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Lessons from the past

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I often hear fans of retro games complaining about modern games, and longing for games more like those they enjoyed when they were young.

I definitely understand nostalgia. But setting that aside, if you remember retro games fondly and feel frustrated with games right now, what lessons from those older games do you wish developers would learn and incorporate into modern games?

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Games do get better with every year and new releases, I can safely say that today's game are better than before, But back in the day most of the games where innovating, for example Doom, I remember for a time that every first person game was called a Doom copy. Older games innovated and set standards for today's games and some have aged very well and most are still better than some games today. But if you think about it, I would've lost my shit if I had seen a game like Read Dead Redemption 2 when I was 8 years old.

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I think it's all about the phases people lived. You can't expect people who lived in the telegram age to appreciate Facebook. Because modern invention carried some drawbacks. For example GTA type games have caused more mental breakdowns than any horror games out there. In past people used to be clean about what type of content they get into their head. So I think I understand people expecting 8 bit nostalgic games. But at some point of time we have to move on. 

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