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Is a hot dog a sandwich?

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Sandwifh requires bread whose surface is perpindicular to the crust.

Hotdogs are served in a bun, and the inner surface of those cannot be called flat. So they're not a sandwich.

It is, however, possible to have a sausage sandwich if you use sliced bread.

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I see hotdogs either in the kids menu or in the sandwich category all the time.


Something most people don't know is the origin of the sandwich.

It was started by the Earl of Sandwich. He called for his cook to take (I don't remember his exact choices so I'll list some randoms) a slice of ham, tomato, lettuce, and onion and put it between two pieces of bread. Thus, the sandwich was born. Today, we put all kinds of things between two pieces of bread. And although a hotdog bun is intended to just be sliced down the middle but remain intact as one piece, it more often than not, becomes two pieces of bread. It doesn't matter that the meat is cylindrical. It's still a sandwich.

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On 7/18/2021 at 1:25 PM, The Blackangel said:

I see hotdogs either in the kids menu or in the sandwich category all the time.


Something most people don't know is the origin of the sandwich.

It was started by the Earl of Sandwich. He called for his cook to take (I don't remember his exact choices so I'll list some randoms) a slice of ham, tomato, lettuce, and onion and put it between two pieces of bread. Thus, the sandwich was born. Today, we put all kinds of things between two pieces of bread. And although a hotdog bun is intended to just be sliced down the middle but remain intact as one piece, it more often than not, becomes two pieces of bread. It doesn't matter that the meat is cylindrical. It's still a sandwich.

That's a very good point and people put all kinds of things in hotdogs nowadays such as you guessed it - lettuce and onions have been a mainstay.

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