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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. How's it going? I'm a big fan of Assassin's Creed games. I've got 6 of their games on my console. They changed the save feature where you can manually save it at any time in Odyssey and Valhalla. A game needs to be user friendly up front. There are great games out there that I don't really enjoy as much because I don't feel I can jump right in and just play. Exploration and scenery is very important to catch my interest. Next for me is story. But the scenery and story kind of go hand in hand. Imagine a comic book with little lousy pictures.
  2. It's a painful world and the little creatures have taken enough suffering because of humans. But it won't end. It even teaches in the bible that man has dominion over animals. The way I see it, we have a responsibility to treat them fair. We don't have dominion over anything but ourselves, and sometimes not even then. Dominion doesn't equal abuse. Dominion equals responsibility.
  3. When Harvey hit Texas, a lot of livestock didn't make it. There were a lot of wild pigs laying about. Farmers lost entire livestock. And the thing that hurts me the most is that animal shelters and clinics abandoned the animals there when it flooded. It was their duty to protect them and they had warning time. I hope it eats their conscious.
  4. Damn, I hope it's just a summer bug. Meantime, isolate yourself from family.
  5. Just look at consoles from 20 years ago in the early 2000's and see how much has changed since. How far can graphics go? Imagine real life looking characters or maybe even have a character that looks like yourself. Frame speeds will be super high so I can expect high action packed games. I don't know what I would want because I'm pretty happy with current games I have. All games should have what Assassin's Creed games have such as having a bird fly over the entire map area and see everything. And make it even better so as to get real close to things, control speed, or zoom through valleys and have lots of great AI wildlife as if you were an actual bird. Or fly a dragon or something. Every game needs it. Blood and guts should look real as if videos were taken from an actual war scene or morgue. I hope open world games get more dialog time and cut scenes in main stories. It's sorely lacking. Witcher 3 had some really great scenes in its story for an open world. But I'm talking long 5 min scenes, then gameplay, then another good scene. That is immersive as hell. And then interact in the scenes so you won't get bored. Game systems need included major gb upgrades since I imagine these games will get big.
  6. If I was an invader to another country, I would step in to save an enemy from torture or execution. If a foreign invader was on my soil, I would allow their execution but not torture. If my own countrymen brought civil war and wanted to overthrow elected government, genocide people of color, and complete tyranny, I would torture the fuck out of an enemy. Someone else would have to save them from me. I won't hold back one bit and I expect they won't either.
  7. I would risk my life to save a pet, but I know if I die then the pet is as good as dead too. And if I had other pets to care for, I wouldn't die for just one. If I was in Africa and saw a poacher, I'd accidentally shoot him and hurry and fly back. Maybe it's legal to kill poachers, I don't know. If I were elected I would make it legal.
  8. Those social and economic realities are a part of systemic racism. Gerrymandering is a big one and while both parties do it, republicans draw out county lines to deliberately leave out communities of color so that their votes are not represented by as many electoral college members, making their vote weaker. Their gerrymandering lines are literally zigzagging in some places to leave them out. Since democrats are more diverse and also have white voters, their gerrymandering lines are not as dramatic. Laws have been passed in some states to stop anyone who looks suspicious and check for their citizenship status or papers. That is blatant discrimination. Even some police departments meet a quota to single out and arrest blacks and Hispanics. More minorities go to jail and get longer prison sentences instead of a warning. The Jan 6 attack had it's first conviction and the person gets probation and no jail time. If they were black...you can imagine. They probably won't be alive. Protestors are treated very differently if they are black. A black undercover agent at a BLM protest was beat by cops and one cop was sentenced to jail and also tampered with evidence. Minorities are less likely to get loans for a house. Obama passed a nondiscriminatory law to help them get loans for homes and trump ended it. Black farmers barely got any government assistance during the pandemic and the failed China trade war. Biden has passed a bill to help the black farmers and even now the white farmers are suing and saying it is a racist bill. There have been at least 3 bailouts farmers have gotten now and black farmers barely got any help. I guess they should have sued trump for his racist policy. Education and healthcare also have systemic racism. Black schools are way underfunded and healthcare insurance goes up with minorities and treated differently. That whole system is pretty bad. Black communities even had to deal with toxic lead in their water while a white republican governor tried to cover it up. And don't tell me the same thing would happen if it was a white community. There is very little black or Hispanic representation in corporate boards. And since corporations lobby, then they are a political entity. Systemic racism is seen through so many areas of life. I grew up most of my life in white dominant areas and white schools. Even though I have some understanding now, I'm still ignorant to other aspects how systemic racism affects people of color. But this is something this country has to fight and I don't expect you to see it or care just like many people in this country. Information is there on the web if you want to do a bit of research and learn about these things. And at the hands of republicans things are getting worse. How bad do things have to get before everyone acknowledges the serious racist threat to democracy? Systemic racism has been bad before, but it's going to get worse. I wonder at what point you and others stop and realize your talking points are dangerous. Or maybe you already know.
  9. It's ok if they are funny. Not so much as if you were two bored people on the phone and the voice becomes bathroom mumbling
  10. The best damn DLC out there is Ghost of Tsushima Legends and it is free.
  11. I think five years ago. There is a big one an hour drive from me. They even have standard size pool tables/billiards room. It's real fun there and time to go again.
