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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Oh shit!!! @Kane99 I’m not forgetting about your awesome topics. Cool ass shit
  2. Sometimes I attempt to make a post, write some things down and then say forget about it and move on. I feel intimidated at times. How would someone react to my post? Did I offend anyone in some way? We all should feel comfortable here enough to express ourselves. This forum allows that. It’s a gaming forum, but also more than that. There are highly intelligent moderators and members. This shit should be legend!!! I understand this forum has members of the international community. There are cultures from other places who don’t have as many freedoms to express themselves. Even if you have freedoms, I’m not here to judge, that’s for sure. I miss @killamch89 creating topics about random shit…lol. I miss @StaceyPowers spending some time creating topics. Where are you? You don’t want me creating topics, believe me. I want the holy fucking grail where a machine that looks like Adriana Lima is waving to me saying come here stallion. Maybe it’s just me and my alcohol problem where I’m paranoid every little thing I say is just another fuckin nail to shred my dignity more and more.
  3. Activision Blizzard's Executive Vice President of Corporates Affairs and Chief Communications Officer, Lulu Cheng Meservey Tweets that Sony does not need FTC protection from the Microsoft/Blizzard acquisition because of the popularity of TLOU TV show praising Episode 3 which aired Sunday 1/29/2023. What I believe is that this is a slimy attempt to exploit talent and popularity as a means to allow a monopoly somewhere else. Just enjoy and look the other way. Right???
  4. There are a few details I didn't catch until after watching Ep 3. When they were walking and talked about how the infection was spread through the food products. I mean, we saw the part where it was a good substrate and those workers got infected at the factory in Jakarta. But I guess they never bombed it huh? Now think about how Joel's neighbors in the first episode wanted Sarah and Joel to eat biscuits, made from the infected substrate? And Sarah made Joel a special birthday breakfast, but they didn't have pancake mix. And then...the cake Joel forgot to get. More infected food.
  5. 🤣Now that was some funny stuff. Even with the manly raw meat with the bones and hot sauce to make a Fox news approved smoothie. Nothing woke about it. Now if only they can apply that to a gas powered gaming controller. Wait a minute...I think I found just the thing!!!
  6. I'm glad we have U.S. based developers here and I'm sure other countries are glad too because if you don't, then your gaming experience can be dictated by corporate spats like all the Chinese players have to stop playing their game. There needs to be consumer rights in these cases. Even if the corporations can't agree what to do, the gaming should not be taken down. And that is part of the conflict dealing between two countries where China has its own policy to force game developers to work with China's own tech and internet companies while China's laws are cracking down on internet, gaming, and publishing rights. It is interesting for Blizzard to post on China's social media a reference to China's president as Winnie The Pooh which is usually referred to something derogatory of the president. That is ironic since Blizzard banned esports player Blitzchung for being political during the Hong Kong protests. So Blizzard was sucking off to China then in 2019, and making fun of the Chinese president in 2022. But that could have been due to the change in Blizzard's leadership and Microsoft's acquisition. Not sure, but it does seem that NetEase is specifically hating on Bobby Kotick. I think both sides are in the wrong. We all know the history of Blizzard and Kotick. But NetEase went and destroyed a bunch of Blizzard structures and posted it. That is some pretty hostile stuff. And what message is that to send being one of the largest tech giants in China. Are they engaging in hostile business practices as a reflection of their government? Or did Blizzard really botch their integrity? There is something a lot deeper going on that I'm not seeing after reading up a little about this. Everything from the Hong Kong protests, to Microsoft's acquisition, Bobby Kotick, Diablo Immortal, China's laws, fucking everything. Like a damn domino effect finally fell.
  7. This is what Florida classrooms look like now, forced to cover their books because the state is vetting out all books. This is what fascist dictatorship looks like. This shit is no joke. Florida teachers can now get a felony charge and 5 years prison if they don't hide books or get rid of them. This is what the book shelf looked like. This freedom is DEAD IN FLORIDA. https://www.yahoo.com/news/im-florida-teacher-whos-forced-203755249.html?.tsrc=fp_deeplink
  8. Yeah it was a while back when I first heard about it and never heard of anything again till now. I didn't expect it to even be made for the ps4 generation. So I'm a bit excited about this one. They really did keep their marketing quiet. Then all of a sudden it's here.
