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Bioware blames players for Anthem's failure

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20 hours ago, skyfire said:

I think the blame is more or less of the initial people or say gamers who gave bad rating. it was not a bad game but the negativity spread by them definitely affected. in history many good games died like this. 

Well the people where right on the initial bad rating, the game is bad, not that bad, but bad, gameplay is okay, graphics are good for the current generation standards, menus are awful , and the missions or quests are just chores. The javelins look cool though...

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Well that's reasonable but it was not that bad, such that it was castrated by many streamers. I think that's what is going wrong on social media though, like one bad review or streamer being negative and then entire industry responds the same. 

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On 6/26/2019 at 2:39 PM, DylanC said:

That’s ridiculous. Anthem had “bomb” written all over it. EA is the one to blame, not gamers.

The fact that the game was in production for 7 years and yet this is all they could come up with surely doesn't pain EA in a very good light at all. EA games over the past 7 years have been massively underwhelming for the most part and is packed to the hilt with microtransaction systems.

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On 7/19/2019 at 2:20 PM, skyfire said:

But the graphics wise the game was good. And it was not that bad if you ask me. people are just being impatient about those sort of the games. 

Impatient? they have had close to 5 months to fix the game but it still sucks - The playerbase is massively declining and they have basic left the game on life support and will likely end it by the end of the year.

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