  12. History obviously can’t be changed, but textbooks can. So if history teachers are teaching something race related like the civil war, holocaust, civil rights era, just to name a few, and if they say something outside of text, they can lose their job. You tell me that isn’t indoctrination. The Texas revolution is a very good example how history is completely whitewashed. I had to learn about it when I moved to Texas. And books are very different to what actually happened. Texans completely demean Mexicans and paint them as savages and that Texans had to fight for independence as if they were subjugated in some way. But the reality is that before Texas became a state, it belonged to Mexico and more and more whites moved to Texas populating the territory and brought their slaves with them. Mexico didn’t allow slavery and had the right to defend their territory, long story short. So now, if a teacher said anything other than the false or biased claims in texts, they can be fired or fined. Along with the new bills, they are changing the curriculum to teach communism and totalitarian governments are evil. But the way I see it, if they call out one political belief, they need to mention all of them including fascism. Because from what we all remember is that it was under the fascists that committed the greatest evil. So why not directly call out fascism as evil? But focus instead on communism and socialism. And what does totalitarian governments entail? That’s what fascism is so call it out directly as they do communism. So you can see, probably not, that things like this gets ugly and our teachers shouldn’t have to be afraid of what to say because of republican indoctrination. I mean, why even have a teacher if you can’t say anything outside of text. Just give them a book to read. Teaching becomes redundant.
  13. Open world adventure where I can search for treasures or mysteries and actually find stuff. Then build my home and land and eventually own an island and start my own civilization. Then be able to space travel and find a new planet to live on that is paradise and we start anew. We would build the perfect world with peace and harmony. Then Gods come to ally with us and show us how to make our world heavenly. And our life expectancy becomes thousands of years in blissful happiness disease free. We watch Earth destroy itself from a distance, and we save all animals except for humans there. We then fix the planet and it becomes a second paradise. We live in absolute joy and abundance with no longer a purpose except to have fun and be happy. The pursuit of wealth is no longer needed. And then we develop time travel and can see exactly everything that happened in human, alien, god, and universe history. The end. The sequel is even better.
  14. This is an interesting read about Florida's new law and 'red scare' tactic. https://www.yahoo.com/news/florida-guv-school-crackdown-red-221101542.html
  15. INDOCTRINATION is here from the republican party. Florida governor has now signed into law that colleges and universities have to survey students and faculty about beliefs. And depending on the results, the schools can be penalized and not receive funds. The surveys haven't been made yet, but I wonder what kind of questions will be asked, and if there will be a bias. This sort of thing is scary if you think about it. I believe surveys should be used to help what teachers can do better because in college we were able to survey our teachers at the end of the semester. But to survey our beliefs and the faculty beliefs by law is stepping on our rights. And to think your school can lose funding if whomever doesn't agree with the beliefs. Nazis
  16. They are highly skilled in stopping bullets with teeth. They even manipulate their bodies so as to fit through any window or crevice. They have delusional capabilities to make them as thin as paper so as to hide behind anything. They can disappear anytime and appear right behind you for a quick assassination. I would like to see a pirate try that!
  17. Laura Ingraham on fox news attacks the the U.S. military and a general for taking a stance on weeding out extremism. Congress has passed funding to help the military get rid of extremism and after bills have been passed by republicans to ban any teaching of racism in schools or the 'critical race theory', republicans are now attacking the military and calling our military 'woke.' A top general Mark Milley has defended that the military should recognize and learn about racism in the military "So what is wrong with understanding — having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?" The hypocrisy is pretty clear cut, as Ingraham and others have criticized defunding the police (which even I believe it was wrong, but should have reform and better management of their funding), but now they suggest that congress 'defund the military' by not allocating them funds if they allow teaching of racism or critical race theory. What will be left that republicans won't attack when they claim everything is 'cancel culture.' Systemic racism exists. Extremism in the police and military exists. And white supremacy is the biggest terrorism threat now. To call everything cancel culture is complete denial and/or actively support extremism and white supremacy. Ingraham claims the military is going after white evangelicals. If they are extremists or white supremacists, then they should get the boot out of the military regardless of whatever the hell religion they are. The republicans have attacked voting and elections, schools, corporations and sports, military, FBI, and just every walk of life that aren't involved in their extremist views. They even eat their own and oust any republican politician that speaks out in disagreement.
  18. So those same tactics will be used to defeat a pirate because if the pirate can use their arsenal, is that a fair fight? A ninja won't get caught up in a pointless duel especially if the opponent has a gun. And if needed to strike from a distance, ninjas have poison darts for a blowgun and they also have crossbows. But with all that aside, a fight with swords only will still be the ninja that will win once again. Every ninja is trained, but a 'pirate' comes down to personal training or skill because not all are on equal footing. But if the ninja was caught and had their back against the wall against an armed pirate, then the ninja will rely on catching the bullet with their teeth technique.
  19. Trump told his people to vote twice. That is the face of hate and idiocy. That face represents the overthrow of democracy and racism. Straight up.
  20. This music genre encompasses multi cultural folk music.
  21. Ever done concrete drilling? My balls are still shaking
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