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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. They need to innovate. Every new game should be better than the last. Keep what is good and make it better. What's so hard about that? One of the best examples of innovation I can think of is the jump from Assassin's Creed Syndicate to Origins. That is the definition of great innovation; the fighting style, graphics, gear, eagle, gameplay, and a ton of other things. When they try too hard to innovate just to innovate, then things get messy because there is less direction and purpose as they have lost perspective. But when there is purpose, that is when innovation is the best.
  2. Pickles! I eat it by the jar. Due to sodium, I can't as much anymore, but I do grow cucumbers and make my own with little salt! Ginger snap cookies-I'm the cookie monster with those. I can eat the hell out of chips and salsa, chips and ranch, or chips and bean dip. I don't play. I will stab your hand if you dip when I do. And you better not leave a broken chip in there.
  3. The way I see it, humans have a responsibility to protect the environment they live in or do what they can to protect Earth and all life in it. Think about your house, or living area; You keep it clean right? You have sanitation to get rid of waste; you protect it; you want it to be comfortable; you have food to eat and clean water. You wouldn't just stand by and let some vandals spray paint it, break down the walls, and leave toxic sludge where you sleep; right? Now go outside, and look around you. That is also your home. Protect it.
  4. I hate them sword sponges too. How much blood can they hold I wonder? 100 hacks and slashes? Their meat made of rubber?
  5. It is a good game, but I have an issue with the game because my character always runs into weight issues since I collect everything because there is settlement building and all in Fallout 4, so you need resources. So in an hour of play, I have to spend 30 min. deciding what to keep or throw away so I can move on. Maybe it's just me. But the graphics looks good and lots to explore.
  6. I'd probably be in the business of making a new console and steal all the customers with my all in one product. With a zillion gigabytes, lifetime warranty, and 1,000 new features, I would own it all. Sony and Microsoft will bow on their knees.
  7. I would think something like Tropico or Civilization. Fallout 4 has tons of weapon and gear crafting. It's the most I've ever seen in a game, but I wouldn't say it has the most freedom because you still need to reach certain levels to be able to craft. And to level that up takes away from other abilities.
  8. How is it even legal? People paid for it right? Are they just leftover accounts not in use they are trying to resell? Makes you wonder all the things people throw away or recycle that industry banks off of. Tires, computers, consoles, phones, batteries, tv, etc. Where’s my cut?
  9. This game definitely has my curiosity. Is it a flunk or an Ace?
  10. That actually is interesting to me. It's like a new era of graphic novels; I can imagine how GI Joe or Zenescope's Grimm Fairy Tales would be like as I love those graphic novels. Without going full blown animated, they could add some cool effects to it. I'd definitely buy if they had something like that available.
  11. I think it depends on the crime. First, I think all non violent offenses should be separated from violent offenders. I know that doesn't mean a fight won't happen, but it's a start. Those nonviolent inmates should be allowed to have access to games. The other ones need more rehabilitation. It makes no sense that a person goes to prison for a little weed in their pocket, and get thrown into the same crowd as others who stabbed someone or worse. So I say for games-yes and no.
  12. What's visual novel? Like bubble messages? Or like a fairy tale story such as Wolf Among Us?
  13. I don't care enough to recall what I care least about. lol
  14. The best part of human nature is that we are innovative. It's impressing all the feats we have done all throughout ancient history as well as today. From the architecture, sciences, and everything in between. Just an example is the Romans found a ship that was shipwrecked during the Punic Wars and used it as a blueprint to build a whole fleet in little time. That was in 260 BC. I really believe we can accomplish anything if we work together. The worst part of human nature is that we can't work together. We are destructive and parasitic and we have proven it throughout our existence.
  15. Thanks for the list and songs! Where have I been all these years? I really like this music. Looks like I have a lot to discover. Please keep posting your favorites!
  16. I don't think UFO's are advanced technology from another country at all; if not aliens, then it's the USA. Any advanced militarized country wouldn't be targeting American satellites and hacking as their strategy to takes us down if they had any other means to appear right around military bases or nuclear test sites. They also would have hell of a lot more space technology. And China is just getting started with nuclear aircraft carriers while we have had them for decades. There is a lot that just doesn't make sense. And UFO sightings has been going on way before the Cold War with Russia, so if it were the Russians with that technology, they would have used it. It looks like sightings of UFO's started happening in the 1940's, but I could be wrong, but if that's the case then that is the time the nuclear age began. So I think that is an indicator that the USA is probably the culprit with that kind of technology. That is around the same time they learned how to split the atom in the 30's, so by the time the 40's came around and the UFO sightings started, that could be more than a coincidence.
