. I'm not that much into eating fruits but when it comes to my favourites, mangoes and apple always tops it for me. We are in the season of mangoes right now but I'm yet to eat one. 

  15. 21 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    This is a very interesting story, where did you go exactly? 

    There was a gang war going on at the moment and I happen to be running a professional program in that community where the gang war was happening. I had to blend in completely in that community in order for me not to be made a scape goat victim or seen as a spy in their environment. 

  16. 21 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    I mean, you could try to sit in a shower but it gets really uncomfortable after a time and then getting up without slipping is another issue in itself.

    Exactly. It is why whenever I am interested in renting a new apartment, I will try as much as possible to inspect each and every corner of the house including the bathroom the kitchen and make sure that things are how they are supposed to be because I'm not going to be managing for a very long time. 

  17. 21 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Exactly. Medicines when used as intended, will do its job most times. However, when the wrong medicine is being administered, then it becomes a toxin and creates more problems in the body.

    Right words on POISON ☠!! 

    In this type of situation, the person is going to be faced with a lot of chemical reaction that the body is not supposed to be passing through in that kind of health condition which speeds up the person's death. 

  18. On 6/18/2024 at 1:53 AM, Cpvr said:

    I generally always sleep in my bed as it’s my favorite place to get my rest. 

    I have heard about water bed or foam, I can't remember exactly the one they call it. I don't know if it's something that's going to good for my kind of body. When I'm remodeling my house again, I'll have it looked into. 

  19. Blasphemous 2 was the last game I played. I've had this game since last year but I couldn't find time to get into playing but I'm happy to have started playing it finally and it's absolutely worth it. 

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