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The Witcher 3 Next Gen Update

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The Witcher 3 will be coming out with a Next Gen Update that will boast better visuals, new content, photo mode and more. This is for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X. I still have yet to play The Witcher 3 on current gen consoles. But if I had the money, I think I'd go for this version for sure. Check out the trailer with more details below. And tell us, is this a purchase for you? 

Also, I see it mentions free update, so I wonder if you own the game on last gen consoles if you can get this version for free. That would be quite cool. 


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On 11/24/2022 at 5:52 PM, Tonberry said:

Psyched. Been waiting for this for a long time. I never had time to play TW3 on PS4 since I bought it at a random sale and I'm glad I get to play the upgraded PS5 version without having to pay more.

I have had The Witcher 3 for like 5 years now, and I only played a small portion of it. I couldn't get used to the amount of menus and options I had. Was overwhelming so I never stuck with it. I may jump back into it one of these days, but I have to really invest into it if I want to take it seriously I think. 

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Just now, Kane99 said:

I have had The Witcher 3 for like 5 years now, and I only played a small portion of it. I couldn't get used to the amount of menus and options I had. Was overwhelming so I never stuck with it. I may jump back into it one of these days, but I have to really invest into it if I want to take it seriously I think. 

The exacy same thing happened to me actually! And after the initial tutorial area (White Orchard) I felt kind of overwhelmed at the options, and I ran into a big city way to early and got ganked by a beggar in an alley. The second time I tried I got further along the right track and learned the game better, but I never got past the second act, but I'm ready to give it another chance, probably some time next year.

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It’s exactly what I expended it to be, the exact same look just sharpened with better models, textures, lighting, and optimisations to the performance as well as gameplay aspects. Especially the water, looks much improved. But seeing the detail in every small model sharpened like the chess board pieces etc. gives me a feeling that even veterans like me with 1000s of hours invested will once again stop at every corner to admire this once in many lifetimes achievement in digital media, cannot wait to get my ps5 soon and sink back into this magical world.



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