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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Is Spec Ops The Line really that good? I've been looking for games with really good stories.
  2. I don’t know any but it’s scary to think there may be ghosts around. If someone believes in religion, doesn’t that automatically make them obligated to believe in ghosts? So half the world should believe it’s real and should pursue ghost hunting instead of searching for Noah’s Ark which is made of wood and decayed by now.
  3. Obscure was really good. I played Aftermath, so I don't know how the first one was. But games like that need some kind of remake. Obscure and The Suffering need a ps5 version.
  4. And republicans are already trying to whitewash the holiday saying trump should get the credit for it. And he does get credit, but not for any good reason. His administration had known white nationalists in it and this is a psychological tactic what they did. They wanted to hold a rally on June 19th in Tulsa Oklahoma where blacks were massacred in 1921. And we all know their rallies are racist bigotry. And that's why there was backlash against trump for trying that, which he cancelled. Set this straight and clear-the republicans had only one intention to hold a rally on that day at that place; to please their racist base and intimidate blacks. And besides, it was Biden who made it a holiday, not trump.
  5. June 19th is officially recognized nationally and signed into affect by Biden as the day of independence for black Americans when in June 19, 1865 after the civil war, the Union soldiers declared the independence of blacks from slavery in Galveston Texas. Why Galveston? Because it is the farthest south the soldiers had to go and carve a path of independence for blacks as the southern strongholds still refused to give them freedom even when the war ended. All this time blacks have been celebrating the 4th of July as an independence that their ancestors didn't even have till more than a century after the country's independence from England. USA independence was in 1776 and black independence from slavery was 1865. And even after that blacks endured oppression and segregation and didn't get full rights till the 1960's civil rights era. And today we are seeing that same oppressive pattern that has inflicted them and their ancestors their entire existence in America. So today, blacks can celebrate their independence in a new light and I hope all of us celebrate with them as they have always celebrated the independence from England. And this is a holiday where everyone gets the day off work and some even the Friday before it. I'm very happy to share this holiday with them.
  6. Mike owed John his life. So it seems John made a blood oath with Mike to make sure he would be there whenever he needs to call on him to repay the favor. Even though the oath goes both ways, would John have done the same if he didn't feel his life was owed?
  7. Homo sapiens=parasites The human motivation is inventive. The human mind is destructive. The two together=create to destroy
  8. Give them rights and education to be prosperous in all walks of life. Success and prosperity brings about the greatest peace. Less chance of revolt, less stealing, better mental health, pride in responsibilities, love, friends, family, pursuit of skills and talents, affordability, comfort. 'Let the Good Times Roll'. Control fails every time. It works real good temporarily.
  9. Oh yeah, I do remember hearing something about them controlling haircuts!
  10. I can see where you are coming from because financially supporting a cause that is a threat to another's livelihood in any way should receive some kind of backlash, but not threats or violence. The strongest thing is consumer awareness. As soon as a company or head of a company donates to politicians, then it should be made public immediately for consumer awareness. There should be a real program for this. And that is not cancel culture because people have been boycotting forever now. It's a right to know and make decisions what product you spend your money on. And that freedom to spend money how you want is not the same as spending political money where you support things that can affect other people's lives. So if you are brazen enough to donate to politicians, it should immediately be made public. If their political stance is more important than their business, then face the backlash. It goes both ways, not just for one side. I don't think conservatives should buy only conservative products or liberals buy only liberal products. But to prevent us from going down that road, we need to get money out of politics. If they want to give money to a politician, let us know so we can have consumer awareness. Consumers have rights. We have the right to know what is in our food, how it is grown, where your money goes if you buy something, know if animals are abused in making products, labor abuse, etc. Those are our rights as consumers and to make buying decisions based on that. And fuck anyone who thinks we have the right to know if animals were tortured in making a product, and not have the right to know about donations going to a cause like supporting election lies and voting suppression. We have to make companies fear the consequences of where they donate money. That is the beginning stage that consumers can do to get money out of politics. Because nobody is going to pass a law to ban it. The teet yankers want every drop of milk. And this is what Scott Cawthon said "If people think I'm doing more harm than good now, then maybe it's better that I get cancelled and retire. I would accept that." Even he agrees. But we need a clear distinction between republican propaganda of cancel culture and consumer rights of boycotting. If a person feels threatened or feel life or the environment is threatened through the purchase of a product, then that leads to a boycott. Cancel culture is literally voting suppression and systemic racism.
  11. Well, Texas would be putting violence to the test since the state has some very large cities including Houston, Dallas, El Paso, and San Antonio. I can see violence maybe decreasing in the rural areas and suburban areas with lack of diversity especially in dry counties. But the wet counties, the populated counties, the diverse counties where white, black, and brown converge, I see ripened violence ready for the picking. The Texas governor was probably lobbied by the NRA or something. And if cops have a hard time seeing if people actually had a gun in hand or a phone, then you can bet they sure as hell with shoot first more often now.
