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Will you be picking up the iPhone 15?

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I have seen today circling the internet that it is looking as though Apple will be announcing the iPhone 15 very soon. This is no surprise as I feel Apple always seem to announce a new phone or device around September time and with things circling today, it could very well be the iPhone 15 we see announced very soon.

If the iPhone 15 gets announced, are you someone who would buy it on release or would you rather wait a while? 

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I have an iPhone 12 pro, and would trade it in for an iPhone 15 max. My hands are so big (especially for a woman) that a regular size phone is just hard to use, so I need something physically bigger to make tings go easier and more smoothly. Don't get me wrong, the 12 pro is a great phone. But I can't count the number of times I've tried to post from it, and my message got so jacked up that no one could even understand what my point was. Most of the time, I was with them and couldn't understand or remember what the hell I was trying to say. I've gotten in trouble for it in the past, both before becoming a mod, and after becoming one.

So I'm going to be looking forward to getting a new one that fits my hands better. @Rain Dew on the other hand (no pun intended) has really small hands and the only iPhone that fit her hands and actually use, was the mini. It was the only one she could actually hold.

Edited by The Blackangel
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15 hours ago, CoryAR said:

I have an iPhone 11, so I'm a little far behind on the versions available. I would love to own an iPhone 15 Pro, but I'm sure I'd have to save up quite a bit of money to buy one. The smartphone technology just keeps amazing me more and more with every passing year.

My daughter is also on the iPhone 11 at the moment and she is happy with it and finds it does everything she needs it to. 

I find the iPhone devices to be quite a lot of money, I believe this one, the lowest price is around £700 unless I am mistaken which is a lot for a phone.

My way of looking at it is, if the phone you have still does everything you need it to, it's better to wait to upgrade than do it right away.

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On 9/28/2023 at 1:18 PM, CoryAR said:

I have an iPhone 11, so I'm a little far behind on the versions available. I would love to own an iPhone 15 Pro, but I'm sure I'd have to save up quite a bit of money to buy one. The smartphone technology just keeps amazing me more and more with every passing year.

You can always trade it in for a good discount towards whatever phone you're going for. I traded in my iPhone 6 for the iPhone 12, and it covered a little more than half the cost. So it can often be worth it.

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Not very likely I will ever use an iPhone, unless there was some way to transfer at least my crucial paid apps from Android to iOS. Either with all the devs allowing it somehow, or getting a refund to re-purchase on the new OS.

The last time I even tried iOS was like 6 years ago, and at that time it did not meet my needs at all. Nowadays, it's catching up to Android, so ... maybe? in the future?

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I’m the exact opposite. I tried an android a few years ago and it did not meet any of my needs. The only thing it could do was text and call. There was no personalizing of any kind. I couldn’t download anything. The battery held no charge. It was just an entire piece of shit. It’s been iPhone only ever since then.

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I like how iPhones also have screen mirroring and a desktop mode. It's just like having a portable PC.

Android TV boxes apparently come loaded with malware. In general, they are still useful for their budgeted price. But most of them don't even run 4K content, or whatever the box lies about. 


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I haven't picked up the iPhone 15 yet. I am concerned about the device overheating and it also seems to be identical to the iPhone 14 Pro Max, the phone I currently have, besides the updated universal charger. It's annoying as the new charger port wasn't apple's idea, it was forced upon them upon the government.

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