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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Speaking of oxygen, the reason we had dinosaurs is because the environment at the time had a lot more oxygen and life was much bigger. So imagine when humans go extinct and new life forms emerge. They will all be small like the Smurfs.
  2. I wouldn't call scary relaxing, unless it soothes you to watch dangling body parts hooked on chains, creating music and harmony. With the drips of blood, swaying on the chains; mild echoes of screaming; bugs skittering. Or watching a monster butcher bodies and all that pretty sounding meat slapping around. I do like the parts in a scary game where you get to explore rooms or areas with little interference. I guess Bioshock does have that insane tranquility factor which is scary, yet relaxing. So I guess insane tranquility is the scary/relaxing you mean? I'd go with Layers of Fear being very low pressure, and Evil Within 2 at times. I did have some devilish meditative moments in Outlast. The shocking horror stills the time and lets you contemplate about life while dismembered bodies lie around. And you can find all sorts of answers as the body parts speak to you. Too much? Nah. There is a thin line between outright shocking horror and blissful relaxation. That is the moment your heart and breathing stops. Time stops. Your whole life flashes before you. Silence. Stillness. Shhhh, breathe again. Welcome back to life. How did you like the meditation? Relaxing horror. Listen to the voices. They will calm you. Guide you. Shhh. Walk into the quite dark. Touch the darkness. Feel its power. Now you are prepared for the journey into hell. Serenity if you embrace it.
  3. Oh, Alabama- you have come a long way. Councilman stands up and asked "do we have a house nigger in here?"
  4. If you don’t solve global warming, then you won’t solve world hunger either because global warming can cause floods, fires, and other disasters wiping out crops and livestock. And not being careful about destroying natural habitats threatens the ecosystem we rely on for food and genetic diversity. All the corn and soy used for the meat industry could instead be used to feed people. As we speak, China is dumping their human feces in public oceans by the boat load and depleting oxygen in the ocean destroying reefs and fish habitat.
  5. I have to admit that with my experience with RDR2, I had to cut back on the foul play because of bounty hunters always after me, but at one point I said screw it. I put it in first person and just charged at every civilian I saw and just grabbed them, beat em, and capped em point blank to the head. Then run like a maniac at others while they tried to run off and I'd knock em down and hold the gun to their head BLAM!!! I would run after the next, and cap em in the leg to watch em tumble to the ground. Beat em and BLAM!!! It was a freakin amazing adrenaline rush and just plain looney and fun; then I get into a gun fight and eventually keep going crazy till I die, then do it several more times. Then I go back to an old save where none of that ever happened. Now that I got that off my chest...
  6. It started off with a lie about the crowd at his inauguration, and ended in the big election lie. Sprinkle in his paid attendees at rallies, and making a point of putting black people right behind him as he talks so cameras can see the 'bLackground.' He's as fake as they come, with his orange spray on. Impeached twice-check Lost majority vote twice- check Failed coup- check And now he claims he would get more votes than George Washington. I do admit, 70 million people that voted for him is a lot of evil. They may not care enough to show up for a rally, but they care enough to vote for and support the overthrow of democracy.
  7. The Last of Us 2-you've haven't heard about the series? It's a post apocalyptic world/survival. For me it's hard to explain without spoilers, but both 1 & 2 were GOTY. So that says a lot.
  8. Delta is something serious, so it's time to protect yourselves again. Even if vaccinated, you can still be a carrier to make someone else sick. Don't play around with this one.
  9. Good point. The developers did work hard at making that immersive environment. But sometimes...some things all come together that just takes you away. Being in the right place, the right weather, the right lighting, the right music. Yes they created it, but they made it real. And by being real, everything in the game and real world is random. So those moments really are special. Maybe not everything in the game world is random, because the creators made the flock of birds fly away when you get close to it right? To imitate the real world, we have to assume there are random coincidental moments where everything comes together perfectly. We are given free will in an open world game. So to find yourself wearing that perfect armor, in that perfect place, and that perfect time, is amazing. And you made me want to get Watch Dogs Legion even more.
  10. I didn't know Texas has such a huge influence on what is written in textbooks for the whole country and that the wording they use when teaching about slavery refers to slaves as 'workers' and the slave trade 'immigration.' So this new bill from Texas is extremely disturbing. We are seriously facing fascist governments embracing white supremacy and indoctrinating our schools. Republicans are neo nazis. In 2020 the New York Times published an analysis of history taught in 2 opposite states-California and Texas. You need to register for NYT to read it, but here is another link about Texas and textbooks. https://www.today.com/tmrw/who-chooses-history-textbooks-t190833 But this new bill is an abomination and no republican I bet will ever be able to justify it without sounding like a straight up nazi. I dare you to try you nazis. This bill you can no longer discuss women suffrage, kkk and how it's morally wrong; MLK JR; voting rights acts; 13th 14th 15th 19th and 26th amendments to the constitution. You can't talk about amendments to the U.S. constitution? Hmmm. Also can't discuss Native American history; chicano history; emancipation proclamation; civil rights; labor movement.
  11. They need to innovate. Every new game should be better than the last. Keep what is good and make it better. What's so hard about that? One of the best examples of innovation I can think of is the jump from Assassin's Creed Syndicate to Origins. That is the definition of great innovation; the fighting style, graphics, gear, eagle, gameplay, and a ton of other things. When they try too hard to innovate just to innovate, then things get messy because there is less direction and purpose as they have lost perspective. But when there is purpose, that is when innovation is the best.
  12. Pickles! I eat it by the jar. Due to sodium, I can't as much anymore, but I do grow cucumbers and make my own with little salt! Ginger snap cookies-I'm the cookie monster with those. I can eat the hell out of chips and salsa, chips and ranch, or chips and bean dip. I don't play. I will stab your hand if you dip when I do. And you better not leave a broken chip in there.
  13. The way I see it, humans have a responsibility to protect the environment they live in or do what they can to protect Earth and all life in it. Think about your house, or living area; You keep it clean right? You have sanitation to get rid of waste; you protect it; you want it to be comfortable; you have food to eat and clean water. You wouldn't just stand by and let some vandals spray paint it, break down the walls, and leave toxic sludge where you sleep; right? Now go outside, and look around you. That is also your home. Protect it.
  14. I hate them sword sponges too. How much blood can they hold I wonder? 100 hacks and slashes? Their meat made of rubber?
  15. It is a good game, but I have an issue with the game because my character always runs into weight issues since I collect everything because there is settlement building and all in Fallout 4, so you need resources. So in an hour of play, I have to spend 30 min. deciding what to keep or throw away so I can move on. Maybe it's just me. But the graphics looks good and lots to explore.
  16. I'd probably be in the business of making a new console and steal all the customers with my all in one product. With a zillion gigabytes, lifetime warranty, and 1,000 new features, I would own it all. Sony and Microsoft will bow on their knees.
  17. I would think something like Tropico or Civilization. Fallout 4 has tons of weapon and gear crafting. It's the most I've ever seen in a game, but I wouldn't say it has the most freedom because you still need to reach certain levels to be able to craft. And to level that up takes away from other abilities.
  18. How is it even legal? People paid for it right? Are they just leftover accounts not in use they are trying to resell? Makes you wonder all the things people throw away or recycle that industry banks off of. Tires, computers, consoles, phones, batteries, tv, etc. Where’s my cut?
  19. This game definitely has my curiosity. Is it a flunk or an Ace?
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