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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. I would prefer game companies re-learn how to get a release right because they've clearly forgotten. Once they figure that out, then we can address celebrating it.
  2. My biggest problem with "Walking Simulators" is when people call them that. In a "Role Playing Game" or "First Person Shooter" the term indicates in a clear, if somewhat vague, manner whare the core of the game and potential appeal lie. That's what a genre tag is supposed to do. Calling what I would describe as an "Interactive Narrative" as a "Walking Simulator" does nothing to indicate what the core appeal of such a game actually is. It's just derugetery and Innacurate. Games like The Telltale Games, Life is Strange, Tell Me More, Until Dawn, Detroit: Become Human, Star Trek Resurgence and another fine game I discovered recently called Deliver Us Mars have niche appeal, but I am sick to death to Gamers™ looking down on people who enjoy them. There's nothing wrong with playing a video game to run around in mindless fun and blow shit up, but I'd prefer the company of somebody who wants to discuss the complex social issues addressed in Life is Strange rather than some hardcore COD bro.
  3. If you two are not comfortable with violence against police in a fictional fantasy, then that's fine, but I must be honest and it doesn't make sense to me to feel that way. I've talked at length about how blaming video games and other entertainment media for acts of violence and other social problems is hypocritical and counterproductive, so I won't go into great detail again and just summarize it. Like it or not, we have violent instincts. We evolved from predators after all. Standing up to and challenging those with power, the "Alphas", in our social group is also something that evolved from our base instincts, so if anything I'd describe the opportunity to express those instincts in a harmless fantasy that video games like GTA offer as healthy. Humans have sentience, that gives us the capacity to fantasize. It's a good thing. Most of us can commit heinous acts in fantasy without any harm done because we understand the difference between fantasy and reality. Expressing fantasy though a video game is not much different that doing it though pure imagination. People who can't define the difference between fantasy and reality in a video game or in any other form of entertainment media have a problem with thier mind, it's that simple. What makes what Elon sain hypocritical is the implication that video games are in some way responsible for violent behaviours or attitudes, which is clearly nonsense. Elon knows this perfectly well, he only said it to manipulate an area of the public that want to believe that as it's convenient for them for it to be to true as it aligns with thier social/political bias. The man isn't stupid, he knew exactly what he was doing. Like @Dismal_Bliss said, for Musk it is politically motivated, not by passion or any actual moral stance. It's purely for clout. That alone is enough to call Elon a hypocrite, but @Reality vs Adventure quite rightly pointing out the acts of actual cruelty and mistreatment he's been guilty of and that also makes him a hypocrite. Hypocrisy deserves to be mocked and ridiculed because it's dishonest, disrespectful, stupid, manipulative and even potentially dangerous when it comes from somebody with the kind of power Elon Must has. That's my opinion, now switching to Moderator Mode: @Dismal_Bliss, unless I'm misreading this, you keep saying in your own way that you're not interested in the politics of this situation, but the fact of the matter is the politics are relevant here and can't be separated from this topic. You even admitted yourself that Elon Musk's motivations for his statements on social media were political, so like it or not that makes politics a very relevant part of this topic. I'm a moderator on this forum, a forum that has an entire separate sub forum for political discussions for a very good reason, reasons I know from my experience are very necessary. So why haven't I locked or moved this thread? Because, like deep down we both know, the polices can't be separated from this gaming related story. I made that judgment call when @Kane99 first posted this thread, and I still stand by that judgment. So my advice is, and it is nothing more than advice, if you want to continue to engage with this thread, don't just decide the politics of the topic aren't relevant just because you don't want them to be. I remember when the TV cop comedy show Brooklyn 99 aired it's final season in the wake of the BLM movement and didn't shy away from the controversy despite showing the police (mostly) as the good guys throughout it's previous seasons. Instead, they addressed it head on, and that was the right way to do it. Now @Dismal_Bliss , you're right, everyone has a right to thier own opinion and a right to express it, but everyone also has a right to challenge and question somebody else's opinion, that's what debate is. That's true of the free world, and it's true on this forum. You are also right about at least one other thing: @Reality vs Adventure You're starting to stray dangerously close to the line between challenging @Dismal_Bliss's opinion and making personal assumptions and attacks. Because this thread isn't on the political sub-forum, my tolerance for this is lower than it would be if it were. Because you can't have necessarily been expected to know that, there will be no action, but please reign it in a little and keep this appropriate. And that is NOT advice. This next part goes to you, @Dismal_Bliss and everyone else on this forum. If having your opinion challenged is too much for you to handle, you shouldn't express that opinion at all. Now @Reality vs Adventure, I actually agree with you here, I think Elon Muck is a hypocritical prick, but as a mod, I will never disallow people to challenge anyone's opinion even if I agree with it. All I ask is for people to keep it civil, and if they can't (And there is nothing wrong with admitting you can't keep a cool head with certain topics.), don't engage. That is all.
