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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. My backyard is the woods. It's a bunch of pine trees and really tall so they sway in the breeze and make creaking sounds. I like the sound. The entire wooded floor is covered in dead pine needles so it's really soft and you can just lay there in peace. And then the damn mosquitoes get me and ruins the whole thing. But after their sinful decent into Earth and feeding off of flesh, then their return to Mars, it becomes real nice when them skeeters depart.
  2. Was your friend the one who bought it for cheap on eBay? I forgot about the bid and some lucky person got it cheap. 😂
  3. This July we celebrated 245 years of independence. I wonder if the USA will make it to 250 years in 2026.
  4. Sure it wasn't some dude like you in a supposedly liberal community hating on others in guise of a liberal?
  5. Remember, zombies could have different stages of infection. One stage could be runners. I remember a book I read where one type of zombie was extremely fast and would attack you only to infect you with a scratch or bite, then run off to try and get another. If you think about it, that is the virus in the highly infection stage, taking over the mind as its only purpose is to infect instead of feeding. So zombies as we know, are unpredictable.
  6. I don't think I have the concentration for drawing anymore, but I remember how much I loved it. Forget about trying to draw from your head. Look at an object and just take your time drawing what it looks like. An egg is always a good place to start because of its shape and lack of any detail. Practice the shapes first. Then work on line quality; that means look at the light source and just make the line darker where there is less light and without taking the pencil off the paper, make your line get lighter and thinner and barely visible as you curve it around the part of egg where the light hits. Once you get line quality down, then practice shading. Eventually you can draw the egg just using the shading technique. I used to always draw outdoor scenes in charcoal. The whole dark and light affect really makes things stand out. But to get the shapes right I would just softly sketch an outline first to get proportions correct. DO NOT try to start drawing people or faces first.
  7. If we had EMP's, we could decimate every robot in a large radius. Zombies, you have to destroy a lot to destroy them. Then it's one by one. Without EMP's, you will run out of ammo real fast and you would be damned if the robots were able to build new robots. If there was a power source and a water source, you can set traps and short circuit them. But at least robots don't spread a virus to infect all; or does it? So if I had an EMP arsenal, then robot apocalypse. If not, then zombie.
  8. Actually, I have bathed with charcoal soap, and I have charcoal powder for toothpaste. So I guess I can brush my teeth with natural charcoal soap that has a natural base. Ugghhh, sour milk? Maybe add droplets of blood and snake oil to it to get the chin hairs growing.
  9. That's insane! It is disheartening to think about who the actual people that died may be. The show kind of reminds me of Final Destination where you just can't escape the inevitable. But, some of those deaths could have been avoided, at least, for the day.
  10. You kidding me? The whole republican party is based on lies and conspiracies. Why don't you start asking yourself, where is all the god damn proof of the hogwash that spills from their tongues??? Where is all the god damn proof of their election lies and wanting to overthrow democracy? You defend them with all their conspiracies? We got the right to vent. Americans have gone through hell with your kind of people defending and supporting a news network and a political party that is borderline terrorists. If ISIS had rights and a political party, and a news network, it would look like republicans in America. So if you are gonna sit there and defend everything that party represents, then we will have a long, rude debate.
  11. If I was 60 maybe. That way I would know whether to eat what I want and drink what I want. Or to spend all my savings so the government won't steal it all. Or know whether or not to spend a fortune on healthcare or treatment. And I would know if I had enough time for one more pet. 😢
  12. Nothing like using nukes to horde all the potion to save lives. That's humanity.
  13. That series was out about 10 years ago. I never knew if it was real or not, but people died by things you wouldn't believe. Bunch of freak accidents. If it was fake, they did a good job anyways. I don't ever see it on tv anymore.
  14. I don't think war will bring about extinction. A really aggressive microorganism can come close, but people live in such remote places that they will survive such things. I think it will be a natural disaster. All it takes is a dormant volcano or something to melt all the glaciers and under water we all go. Even those remote places will have an impact on their food supply. Or a meteor. Those are sudden extinctions. But we are on track in a slow process to drive ourselves into extinction by contributing to climate change and messing with food crops, and aiding superbugs. If left alone to humans, it will be multiple factors we do that will lead us to a slow annihilation. Unless of course we really do create our own zombie virus.
  15. Health potions would make us careless. There would be less scientific thought or research. Potions would become only available for the wealthy; maybe short supply. It would be monopolized. There would be fake copycat sellers. It would get militarized. Factions would form that would try to destroy it as it is claimed to be the most evil thing in the world. Regulations would go unchecked. It would become prescription and overused just as antibiotics are. Our natural immune systems will weaken the more we use it. Nature can no longer weed out sick DNA. Human civilization genetic variation is no longer viable and sustainable. Dependence. Evil entities add nanotechnology to it doing who knows what. More street violence as everyone has a can of health. Complete obesity dominance. Population spike as better health and no std scare. Our bodies become more and more resilient to the potion requiring more and more, more potent form. Less supply. Genetically modify or evil experimentation to produce mass quantity. Something will go extinct supplying it. Becomes politicized. It still will only help 1st world countries and not available for the rest of the world. Mafia forms again to try and control it in some way. Plus side is less antibiotic resistance as we decrease its use. Or, parasites evolve and get highly aggressive so you have to tweak the potion every month. Disease or something wipes out supply resources so the world's dependence collapses and mass disease sets in and annihilates all 1st world countries. 3rd worlds become first worlds and end up owning it all. Then one day, they discover a health potion.
  16. I've only seen them fly a few feet in the air for a short distance. Either way, they still won't fly worth a damn even if their lives depended on it.
  17. Clearly put and I agree with you. Just watching the normalization of it unfold leaves me shocked. Many things at play here and everything should be a case study in the psychological field. Those things at play from the one recording, to the Karen, to bystanders, security, police, police report (in another video part 5 I think). I think what the mental health problem is, it's the normalization/entitlement/victimization/racism all at play.
  18. The one recording, they actually did ask her to leave. This whole scenario smells of racism, but it goes deeper than that. We have lost sense of right and wrong, childish adults not getting punished, privilege, acceptance, normalization, too much tolerance, not enough tolerance, you name it.
  19. Did you watch both videos? I'm not gonna have pity on her when in the second video she started lying and called the cops saying the other lady is threatening her when in fact she rushed the lady recording her twice. And everyone else just stood around and she just laid on the ground. Later on in the police report, the Karen stated that she was wrong and didn't want the video to cause her to lose her job and apartment as the reason why she broke down.
  20. These videos pretty much says it all. If you watch the whole thing and break it down, you can really see exactly what is wrong with America. I do believe we have a serious mental health epidemic in this country. Why could be some reasonings behind it? What can we do about it? Any real solutions? The reason this video sparked me to post this as a debate is not because she is another Karen, but because of how everyone reacted, as if it was a normal day.
  21. I know how to gleek. It is spitting without any noise and barely any mouth movement. I used to do it to people all the time as a kid. And they never know what the hell it is and look up at the ceiling. It can reach pretty far too.
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