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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2020 in all areas

  1. I think I have an explanation. There is some kind of read error and the system can't tell how much storage there is. Therfore the software is defaulting and displaying the maximum amount of storage alowable for 64 bit. Which is 2^64 bytes = 16777216 Tb.
    1 point
  2. Zak

    EA is absolutely useless

    Just being Devil's Advocate here, but if you have reported an issue on a popular game, it is likely others have had the same experience and reported the same issue too. Therefore, it is worth assuming they were working on a fix for that issue due to all the reports coming in. So rather than dealing with your specific experience they simply got on with the job of fixing the issue for all who had experienced it and - consequently - for all who would experience it in the future. That seems like a fairly efficient method of dealing with the problem.
    1 point
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