  4. These kinds of batteries are not made to last forever, they slowly loose thier ability to retain a charge over time. Given that the Vita is quite an old console at this point, not only is it not surprising that your battery is struggling with age, but it won't be a very sophisticated battery by modern standards either. I understand that it's a frustrating wait, but just order the new battery.
  5. I didn't actually know there were wild Wallabies in Scotland, so I actually had to research @The Blackangel's story. As far as I was see, the population of Wallibies on Inchconnachan Island is small, contained and stable, so the effect of the environment has been minimal at most and the Wallabies themselves are obviously coping within that environment. I don't necessarily know how that balance has been found nor whether people are directly involved, but for one reason or another it is working. I'm not comparing Scotland to a much larger country like America or Australia, but the differences in the extremes of the environment is broader than one might think. Even in Scotland, there are places whare the ground doesn't freeze. For example, there is a place on the west cost whare natural Palm Tree's grow. Even so, Scotland has had problems with invasive species and removal of native species that has lead to some serious issues. @Reality vs Adventure described the culling of wolves in Yellowstone (Wyoming) and how the lessons weren't learned for Idaho. Well, it turns out the lesson wasn't learned for Yellowstone either as the colonials should have known better as the same thing happened in Briton. We've spent centuries trying to keep a lid on an out of control rise in the population of Deer, especially here in Scotland, because thier natural predator is long gone. One of the worst issues we've had with invasive species the Gray Squirrel. Owners of stately homes imported the Grey Squirrel from North America from 1876 up until the release of the Gray Squirrels into the wild was banned in 1930 after we say the damage they were causing. Gray Squirrels negatively affected the health of native trees by stripping thier bark, but even worse they've decimated the population of our native Red Squirrels. Grey Squirrels are larger, more fierce and more ravenous, so the Red Squirrels simply couldn't compete with thier North American counterparts that adapted beautifully to our environment. Even after nearly 100 years of conservation efforts to save the Red Squirrel, they are still very much endangered. I'm actually have been very fortunate to have a Red Squirrel in the wild as a protected, natural woodland is only around a 15 minute walk from my house and is one of the few places the species survives.
  6. In my case, if anything I get more exited about games now than I did as a kid. I wasn't the most sociable child and whilst I did play video games with the friends I did have, back then it wasn't really the full on hobby that it is for me now. Yes, my pecimissum and cynissisum have definitely grown with time along with the rise of cooperate greed that plauges the industry today, but I do love gaming more as an adult that I did as a kid
  7. I think you're going to have to review how you hold your controller because unless your doing something wrong, that really shouldn't happen. As for how to treat it, just rest and consider taking pain and/or anti-inflammatory medication.
  8. I know that I will probably regret asking this question, but how do you damage a console with your own sweat?
  9. Just one more reminder to everybody that we are now in Epic's annual holiday deals period whare new games are being offered daily, so check this thread and/or the Epic Games Store regularly. The next game will be reveals in a few hours.
