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Knight Plug

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Everything posted by Knight Plug

  1. Yeah. I will just find something else to do.
  2. There's a guy on YouTube who I've been donating to for over 4 years. I first started supporting him in 2020 when the Resident Evil 3 remake was about to be released, and you could talk to him using Skype. The guy has a reputation for being crazy and repeating himself, but nobody takes him seriously anyway. They know he just messes around, so people know his amusing lines off by heart by now. He also always uses the same type of thumbnails on his videos. The thing is, he just insults his audience now. He called me a simp once, but I accepted he may have just been having an off day, so I never challenged the rude remark at the time. But when I donate £2 sometimes, he complains about being interrupted and expects higher amounts, instead of just being grateful he got a tip from a fan. Or he moans that people don't watch him enough, when he has well over 5K followers now, I think. But you can tell he's a grumpy nerd who thinks this gaming related ranting is his full-time job, or whatever. I don't watch all his streams as some games or subjects he covers just isn't my thing, which is fine. But a lot of people heard him calling me a loser live recently, so they suggested I unsub from him. Also, a guy who used to occasionally broadcast alongside him was covering his bad attitude recently and seemed surprised he was talking trash about a lot of us, as we had been pledging to him for ages. I must have donated hundreds of pounds to him already, for the engagement. But nothing lasts forever, I guess. I'm not obligated to hang around to be insulted, nor am I anybody's kick bucket or pay pig. If he doesn't care any more, why should I? My cash could go to any number of other pursuits.
  3. So many game trailers are primarily cinematic, but show little or no gameplay. This tactic may work, but it's a game. Not a movie. People are gonna be curious as to what the game is like in terms of the controls, objectives, etc.
  4. If you think JoyFreak is bad, check out anxietyforum.net. Whoever started up that site no longer maintains it. This seems to be a common issue online: Admins leaving their forums behind, but are seemingly too stubborn to totally let go of something that they know has ran its course. This weird Australian guy I know called James took my user name, because my pseudonym on there is a different one to what I normally have been using on other forums. So he has been spamming all over it since 2021 to I assume, attempt to gain the top spot on Google if somebody searches for my handle, and he posts vile comments, lies about who he is, registers a lot of sock puppet accounts, and so on. Then I changed my ID on other forums, but he just obsessively listed them in one of his profiles, along with my real name and address. He did it on acyberlove.com as well back in 2017, then stalked me on Fandom wikis, YouTube, Internet Archive, the 8-ball pool app, some movie databases, and other sites. You could say I have been dealing with his abuse pretty much every week since September of 2017. I've emailed Cloudflare several times and the hosts of certain sites to complain. Their typical put off remark to each report is that, "they are looking into it". Now he is uploading dumb videos on YouTube about me, or in a veiled attempt to impersonate me.
  5. Honey has been referred to as the food of the gods. The cheaper brands may not be as good for you, but I don't know.
  6. That's just a dream of ours at this point. 🤩
  7. Yes. I use my own clippers, then off it goes. 😚
  8. I got abused during my younger years, as I had a quiet personality and was not hyperactive, for lack of a better description. Then I went to a place for tests. They didn't diagnose me with ASD until 2007. After which, I started to gain welfare and support workers. But I had the misfortune of going with Autism Initiatives in Scotland. They're bad news, unfortunately. What a fanny wank for a company they turned out to be. Had this guy emailing me crap with an alias, then confessing to doing it. I guess though, you get lousy people in any job, place, or whatever the case may be. So maybe we can just chalk it up to me being unlucky. I don't even know if he got the sack, or if they investigated the matter, since they didn't tell me why he departed from his job. Even so. That's just being unprofessional. He should be banned from being a support worker, just in general. But yeah. That was so out of line.
  9. It's basically the 'chav culture' to us. 😛
  10. I think the games will probably all be mediocre. Silent Hill while it has its many fans, ain't anywhere as commercially appealing as RE is. And not having Team Silent to work on the series any longer is just gonna mean that they will likely serve up average titles from indie studios.
  11. I've been after one with HDMI output so I can plug in a dock and use it like an Android TV box, but I think a lot of low cost phones only have a casting (smartview) option. You usually have to go look up about the make you have, since they don't really tell you if it is HDMI capable to begin with. Because I use mobile data, I don't have a modem for connecting to proper WiFi. I use my hotspot to get online. But I found Google Chromecast to be too fiddly, as it sometimes fails to find my device.
  12. I walk about wearing earphones a lot, because I don't like to tangle them up. I listen to YouTubers talking about games. But I notice idiotic car drivers purposefully toot at me when I am not even crossing the road, just to take the Mickey.
  13. Yes. But I need a spell checking app more than a screen cover. Lately, I noticed on many of my comments, I make so many unusual typos, which I used to be able to avoid. It is usually because I accidentally hit the wrong letter.
  14. In Child's Play 3, Andy was for the only time in the franchise, played by a different actor. Kind of hated that, although he did the part well enough.
  15. I watched a bit of some 80's slasher film, Slaughter High, but it looks quite awful. I seen it listed on Prime. Before that, I sat through one called The Witch Who Came from the Sea, but it was a bit on the boring side.
  16. Sometimes, DVDs, etc help to make up for lost box office earmings. But not always.
  17. My sister is experiencing mental health issues including feeling paranoid all the time. You see, social workers know she's pregant. She had a real barmy years ago to do with her other kids. The social gets off on lying about people. The courts are a joke in Scotland. I've had dealings with them myself. Her ex partner cheated on her this year and even admitted their son was put up for adoption. But I did tell her not to go back to him. This is the crap someone is in for if you fall for a man's false act.
  18. I was never into that "I'm a celebrity from X period, get me outta here" shite either. Or what was on MTV in the 2000s, because MTV used to once mean a time of watching non stop music videos, etc. That was what defined MTV. Not reality show trash. The 2000s was a load of pish. All you would read about in the news was that some junkie called Pete (whatever his full name is) was once again doing drugs with his fellow snowblower Kate Moss and getting arrested again. But if it was anyone else, nobody would care or remember about it by the next week. And when Michael Jackson died, it warranted like 200 pages of theories. Like when the Australian rock group INXS was looking for a new singer after briefly going with Jon Stevens from New Zealand, they had this reality show to recruit a new vocalist. Apparently, the dude who won the contest and made them successful again later got fired by email. LMAO.
  19. I love the 80s, but it can still sound somewhat dated or cheesy at times. Especially those keyboard fills between the singing. It's like there must have been a rule incorporated about putting in synth sounds as it was the top thing then. Now it's just drum machines, hammering random buttons on a deck and yelling. LOL.
  20. This has been one wet year. I reckon it has rained nearly every single day since the spring.
  21. The Kardashians, huh? Who cares about them? 🤓 Fortune, all the way. 🤑
  22. I'm never really on it, to be honest. I only logged in from time to time to look for work as a film extra, but my social anxiety has put me off from seeking out any more opportunities. I had problems in the past, but there's no point in dwelling on it. But I had a good wee run while it lasted. I prefer one to one situations, as it's hard enough for me as it is. For I usually don't know what to say to people, so I may come across as boring or awkward to them, making me feel crappy.
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