  9. I'm a huge fan of the Watch Dog series now. Excellent games. I started with Legion as my first experience and is hands down an amazing game. I don't care what reviews people say about it or anything. It's a gem of a game to me. It has pushed gaming into the future and I'm not talking about the setting. I'm talking about flying a drone around the city, and being able to recruit who you want. The gameplay is fun as hell. If you put the perma death on and play at the hard level, the game becomes so freakin nuts! You can't even drive freely anywhere w/o getting tagged at every checkpoint and have the cops chase you. And it's hard to lose them. Legion is a game I can play again, no doubt about it. And the setting, well...as MC Hammer says, U Can't Touch This I haven't played Watch Dogs 2 yet as I'm still playing the first one. That is a pretty good game too. All the extras in there, I don't know if they came with the game or if it is DLC. But there is a ton of cool things outside the story that makes every gaming experience really fun. The series is ahead of its time as far as features go. Now that I have bragged a bunch about the series, what is next after Legion??? Hmmm They would have to keep that futuristic chaotic setting. It would be strange to go back to a normal city after that. They set the bar so high with London, I really can't think of a city comparable. Whatever city they choose, I think they would have to take it a step further and add more cyberpunk artificial limbs and stuff like that the way Cyberpunk 2077 did. Again, I have to say they set the bar so high with Legion. Where do you go after that? How do you get more chaotic than that? Good ol New York I guess. They could have the setting anywhere in Florida where fascism is really real there. They could have it Watch Dogs Florida 2077. LOL. I wouldn't expect a new game any time soon. I feel like Legion was a grand finale. If they have something better up their sleeve, well hit the red button cause it would have to be something nuclear. I can't wait to play WD2 because it seems that is the standard bearer for the series.
  10. It's crazy, like as soon as you mentioned Google...Bam! lawsuit. lol
  11. Actually, you may be right about the kiss. Druckmann adds, "Because we're cruel to the characters we love so much, it felt like she knows she's done for, and then the lighter doesn't work, and we take her all the way to the edge of horror before we finally give her an out." https://collider.com/the-last-of-us-tess-infected-kiss-explained/ So it does look like the intention was to get a taste of pure horror. What if the lighter never worked??? AGAGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!
  12. I've also been waiting for this game since I first heard about it around a year or two ago. Does have that Bioshock look to it. Definitely one I want to play.
  13. Actually, that may have been part of the point. To just be ridiculous so that they can cry victim for being banned from a gaming store, send the info to their terrorist news, and hope some rich fascist will spend money on the grifting, then blame video games are this..and that...and blah blah blah. That's how those fucks are.
  14. Yeah, you are right. Could have easily been frozen terror, no doubt. And she is a tough person, mentally and physically. I could easily see it being as you said too. It's not gonna be easy. She would ruin the whole thing if she ran, so part of the sacrifice was to let those hyphae go in her mouth (GROSS!) But I think there may have been some kind of other sense that maybe stilled her nerves while being infected. Just how fast that connection works, we just don't know yet. From my perspective, I saw something more than frozen terror. You also have to think about how that infected didn't immediately attack her or eat her. It sensed the infection inside of her. That is why it didn't wrip her to pieces. Instead, it wanted to spread its hyphae into her hyphae that may have been growing somewhere deep inside her. Remember in Jakarta when the scientist put the tweezers down the dead person's throat, the hyphae came out of its mouth. No doubt the infected sensed its own inside Tess. Now, did Tess sense something too? Don't know.
  15. I really liked that beginning part in Jakarta. Bomb it all!!! That really set the tone. What happened to Tess was just Sick! Think about it though. Tess was infected and now we have this new feature of the fungus where they are interconnected. At least I don't remember there being anything like that in the game. Or maybe it just wasn't emphasized enough, I don't now. But when Tess stayed behind to sacrifice herself, she kind of paused for a bit while the infected were walking up the stairs in the direction of Joel and Ellie. It was as if she felt something else, affection for the infected! She had to compose herself and keep trying the lighter. Then she let that one stuff its hyphae in her mouth. Anyone else would have ran, but she was falling into their control at that point. I would be terrified if I saw those things in person. And to have them get that close to you and all you can do is be quiet. Fuck that.