  10. I can't find anything on this bug either. It appears this is not a common problem, which suggests there is something wrong with your install pof the game. All I can suggest is reinstalling the the game and if you're on PC making sure all your graphics drivers are up to date.
  11. First off, I'm going to point out that this information has come from a source that is far less than trustworthy. I'm not saying they're lying, I'm saying there're not trustworthy. There is a difference between honesty an trust, that's why they're two separate words. There could have been stuff added or redacted from those leaked files and it's all under the control of criminals. To the point. What is the point of watching footage, and certainly playing, a build of a game that the people who made it weren't even ready to announce yet? Have people learned nothing from past to know that early build footage and even trailers are not to be taken seriously? I refuse to watch the footage, so it could be an Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag situation whare an early build of the game shown to the press crashed and barley worked with the world watching when the game ended up being great, or it could be "The Day Before" whare this early footage was a complete lie. Honestly, I don't understand why you are so keen to advertise so many details of these leaks. It's like saying, "I'm not telling you how to assassinate Joe Biden, but this is whare he'll be as his most vulnerable on this date at this time". I mean, why? I already explained why this does not give any clear indication of the quality of the game we can expect when it's so early in development the studio making it aren't even prepared to announced, so what purpose does this serve? I'll leave this thread be, but because there is a single, and like I said less than trustworthy, source of information sourced from this, any further threads on these leaks are prohibited. Further discussion of anything not related to this specific game will be removed. There is a thread in existence to discuss these leaks already, find that thread here.
  12. This is actually pretty old news. Ever since the deal between Activision and Microsoft was finalised we knew he was going.
  13. A reminder to everyone that we are now that period whare Epic Games will renew thier new games for free daily. Keep an eye on these offers.
  14. And did this really hurt Insomniac nor Sony that badly? Aside the exclusivity deal Sony made with Marvel over the X-Men franchilse (And it is only X-Men, for reason I'll explain in a minute ) and the relevant Wolverine game in development, I'd say no. We already know because the announcent of the Blade game annocement at Video Game Awards that the deal Sony has with Marval does not include every Marvel franchise. And if course, these games are all years away. So these hackers ransomed the information that we would get X-Men franchise games from Sony over the next decade, but a Blade game from Xbox? No wonder Sony didn't pay.
  15. the Factions multiplayer in the original game was actually really good. I'm actually still kind of pissed that it was diched for TLOU Part 2 and the remake. I know that it was a side dish to the entrée that was the single player campaign and vast majority of players were there for that, but that's why I was kind of exited for a stand alone multiplayer TLOU title with the concept of Factions more fleshed out and further developed. Something like TLOU meets Destiny, only not crap. It could have been really good, but I get why a significant portion of the fanbase wasn't hyped for it.
  16. It appears that 2023 wasn't quite done. He was genuninly talented and truly shone as Max Payne, some of the best inner monologuing one would ever see in a video game. RIP.
  17. There is nothing wrong with expecting and even demanding the very best that can be reasonably expected from developers and publishers. Harrasing them is a different story.
  18. First off, great thread. This could indeed be very helpful. Second, peripherals are simply external devices one attaches and/or connects to a PC (or even a console) to enable specific functions. A keyboard or a mouse are peripherals, a controller is a peripheral. A display, like a TV, monitor or whatever is a peripheral. The remote for your TV or cable box is a peripheral. When it comes to building PC's, some more specific advice is required. I'd do what I can for people, but to go though everything I know it would be inconveniently long for all off us. So, I'll offer instead a Q/A style thing on this thread. And not just me, I'm sure others will try thier best to help.. Ask, and I'm sure the community will do our best to answer. The only stupid question is one that's never asked.
  19. Shagger

    NYE Plans?

    I have merged your thread with this currently existing one.
