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Posts posted by Knight Plug
Is The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon any good?
Bloody Birthday 6/10
Winter will be here before we know it. As much as I hate the humid weather now, what's the lesser of the two evils? I think I prefer some warmth to those bitterly, sub zero temperatures.
March and September always seems to be the best time of the year in Scotland. Not at all freezing. Not overly hot either. And best of all, no hay fever to be troubled by. 😂
Yeah. It's all carrot dangling with these women. A fool and their money are soon parted, as they say.
Admittedly, some of them look swell, which is about the only compliment I can provide, as their ego is so high, most Mount Everest climbers would blush with envy. But I mean, I suppose that's the whole point. If the buffet table had no nice looking munchies, nobody would be lining up for the food. In a similar way, they use their good looks to swindle gullible guys, then have the nerve to slag them off thereafter. It could never be me.
In terms of social media as a whole, I have to agree. It's ridiculous how people come online on Facebook and forums to engage in console wars, or some other dumb debates about unimportant nonsense, that leads to people getting upset and even harming themselves. Supporting their favourite YouTuber just to fit in. Posting rubbish about the PS5 being superior to Microsoft's X or S Series. And I'm like, who even remotely cares? As long as the games they produce are great, I couldn't care less what company does what. Don't give into the peer pressure.
I'll tell you something, though. That tuneless, irritating, top 40, pop garbage they leak out of their earphones isn't worth a toss. Music is no longer exciting to me. The same with a lot of modern movies.
There was a time when you got so absorbed into it. Whether it was the latest box office sensations or the radio countdown to the hottest hits. All of these chart rivals vying for the top spot. It was original. It was exciting. It was relevant. Think of when Blur and Oasis were going at it at the Brit Awards, for example. Now everything is so two a penny, ten a penny, and none of it really lingers in the mind.
Bands from decades ago are still great to hear to this day, as they had a message to tell. This is why you will never have groups like the Beatles or the Clash ever again. The soulless slop today is just so pedestrian.
And like I said, movies always go for the easy to pull off shock value. It is just gory now and convoluted for the sake of it. A bit of T&A thrown in for cheap thrills, and wow. Swearing in every second line of dialogue. You know?
I watch a lot of old movies, and the women don't dress all tarty in those pictures. It was actually a more respectful era in terms of their attitude and dress code. While now, people have these silly debates on an online platform, and form a clique with other nerds, and live wishing they could marry Taylor Swift, who most likely doesn't know they exist. And it's sad knowing these people are such losers that are probably absolute snowflakes in person.
To be honest, I just cannot take them seriously.
I just wouldn't go back. That guy in the thread we posted in seemed odd, and his rants made no sense. But I think all the other users besides the guy with the beard avatar and a few others on the forum, are all mainly bots, which is clear from how many are banned.
And what's the moon? A big balloon! 😂
Nobody can forgive Konami. Any new game they release, whether it is actually good or terrible, I reckon will be hated by default. 😅
Even so, I think a game that Konami developed themselves, as opposed to outsourcing it, should be more in line with the quality they were once renowned for.
It sucks having no money. But having too much of it and being pretentious, is not attractive. It's why I disown women, Capcom, and people like Donald Trump.
Being single, I have contacted them a lot over the years for relief. I would rather have a real girlfriend, but not being able to find one in a sea of crowds or feeling like a reject, makes for a frustrating time.
Anyway, I followed them on X a while back, and they often post relatively normal stuff too, besides the raunchy self-promotion they are known for. Some seem overly pompous, sadly, and full of themselves. But I try not to step on their toes. I am not daft either, so I try to not overdo it. It is just a job to them. The nicer ones are always in England, but I'm from Scotland.
The thing is, a lot of them are too cold and heavy handed regardless of your contribution, then they choose to openly block you anyway. Particularly the ones into findom.
