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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2018 in all areas

  1. Dragon Age: Origins! I liked the unique stories it offered and the writing was better across the board imho. DA2 felt small in comparison, and I just couldn't get into DA: Inquisition. One day, I will try and get back to Inquisition and give it another shot.
    1 point
  2. o-o

    Hi guys!

    Yeah that's cool! We are actually fellas over here!
    1 point
  3. There's something about Whiterun that speaks to me. I kinda already think of it as a home away from home. But, yeah, I'd also choose Solitude as a back up.
    1 point
  4. o-o

    Hi guys!

    Welcome to VGR! I also found this website from Forum Promotion and it really looks nice! Awesome designing and content.
    1 point
  5. Far Cry 5 Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Fallout 76 Battlefield V
    1 point
  6. Alyxx

    Rumors of N64 classic

    My 30 games I'd want on it: 1. Duke Nukem 64 2. Super Smash Bros. 3. Super Mario 64 4. Mario Kart 64 5. Doom 64 6. Perfect Dark 7. GoldenEye 007 8. Banjo Kazooie 9. Banjoe Tooie 10. Conker's Bad Fur Day 11. Ocarina Of Time 12. F-Zero X 13. Quake 64 14. Jet Force Gemini 15. Donkey Kong 64 16. Diddy Kong Racing 17. Star Fox 64 18. Wave Race 64 19. Turok - Dinosaur Hunter 20. Turok 2 - Seeds Of Evil 21. Star Wars Episode 1 Racer 22. Pokémon Stadium 23. Pokémon Snap 24. Mario Party 2 25. Mario Party 3 26. Majora's Mask 27. Forsaken 64 28. Duke Nukem ZERØ HØUR 29. Bomberman 64 30. Yoshi's Story
    1 point
  7. MegaphoneStallone

    Hi guys!

    Thank you so much, Dylan and DC. Enjoying the stay so far for sure.
    1 point
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