  17. What is worse is when the government censors big tech or bans them from what they are allowed to censor such as the republican Florida governor who made it illegal for social media to ban any politician from censorship, even if what they say can incite violence. I don’t think that can hold up in court. But to be banned for a craft, it must have been offensive somehow, or maybe plagiarized or something. I have to be a skeptic when someone attacks Facebook now, because of the campaign republicans are having to try and discredit them, break them down, and try to change the demographic in their favor after their failed attempt to create their own hate filled platforms. A few years ago I would have said the hell with social media. And I don’t even use it, but we need it and we need it to have freedom to rightfully censor people who spread conspiracies or violence including any politician and a sitting president or ex-president. So if it was just a plain old craft, sorry to hear that. I'm sure they can file a repeal or something. But I get the feeling just like your 'fake news' post, that you are campaigning to discredit the news as well as social media.
  18. And to add to the topic of systemic racism for those who don't believe in it, here is another example of it. Florida passed an Anti Riot bill in the wake of BLM protests. The bill has harsh punishments for blocking roads and it is legal to murder protestors using vehicles. But now, the Florida governor and the police have 'selective enforcement' of the new law because of Cuban Americans, who tend to be republicans, are on the streets now protesting and blocking roads due to the situation in Cuba. The governor is trying to get the police to not arrest any of them. So this new bill is only to arrest black people. This really is sick and right in our faces.
  19. Things have gotten worse about what they want to teach in schools. The Texas senate has passed a bill, Senate Bill No. 3, which takes away teaching in Social Studies from K-12 of civil rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr., women suffrage, history of Native Americans, and just about everything race related. What are they supposed to say at Black History Month, or the new Juneteenth holiday? They have also eliminated the teachings of how the KKK and white supremacy is morally wrong. This bill is the definition of indoctrination. It is happening before our eyes. Democrats in the Texas House has left the state to protest and stall the Texas voting suppression bill, and so they are also stalling this bill from being passed. But at the end of the day, it's going to get passed. The democrats that left the state in protest, the Texas governor has called for their arrest. He already has stopped any payment to state legislatures so that democrat politicians can't get their salary in the state. I'm not sure if any of this is legal such as stopping their pay and/or arresting them for leaving the state. But this is the ugliness republicans are willing to do for straight up authoritarianism and white supremacy. Here are things crossed out of the Texas education curriculum under this bill *writings of George Washington; Ona Judge; Thomas Jefferson; Sally Hemings; any other founding persons of the U.S.; Frederick Douglas's Newspaper; Northstar; Book of Negroes; Fugitive Slave Acts of 1793 and 1850; Indian Removal Act; Jefferson's Letter to Danbury Baptists; William Still's Underground Railroad Records; *Historical documents related to the civic accomplishments of marginalized populations; Chicano movement; women's suffrage and equal rights; civil rights movement; Syner Act of 1924; American Labor Movement; *History of white supremacy, including but not limited to the institution of slavery, eugenics movement, Ku Klux Klan, and the ways in which it is morally wrong *History and the importance of the civil rights movement; MLK Jr Letter from Birmingham Jail; I Have a Dream Speech; federal Civil Rights Act of 1964; *Brown vs Board of Education; Emancipation Proclamation; Universal Declaration of Human Rights; 13th 14th and 15th amendments of the constitution; Frederick Douglas Narrative of the Life; An American Slave; Life and Work of Cesar Chavez; Life and Work of Dolores Huerta; *History and Importance of the Women's Suffrage Movement; Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965; 15th 19th and 26th amendments of the constitution; Abigail Adam's Letter Remember the Ladies; Works of Susan B Anthony; Declaration of Sentiments; Life and Works of Dr. Hector Garcia; League of United Latin American Citizens; Hernandez vs Texas; https://www.texastribune.org/2021/07/09/texas-critical-race-theory-schools-legislation/ Here is the SB NO.3 bill. Read what is now crossed out in pg 5-7 https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/871/billtext/pdf/SB00003I.pdf#navpanes=0
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