  16. This guy is just another grifter who thinks their ideas are so privileged enough to charge $2,000 because they are singing to the tune of the MAGA base. That is what all these psychopaths are doing, is creating a bunch of conspiracies, hate, division, so they can grift money from other people's fears and satisfy their hate lust. Imagine a world where all your games are like this weird tribalism. They lack any and all basis for their conspiracies. And the reviewer nailed something on the spot. It's how he says how "you can't trust fascists because they don't know how people talk." The one who wrote the game sounds very psychotic at times, laughing in mid speech in their writings, and not really putting any substance together. Take this to an English teacher and they will have a fit. I mean, I ramble sometimes drunk talking, but at least be sober if you are writing a game. Because really, none of it makes any sense. I guess you can set your bars really low as long as your audience is looking for confirmation and not substance. A 5 year old could have written a better game. To charge that much I guess had its intention by causing a splash for advertisement purposes. How else would you stand out with shit like this? And now the message has a platform. All it takes is that -one- who says hmmm. And he gets a recruit. This is grifting.
  17. Actually, it has just been announced that the DOJ is now investigating Google for violating antitrust laws relating to online advertising. And Google is actually under investigation in another antitrust lawsuit. So they now have two investigations. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-google-monopolizing-digital-advertising-technologies
  18. I’m happy you are enjoying Valhalla as it really is something special. My personal experience has been a yo-yo because I lost saved data and had to start over. I’ve been so mad at times because of bug issues. Valhalla just had its last update for the game and by now it runs smooth as it should have been from the get go. But I jumped back into it and got over 200 hours now and it’s primo fantasy, from the world itself to the other maps, to the awesome gear and mounts. After the last update, you now get a free piece of gear each week. And nothing like having a dragon mount and a fiery raven. I’m all in now is what I’m saying. But lately the past month or maybe two I’ve delved deep into Cyberpunk 2077. Its heavy on story and has blown my mind away. This is another game that has had its issues and so sad for that because it’s one of the best games I’ve played. But I started playing after the last big update so I’ve had a good experience so far despite having to try and start the application several times before it finally comes up to play. Other than that, no problems at all. Did I say my mind is freakin blown away by the game? I have stayed up for hours as the story draws me in so much and everything flows so well that it’s hard to know a stopping point. The quests keep me right in it from one thing to the next and even those side quests are no punk. Side quests are heavy duty stuff too. Amazing. They really are setting a reputation for themselves just as I remember playing Witcher 3 and all the great quests there. Currently, I’d have to say Cyberpunk 2077 has its hooks in me big time. It’s deep, really is. Gameplay is fun too. Such talent here.
  19. I wouldn't doubt if he banned any photos, assignments, or discussions of black history month in schools. Technically, he already did because teachers no longer can discuss anything related to racism in classes. So yeah, black history month is not legal to be discussed. I don't see how the federal constitution or even the state constitution is not preventing any of this. What is interesting though, DeSantis passed a bill to require all schools to teach the awareness of communism, while at the same time banning everything he considers woke. How can you force schools to teach something you want to bring awareness to, but ban discussions of racism and African American studies that would bring awareness to those issues. Now that is hypocritical, and just in your face telling you that DeSantis can do anything he wants under Florida's constitution, which is probably being interpreted by his handpicked judges. Tell me, is that not some hypocritical bullshit?
  20. When it comes to Rockstar, they are known for their blatant satire, especially in games like the GTA series. I remember there is a topic about racism and bigotry in GTA 5 and after playing the game, what I saw was pure funny satire. And of course these things can offend some people and I don't doubt GTA 6 will cut back on the satire due to a political divisive climate. But, a lot of kids play these games and may not be able to distinguish what satire is. That's why games have ratings. I like the edginess in games. This all leads back to what free speech is and how entertainment is entertainment, but when it is no longer satire, not taken out of context, is what it is, blatant vulgar bigotry, then that is where free speech crosses the line into harming the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for other people. I think we simply have to ask a black person who has played RDR2 what they think about the phrase used "N.... Lover." The way it is used and the context all under consideration, if it is ok with them, then I wouldn't take it further than that. Just don't ask Kanye... The world of gaming for sure is recognizing the large adult audience. It would be very strange playing Super Mario Brothers, and they say "hey bitch, where is my mushroom? I gotta date with the princess." That for sure would throw me off. But add that in Saints Row and you will get a kick out of it.