  12. As consumers, we have the right to know where money goes in things we purchase and that includes the gaming department. Scott Cawthon is now retiring and good for him. He had a good career, and states he doesn't care if he gets 'cancelled'; you know that whole cancel culture talking point thingy. But it has come to light that he has been supporting trump, mcconnell, and others during these anti-democracy times. So I am thankful for the awareness and as mindful consumers we now can make decisions whether or not to support the game in good or guilty conscious. I thought about getting the game at one point and that's why I brought it up. I'm part of the gaming community now, and as a supporter of democracy I feel other like minded people should know.
  13. Wanna hear something funny? I used to live in an apartment and had a neighbor who talked so damn much. I would have to duck under the fence to get home without talking to her. But one day she was blabbering on her porch and me on my porch and blabbering and blabbering, then all of a sudden her false teeth slipped out of her mouth onto the ground in mid speech. It was the funniest damn thing I ever saw. 😆
  14. The days of civil political debate is over. We can be civil here, but in the real world it has gone bye bye. Wake up if you think there is any compromise. It's over.
  15. I think the overuse of antibiotics is a very huge mistake because we are creating super resistant microorganisms that could wipe us out. Not only humans have risk of getting wiped out, but the fungicides on foods used by Monsanto and controlling the seed stock and genetically modifying everything is also a disaster waiting to happen as any disease can wipe out whole entire crops as plants don't develop genetic variation or even produce fertile seeds. You know those seedless fruits? Yep, have fun trying to start the world over with no fertile seeds. Even ones that still produce fertile seeds are still genetically modified and vulnerable to disease and those seeds get carried by the wind and contaminate other organic crops. It's mass starvation waiting to happen or incurable disease from resistant microorganisms.
  16. That is true that there will always be malicious intent. But I think if everyone of all ages spent just an hour playing a game in the evening, I think it would open themselves up to a more playful behavior. That is one hour less of malicious plotting and angry news or social media. Those wondering minds that may be the next mass shooter or hate crime promoter may forget about things in their hour of play. Gaming can take their minds off things. Just that one hour I believe can make a huge difference in people's lives. Even parents and grandparents are grumpy and just mean all the time cause they forgot how to have fun. Go outside and have fun too. Too many people don't even do that. But when you want easy access to fun, then gaming is right there. Co workers can then talk about a cool game, instead of workplace gossip, or how shitty things are at home. I've heard the talk so many times. Just play a game you maggots! lol. It would make the world a happy place to see grandpa beating up grandma in a fighting game. There is a standard to be an adult in society. And that standard is to complain about all the responsibilities and about how much more you gotta do and money you gotta spend than the next person. Shut the fuck up and play...
  17. It looks pretty good. I hope the action sequences last as long as you want to and just let your adrenaline flow and enjoy the mayhem. I don't like it when the battle ends too soon and all I did was look around and shoot at who knows what because I was trying to get battlefield awareness; then a soldier waves you along to a checkpoint and your'e like 'what just happened?'
  18. That's funny cause remember that trump wanted to meet with taliban on the Sept. 11 anniversary in 2019 on U.S. soil but canceled at last minute. And don't get me started with republicans and putin and their rogue partnership in corruption. GOP and putin are allies. And that is no lie or exaggeration. Too many of them have a russian trail and they always defend each other.
  19. If you can get a gun, now you can conceal it or holster it anywhere in Texas without any permit. That's the state where I live and I see no reasoning behind it. Businesses can put signs up to not allow any weapons in their business and I think that is what they should do. Because who wants to go get food and have some pig eye ball you and finger their weapon in intimidation while you go about your business? They aren't cops. How do you think people will react if a black man was walking around with a holstered weapon with a bunch of red necks around with holstered weapons? I easily more police harassment of minorities if they open carry. Is this an intimidation law? Well, I'll exercise my right. I can't help but feel like I can be an asshole now to anybody. It's scary to think about when I drank everyday and any little thing set me off. I can't imagine being able to open carry hand guns at that time in my drunken state. How many are out there with a gun who is intoxicated and emboldened to intimidate??? What do you think about this new law?
  20. 1) I don't think I'd be able to eat cockroaches 2) go against democracy 3) support Monsanto 4) work in slaughterhouse I can list more too and agree with those already mentioned
  21. We don't need to feed their paranoia. They already think vaccines will magnetize them and it's a democratic ploy to to turn them into AI or whatever the hell those quacks think. What we need is a campaign to promote mental health awareness. There are jobs that require mental health evaluation and I think it's time politicians get checked up. Sad thing is, republicans will use that tool and exploit it to pay off or threaten doctors to make every democrat fail it. But in a wholesome world, politicians need psyche evaluations. This nonsense of the wackier you are, run for congress, is the republican motto that needs to be put to an end. Politicians need a requirement to have experience in politics, or maybe even a political degree. Like I said; current republicans just want the wackiest to run for office no matter who. For christ's sake, a capital insurrectionist wants to run for congress now.
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