On OnlyFans, they constantly spam your inbox because they want you to keep buying brief clips locked behind a paywall. Oddly enough, some of their X posts show their face, but in the content they upload, they prefer to hide their face, or it is just effortless, low key, and unsexy. That kind of defeats the purpose of subscribing, in my opinion. It also feels extremely fake. But I know they aren't allowed to discuss real-time sessions, per the rules.
While it's not the end of the world if some ho kicks you down, it does make me rather depressed if you have low social skills from having autism, already have an anxiety disorder on top of that, and then they worsen your mood. They all seem to meet up with colleagues at kinky events all over the UK too, so you run the risk of being badmouthed behind your back.
I recently emailed somebody, suggesting she tour. To just fly here, she asked for way too much, hence why I suggested she do a tour if she is in Britain, as it is just easier. She replied, barking out orders and saying I could not afford her even if she toured. I countered the remark and said I receive enough welfare. She replied back, saying she was glad I could see her after all. But it felt like she just sent me subtle sarcasm, or she skipped over what I said.
I avoid following that sort. But even general escorts are just using X to brag about 'sugar daddies' paying for overpriced overnight bookings and what nice presents they received through Amazon and Wishtender, and where they had an expensive lunch today. This is all they ever seem to talk about. Like it is gonna break them to talk like an ordinary civilian. Obviously these type of bookings are from guys with a lot of cash to spare, so they can profit more.
But it surprises me how nasty and cutthroat they are, just as people, calling guys simps, pay piggies, losers, and all these other, clearly misandry promoting terms. Yet I think a lot of them identify as sadists, too. A lot of them look very mean in nature. Nothing charitable to them.
They dress up using bondage gear with devilish symbols, and like I said, get really nasty if you say the least little thing. Like you just insulted their grandma or whatever, when it was likely just a normal reply or compliment you threw their way. Although they do leave likes for your posts when you say something good about them, which in all honesty, probably gives them a large surge of dopamine and an ego boost. But the minute you do something to, I guess, slightly merit a block, they do so without mercy. But why? You come away from it thinking you wasted your time tagging them.
To be honest, I think they have a mental problem, and many of them enjoy acting like that queen in Snow White. I even got scammed a few times with ruthless women asking me to send deposits, then blocking me thereafter. Or the ones who are adult film stars go charging a lot more for the fact they have (or at least did have) a semi-celebrity status, but they just went intentionally ghosting me on tour, likely because they got a better offer. And looking at their feed with the same type of gloating, they do seem to fancy themselves. But I'm not saying everyone has to be a golden girl.
A bit of friendliness certainly cannot hurt. Much!
Yeah. I got lucky sometimes, but only very occasionally. But all in all, it was usually a lot of hassle even getting to see anybody, with them being too picky, bizarre, lazy part-timers, or acting too stern. Sometimes I even thought I found somebody I could gel with, especially if we shared common interests. The rookie escorts are normally nicer, maybe because they are just new to the whole sex work thing or scene, and need to learn the ropes. After they advance though, they rapidly change as people some 4 years later. Not in a good way either. Quite horrible and difficult to approach, really.
Those popular dating sites are full of scammers and idiots as well. Like, they go making you pay a fee to buy a little image of a soft toy or wine bottle to gift to people you will most likely never meet. Or they go forcing you to upgrade from the default bronze mode to switch to a silver, or a gold membership, for all these silly looking, gimmicky features. They are never gonna pick me no matter how many times I use my debit card, so why bother pushing that wagon up the mountain? And I think there is always going to be a 'Catch 22' con method situation with being involved with these websites.
Usually, I would just give up out of annoyance, then spend my money on iced coffee and sandwiches. But I mean, I always do that anyway. It just intensifies the loneliness when a lady acts so unlady-like.
It actually made me feel like a dork. You know?
Vanilla sponge with ice cream is lovely.
I really want to see Billy Coen return. It was never really revealed in RE0 if he was the guy who gave the go ahead to have the African villagers gunned down, when his unit could not go back to their base empty-handed. So a future game exploring this would be ideal, provided Capcom doesn't keep abandoning certain storylines that they introduced a long time ago.
