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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Exactly; there is already a need of belonging for people that join cults which is exploited. I think there are mental health issues that make people more susceptible to it.
  2. Of course it is and you are right. But associating L.A. with gangs is not anything unique. The scenery is unique to that area, but gangs can be anywhere. There is a certain feel to the scenery that they really got spot on in the game.
  3. What's the difference? People are about to snap in either place and either take psyche meds or skipped their dose. You are looked at as a terrorist at an airport; females are frisked with special attention; the person next to you will try to stab you and hijack the plane if you ask them to wear a mask. The airport is not sane in any way. Then you get on the plane and they calmly explain how to use a float device and oxygen masks in case of a crash. A very sane place to be if I say so. NOT!!!
  4. I think at times my mindset just isn't ready to play some games. Some of it has to do with gaming experience, where a game I tried before was overwhelming, but when I come back to it I find the gameplay easier than when I originally started because I've learned a little 'gaming experience.' GTA 5 is a great example where I first played it, I just couldn't get into it because I felt overwhelmed, lack of direction, and satire I just didn't realize. But now the gameplay doesn't seem difficult, the story flows, and I just pick up on things a lot faster than before. And this is fast becoming one of my favorites.
  5. I go on long journeys around the map taking my time along the way. Not really reaching a destination. I have a sense of direction where to go, but wherever I end up. Or sometimes I will just put a marker way out in the map and just take different routes to get there. I always get new experiences doing that. But I keep in mind to try not to end up somewhere that the story may bring me so as to not jump any gun.
  6. I'm getting some strong feelings not quite out of body, but deep entrenched while playing GTA 5 whenever I'm driving and listening to music and the scenery just looks so damn real!!! And I've been to California a bunch of times and lived out west USA so the scenery looks very familiar to me and a bit nostalgic. They did an excellent job. Even the stoplights are realistic. If only the vehicle had blinkers when you turn.
  7. I think a good story would be how easy it is to fall into a cult unknowingly, and what it takes to break free; the psychological attraction, addiction, and breaking away.
  8. With all the updates, all them gb accumulate. Do you not have updates on your games?
  9. I've got a 1tb ps4 and right now my storage says 769gb/861 gb. And I have no more free space for any update. So that is 1000gb - 860gb = 140gb used for console functions. 860gb - 770gb = 90gb being used for who knows what. That is a total of 230gb out of 1000gb that I can’t use. Here are my games: GTA5=88GB AC VALHALLA=123GB; after losing my save data I still reinstalled the game AC ODYSSEY=124GB AC ORIGINS=76GB AC EZIO COLLECTION=38GB AC SYNDICATE=46GB TLOU2=84GB HORIZON ZERO DAWN=48GB GHOST OF TSUSHIMA=44GB DAYS GONE=38GB MAD MAX=33GB EVIL WITHIN 2=32GB WITCHER 3=42GB trying to complete DLC That’s 13 games. Does it really seem like a lot to use up a 1tb drive?
  10. Why are you guys promoting exclusives? That's backwards thinking. If anything, we all should be agreeing on the elimination of exclusives.
  11. The investigation is pretty much over now. The committee has issued subpoenas and Trump is now using executive privilege that ex-presidents have and is telling everyone to deny any subpoena due to it being a violation of confidentiality of his administration. So there it is. Trump and party is above the law. There is nothing in our U.S. government that can investigate any president or administration for any crime.
  12. Republican Mary Beeman School Board Campaign Manager has said this at a discussion of critical race theory, "Helping kids of color to feel they belong has a negative effect on white, Christian, or conservative kids.” She said “The statement I made was poorly worded and shown out of context." Out of context because she was trying to explain that liberal students and teachers were trying to bully white christians into submission. How can that be poorly worded AND out of context. That is what you said so own it. She was asked to show how it was out of context and she couldn't. Now the republican town committee refuses to comment. That right there is what they really believe. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-critical-race-theory-white-christian-kids-suffer-kids-of-color-belong-20211007-ea5lkzujvrgnba2ny3rdepknee-story.html
  13. Give it till tomorrow and hopefully they respond. They might be trying to get all the papers in order before talking to you. It's shitty, but people are weird like that. If not tomorrow, then most likely they are bailing on the sell. Do they know you have plans to fly there? They need to man up and be direct.