  20. I really don't understand why regular gamers even care about stuff like this. It doesn't affect me and my life in any real way. Seriously, what exactly am I supposed to do with this information? Feel sorry for a muli-billion doller company that wouldn't care if I died tomorrow? I really don't get it.
  21. I'm going to have to disagree with you on a lot of this. First and foremost, I want to make perfectly clear I love PC gaming, I truly do, but it has drawbacks. It's expensive, complicated and not nearly easy or reliable as gaming on console. It is not for everyone, and being a PC gamer doesn't make one in any way superior. True, but it comes at a price. You can expect to pay around 2-3 times the cost of a console to run the same game at the same quality on PC. I'll touch more on this later. This is nonsense. The quality of controls come to individual games and game types. Yes, mouse and keyboard are great on FPS's and strategy games, but they're terrible on games that require precise control of movement pace, like stealth games. Have ever tried to play something like TLOU or Assassin's Creed with a mouse and keyboard? I know that some Bethesda RPG's like Fallout and TES have perks that allow you to sneak while moving at full pace without penalty. Well, I do play those games with a mouse and keyboard and let's just say I can see why they included those perks. As for the part I've highlighted, that's just a straight up lie. With a controller, you push a button, it does a thing, it's not more complicated than that. I don't know what fighting games or controllers you've been using, but they don't work like that. Actually there are emulators that can be used on console, but for most part you're right. The sheer choice of games on PC is staggering, but there is a problem. Now this just my opinion, so take how you want, but I feel consoles have had better exclusives over the years, especially Nintendo and PlayStation. Yes, a PC can emulate a lot of console games, but it's very sketchy in terms of legality. I know emulation itself is not illegal, but downloading the ROM's you need to run console exclusives on an emulator is. Not to mention it's a pain in the ass with reliability and compatibility problems throughout the process. It's one of the great fanboy contradictions that PC fanboys consider themselves "The Master Race" (FYI, you're referring to yourselves a Nazi every time you say that.) for being able to afford thier hyperigs, yet insist PC is cheaper all at the same time. Yes, I know that cost and value are not the same thing, but I'll get to that later. Consoles are so much cheaper to buy than PC's because a console serves as a revenue stream for the manufacturer, so those companies can afford to make no money, or even a loss, on the sale of the hardware. PC's are a very different story. Whether they're sold as a pre-built unit or as individual parts, PC manufactures need to make thier money on the hardware sale, that's why they're so expensive. You could buy a PS5 and a cheap laptop to serve as a utility computer and still not spend the same amount of money as you would do on a gaming PC that matches a PS5's gaming capabilities. However, if you think you can, then I challenge you to try. Go on PC Part Picker and make a mock build that matches a PS5 in terms of gaming performance. I'll even be generous and allow you a budget double the cost of a PS5, so I'll say $1000 (or the equivalent) if you include a UHD blu-ray drive in your build, $900 if you don't. However, you must include a mouse and keyboard because; That is the user interface and is every bit as essential as a motherboard. When you by a console, you will get at least one controller with it as part of the package. In other words, the user interface is included, so you have to include it as well. It's not like PC games are much cheaper than console games anymore either. 10 years ago that was a genuine advantage, but not so much now. And of course, let's not forget the problems with an all-digital set up and no used games like you can get on consoles. Even though console do some shady shit like charge to play online, you can game cheap on a console if you're smart about it, just like PC gamers can game cheap if they're smart about it. And I've highlighted yet another very misleading statement. Yes, you can keep a Gaming PC going for 20 years, but how many upgrades would one have to do in order to keep it playing new games over that time? It would basically consist of a complete rebuild at least once. Buying new consoles and peripherals over 20 years can easily cost a good $1500-$2000 (I'm obviously not including the cost of games, just the hardware), but if you think that the upkeep of a gaming PC wouldn't cost at least as much (but likely more) over the same period then you, with all due respect, are deluded. PC's can offer great value for money, but only for people who are very dedicated to it. One does have to invest a lot of money into PC gaming to get the best out of it, a lot more than one would on console. There is nothing wrong with somebody looking at the two options and deciding that PC gaming isn't worth it to them. It's great that you're happy with what you've got out of what you invested in PC gaming, but just because it's true for you, doesn't make it true for everybody else. In conclusion, I don't think you're ready to admit that console gaming has benefits over PC's in some ways because of some weird loyalty complex. It's just a PC, a load of wires, solder and silicone, you don't need to fight for it. In the end, what matters is games. I'm not a PC fan, I'm not a console fan, I'm a fan of good games. What I'm playing them on matters little.