It doesn't even have to involve Rebecca. I just want to know if he is innocent, because he was last seen in the forest near the mansion. He left Rebecca and I assume she was gonna lie to the authorities. There has never been any conclusion to his arc. You know?
Unfortunately, I think the series will remain disjointed. Chris, Jill, Leon and co are Capcom's main money makers. A lot of other characters I feel will never be used again, because Capcom probably doesn't want to gamble on any mediocre tie in media.
I try to walk in the shade. What also puts me off besides the clammy climate, is that I have really bad hay fever in June, but it usually improves by late July.
Chicken fried rice, with bits of egg.
Well, I logged in one day to try to get my alias changed. It's rather pointless, as this obsessed nutball I know just lists them on another forum as I do so anyway. But I noticed some radge pot moderator on there "banned me from user name changes for 2 years" unsuccessfully, as I can still attempt it. They just kept declining the change.
I emailed them asking if they can just delete my account. The admin is a lazy sod who doesn't appreciate his members, and hardly any users post there, apart from bots. And like Shagger pointed out, the few human users on there like to post weird threads, with links to dodgy sites going ignored.
For foreign language films on DVD that have a dubbed option, this does not always apply to the version they put on Prime. For example, a lot of 'giallo' movies made in Italy are in Italian, but Arrow will only publish it in the default language. Obviously Italian, or Japanese, etc, for Asian movies. So unlike physical releases, they omit the option to change the audio to English, if it is on the DVD or Blu-ray.
Then there's movies like Black Sabbath. I seen a dubbed version, but they only have the Italian audio version on home media.
All of these "Shake that ass" songs, or swearing and looking coked outta your mind. It is generally a lot of tuneless slop on the airwaves nowadays. 😌
I got my dad a Samsung Galaxy phone to use as a makeshift computer. All you need is a hub, the proper equipment, and a TV you can connect a Chromecast to in its HDMI socket. This basically means that if you put apps in landscape mode when mirroring the screen, then it can just be like using a laptop or a PC, and casting on a fast network is usually fine, with no lagging. 👨💻
While I was sure this make I bought had HDMI output, this only showed up briefly when it first came on. The built-in DeX feature is an option too, but it seems it won't work on non Samsung sets. They are like Apple, in that they try to have customers tied to their products exclusively so that things don't do as they are supposed to. 🤨
It is recommended you use the same plug that it comes with in the box, as the voltage or fuse could be higher or lower, so it may get too hot. 😩
On X, I hate it how they don't have a (free) edit button. You may want to just correct a small typo. But nah. Upgrading is the only way. 😅
I don't think the search facility on Prime is the best. They seem to have the movies, etc in order of the upload date, but not alphabetically presentable, which can be a chore to sift through. I was on it and was impressed by the value, because there is plenty to view. But the search mode is not great.
I think I was one of the first members to sign up. The activity just dropped over the last few years, and every reply I seen on there looked very 'made up' to me. Like an AI bot was responding, along with the flood of spam. It's why I won't be joining any more forums, because the main focus now is social media, or they recommend Discord (which I don't care for, but I appreciate the offer).
The ones I have gone on recently have barely any users. Or they just aren't into the same games.
Anybody know of the Kiwi band, the Chills? Their lead singer died over the weekend.
I normally don't like to crap on other sites, but I noticed joyfreak.com is offline. All I can say is, good. Nobody will miss it. The forum was an absolute mess.
The forum was literally 80% bots, 20% gibberish. Spam was everywhere. Shady links to third party sites left unremoved. And I lost count of how many times Shagger asked the admin to clean up his act, but nobody was even maintaining it. So it was just pointless being online anyway.
I like how some phones have HDMI output so your phone can be displayed on a bigger screen. However, most phones don't have the option to do it wired anymore. People usually cast their phone to a smart TV, which is wireless.
Community Chat #1
in General Chat
The OTC of YouTube?
Uh... 🤥