  21. Florida has just banned African American studies in the state. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64348902 Florida is living in the 2020's Woke Scare similar to the 1950's Red Scare. Imprisoning teachers is next. DeSantis is even forcing college boards to send him a list of courses and everything related to CRT in colleges. I mean, grade school is one thing, but attacking higher education to fulfill your woke paranoia satisfaction is blatant hate against freedom of free speech and unabridged education. Colleges and universities are required to "provide a comprehensive list of all staff, programs and campus activities related to diversity, equity and inclusion and critical race theory." https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/desantis-admin-wants-universities-to-report-resources-used-for-diversity-crt-initiatives/ "Attempts such as these by the governor to chill speech and to intimidate those he disagrees with into remaining silent, altering their curriculum, and silencing their students are an affront to democracy and the American way of life," Gothard, who is a professor at Florida Atlantic University, said in a statement to The News Service of Florida.. "Let those who supported Governor DeSantis in the recent election heed this warning: A man who will silence those whom he disagrees - in the classroom and beyond - will one day find a reason to silence you as well," An update to the destruction of universities and colleges by republicans: 1) Sue the universities 2) Mandatory surveys 3) Ban racial/sexual discrimination staff policy training 4) Get rid of tenure policy 5) Transfer public funds to private charter schools 6) Courses to replace ethnic studies course in required programs 7) Block funding for any course relating to diversity, culture, CRT
  22. That's strange. I was just watching that video no problem; now it says private. It was interesting info too.
  23. You are right, thanks for that. I had to go watch that scene again when Ellie broke the code and I didn't catch it when she asked who is Bill and Frank, and on the piece of paper it said B/F. I was under the impression it was from his brother Tommy. And that song could actually be from Bill or Frank too because at this point we really don't know which one. I was also curious about that choice, but I love the song. That's good insight about drug use. I think the song may have several meanings. Remember Joel was trading drugs and at one point he was taking shots and popped some pills. The lyrics could be the edgy relationship between him and Bill or Frank. I thought it had to do with his brother Tommy at first since they had an edgy relationship in the game. Could also be the strange relationship with Joel and Tess going on this dangerous journey together. Or with Joel and Ellie, kind of a prelude to their future relationship. I think the song goes well with any of those relationships, including the drugs and alcohol...LOL. I mean, it's not like it's the end of the world and they are stuck in a military quarantine zone where people are high on life, right? Here is something interesting I found about Never Let Me Down Again: Martin Gore was quoted in issue #44/1987 of Bravo Magazine: "I wrote this song last March. And it was such a long time ago that I cannot say much about it anymore. But you're wrong [about the song because about my girlfriend], the song has nothing to do with relationships. It's about the concept of fleeing from reality and the evil awakening afterwards. Any kind of fleeing. Drugs, alcohol, or whatever." So it makes sense in this show where it seems everyone is fleeing something or wants to.
  24. That did fit perfectly and just made a lot more sense as he needs to get out of the zone to reach his brother. I actually do feel that was lost in the game where his brother went and what was going on and the only real way to get info was to find little messages. In the show they made it clear that he hasn't heard from his bother in a while and he was worried and needed that battery to get out of the zone. I can't remember the song on the radio that played after they already left. What did it mean? Was the brother in trouble? I was confused on the code that Ellie picked up on.
  25. It's hard for me to judge how long stories really are in open worlds because I spend hundreds of hours on those which aren't always the story. So, the timing of the story gets lost unlike story driven games. Witcher 3 for example is a really big game, and yes the story is long, but how long is it really compared to other games? I played most of the side quests and explored every bit of the map. So games like that I don't see how an estimate can even be accurate on story length unless you did a quick story driven play through. Which I would never do in an open world unless I've finished the game once and play it again real fast. So for me, this is a hard question to answer. As far as story driven games, TLOU 2 was pretty long and I love that approach. Days Gone also seems like the story was long, but then again after a several hundred hours of gameplay, was it really that long? I looked it up and Days Gone is 30-35 hours and TLOU 2 is 25-30 hours. So, slap me silly, Days Gone is a longer story. See? I think most of what we play it's hard to really interpret the time of the actual story. That is the point I'm making. Witcher 3 is about 50 hours of story. So I guess that would be my longest game. But I've spent 850 hours playing AC Odyssey including DLC, and still not done. So slap me silly again.
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