  22. For a kick off, I understand how late this is, but at the Matthew died on October 28th 2023, the forum was problems and I was unable to post this topic. I post it now because I figured it's better late than never. There is another reason that I ill get to in a moment, but first, to the main point. So, as I assume most of you know, Matthew Perry passed away earlier this year. Most people will know Mathew Perry as Chandler in the famous 90's/2000's sit-com Friends, but he was also one of us. A geek and a gamer who even voiced Benny in Fallout New Vegas not for a pay check, but because he loved the franchise. We have lost one of our mainstream heroes, a gamer in the limelight who was dedicated to making the art we love be taken seriously. RIP, Matthew. My second reason for posting this now this is explained by this video: A new mod called For Matty - A Tribute to Matthew Perry has been created by modder tunnelsnakesfool. The mod adds Benny's Suit, a grave in the Goodsprings Cemetery, a Friends themed re-skin of Benny's pistol "Maria" named "My Friend" and a note featuring a quote from Mathew Perry himself. Very sweet mod and a great tribute.
  23. It's free to play? OK, I'm not going to pretend I was in any way interested to begin with, but that has got to set alarm bells off, especially if the customisation is what they promise. It's nice that fans can have an alternative, but given how predatory the monetization is in Madden, a game that's full price, the bar of what Maximum Football can get away with is set worryingly high. I'm not saying that it will be that bad, I'm just pointing out that it could be that bad and nobody would be able to argue.
  24. The last few years proved that the world just didn't need E3 anymore. Covid played a role in it, but it wasn't the direct cause of E3's downfall. Covid gave game publishers and console manufactures the opportunity to learn it was better to just do thier own announcements, and honestly I think that's better for us as well. Let these companies make announcements on thier own time and on thier own schedule rather than have those decisions dictated by external factors, that can help prevent games coming out before they're ready, something we've sadly got use to ion recent years.
  25. Again, I don't understand why you keep making new threads to discuss the same games. We already have a thread on the The Day Before discussing the controversy, a thread you started BTW. I'm merging this with the thread we already have. I will rename that thread to something more generalised if want (Send me a DM is that is what you want), but please think whether or not a new thread is necessary before post it. Anyway, addressing the post itself, and The Day Before could end up being a blessing in disguise. Like you said, asset flips happen all the time, but I don't think we've seen a game with this much hype behind it being guilty of it before. Assets flips used to be landmines that one only had to be aware of whilst traversing the fields of Stream's low rent battlefields, filled with obviously low effort, small scale garbage that was never going to attract much attention nor have a profound impact if the games were caught doing it. Now, thanks to The Day Before, the asset flip is is mainstream news with more eyes on the practice than we've seen before, many pf which may not have been aware of the asset flip as a thing. As well as increasing awareness, and given how badly this turned out for Fntastic, this must surely serve a deterrent for other scum buckets with ambitions to try the same thing. I'll never describe what happened here as a good thing, but good can come out of it. Speaking of which, I've also just learned that publisher Mytona (Or "investor" as they describe themselves) are working with Steam and Fnstastic to offer refunds to everyone, regardless of playtime. Fntastic are still insisting they have made and will never make any money on this. Even if that's true it was clearly not what they had in mind. Here's the video I watched from LtBuzzLitebeer going through this in detail.
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