  14. I would like that MGS remake so I can get a little more background to the series. Since Kojima is making Silent Hill, which is another big one, then I wonder what Bloober Team is working on. Because a lot thought they may be doing a Silent Hill.
  15. Definitely; I love the roads, soil, fauna, stone paths, dead bodies, everything. I like the sound of walking too. I like the puddles of water reflecting light. The animals running around. I love the streets in Days Gone with the black tar, dried cracked lines, yellow lane paint fading. The footprints in snow. Puddles of blood. Flowers. Debris.
  16. Yes, I find myself doing that at times. That's actually what starts straining my eyes because I'm looking around too much too fast. And it makes gaming have a distancing effect instead of immersion. Sometimes I know I have to move on and it's easy to fall into the fast play. Sometimes I even think about getting somewhere before the sun sets or before the sun comes back up. I have to stop myself and look at my surroundings. Many times the in game music motivates me to slow down and soak things in. But when the music cuts out, and I start fighting, looting, riding, etc. I've got to remember to enjoy myself before I give myself a headache.
  17. I'm impressed with GTA 5. All different sorts of music. I even thought about posting a topic about the list of songs on the game's radio. I found one cool song already from the game on youtube. I was cruising to the song in game and I had to look it up.
  18. I've been playing the older ones as well as the new ones concurrently and is interesting to see how things progress and compare from the gameplay, abilities, graphics, weapons and gear, stories and side activities etc. Maybe they should remake the Ezio series that spans Italy. To me the architecture looks pretty good even in the older games, but overall could use some sprucing up for such a nice long standing series. The remasters still look pretty good, but as a fan I would love to see a modern touch up. I doubt that will ever happen. It seems they have bigger plans in their new Infinity game, which as the title means, it will be their last game and just keep adding things and locations to it as time goes on instead of making another game separately.
  19. There really is no point sending letters. That's like writing a letter to banks asking them to stop overdraft fees. They will fold it in dollar bills and wipe their ass with it and mail it back. But the U.S. congress can only go after those in the USA. But what if they had branches in other countries who just don't have to follow any U.S. laws. You really can't regulate gaming companies unless every country is on board. But I guess they can limit the number of those transactions in the U.S. only. That would be a start. These politicians are testing the water to see if they can get lobbied or something. If they actually cared they wouldn't bother with letters and go right ahead proposing legislation.
  20. This is becoming a serious god damn problem for me. I deleted a 34 gb game to get some space for a game update that was 2gb. Last night my system updated a game update that was 20 gb!!! And now I have another damn game update that says I don't have enough space for.
  21. They need to teach college in grade school because nothing else they teach in school is important. They should be ready for a masters when they get out of high school. That way college is only two years for the masters and you are done. That's how you make a country more smart and productive above the rest of the world. Business itself, greed, is what prolongs education.
  22. If something is used for good, it's also used for bad. If you needed something non-obvious to work, it would have to be repeated over and over in different games and medium for it to work. That is exactly what has been done in demonizing certain groups of people over the years in all entertainment until it has sunk in so deep into their subconscious that it becomes societal and nothing can break it when confronted because they can't even realize something they can't consciously see.
  23. If they started singing and dancing with devils, then I'll lose trust.
  24. Some people prefer the simplicity of gaming like playing on an older console or even those that enjoy the classic games. But technology is going to keep moving forward and expenses will keep rising to keep up with it. I'm usually not a fan of getting the latest tech that comes out. I don't even game on a 4K TV. The only thing I can suggest, is to wait a couple years to get whatever latest tech is out today so you can save money. It must be more difficult for PC users because on consoles, game are released for that console. For PC, you have to keep up with your computer. So in that case, you have a good point how things should plateau a bit. But no way it will unless there is a world war or economic collapse.
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